酒とめし あごすけ

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 酒とめし あごすけ

住所 :

Kida, Joetsu, 〒943-0805 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8877
Webサイト : https://www.facebook.com/pages/%25E9%2585%2592%25E3%2581%25A8%25E3%2582%2581%25E3%2581%2597-%25E3%2581%2582%25E3%2581%2594%25E3%2581%2599%25E3%2581%2591/213896138650855
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2PM
Sunday 11:30AM–2PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 11:30AM–2PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–2PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2PM
Friday 11:30AM–2PM
街 : Niigata

Kida, Joetsu, 〒943-0805 Niigata,Japan
Spiral K on Google

A izakaya from a famous ramen restaurant in Joetsu. But. I can't deny honest "losing a name". It comes out with a beautiful arrangement, but there is no noteworthy deliciousness. The sake lineup is good depending on the season, but only a part is mediocre. If you visit a clerk about whether or not it is Junmai sake, it is often impossible to answer. That's a shame. Also, since it is a basic semi-private room or box seat, it is difficult for one person to use (although I went).
チャンネルピンバタ on Google

変わった料理が多くて、雰囲気も好きです。 宴会鍋コースでは、締めにラーメンが出ます。 これが美味! さすがラーメン屋さんの系列ですね! 価格もリーズナブルで、おすすめです。 ガリガリ君ソーダ、ガリガリ君がそのまま入っていて、映えます(笑)
There are many unusual dishes and I like the atmosphere. Ramen is served at the end of the banquet pot course. This is delicious! As expected, it's a series of ramen shops! The price is reasonable and recommended. Garigari soda and Garigari are in as they are, they look good (laughs)
TY Park on Google

美味しいあごだしラーメンが食べられるお店です。ランチで入りました。メインは夜の居酒屋と言う事で、入口で靴を脱いで靴箱に入れるスタイルで、掘りごたつの個室でディスタンスを取ってラーメン食べれます。あごだしちゃんぽんラーメンという個性的なジャンルのラーメンラインナップでしたが、うま塩鶏ラーメンを注文。 魚介だしのあっさりスープに、炭火で焼いた鶏肉の風味が広がり良い味出てました。プツプツ歯切れのよいそばのような麺もスープに合いますね。炭火焼きの鶏肉はダイナミックな感じですが柔らかく、スパイシーでどこか甘味もあって美味しいです。一緒に入った大きい鶏つくねもスープとマッチしてました。脇役のこんぶとゆずは程よいアクセントになってました。途中柚子胡椒を足すとまた味の雰囲気が変わって面白いです。 薄暗い個室とジャズも良い感じ。丁寧に最後お茶もだして頂き満足の対応でした!
It is a shop where you can eat delicious chin dashi ramen. I entered for lunch. The main restaurant is an izakaya at night, so you can take off your shoes at the entrance and put them in a shoe box. You can take a distance and eat ramen in a private room with a digger. It was a ramen lineup of a unique genre called Agodashi Champon Ramen, but I ordered Uma Shiotori Ramen. The light soup made from seafood spreads the flavor of charcoal-grilled chicken and has a good taste. Crispy soba-like noodles also go well with the soup. Charcoal-grilled chicken has a dynamic feel, but it's tender, spicy, and somehow sweet and delicious. The big chicken meatball that came in with me also matched the soup. The supporting characters, Konbu and Yuzu, were a good accent. If you add yuzu pepper on the way, the atmosphere of the taste will change again and it will be interesting. The dim private room and jazz are also good. It was a satisfying response to the polite serving of the last tea!
雅樹 on Google

Used for lunch as a sister store of the popular ramen shop "Agosuke". I ate champon, but it wasn't as delicious as I expected. I think it's okay because it's immediate when the city hall has a need.
くぼのゆうすけ on Google

ラーメンで有名なあごすけ系列の居酒屋。 あごすけのラーメンの美味しさを知るだけに期待するのは仕方ないですよね。 場所は上越市役所近くにあります。よくよく考えてみると木田のあたりで飲むのはお初かも。 この日は高校メンバーのプチ同窓会で利用しました。18時オープンのようで奥の個室に通されました。 5000円飲み放題(2時間)。 ビール、焼酎、サワーなど様々なドリンクがありました。ただ、忙しかったからか、、ドリンクが出てくるのが遅い!!何回か催促しちゃいました。 料理は7種類。 刺身盛り合わせ サラダ 焼き鳥 ササミ明太 ホタテのバター焼き 鍋 〆のラーメン 鍋は鶏パイタン系のスープ。 これはかなりコクもあるし濃厚でイケてる。美味しかった。 そして〆のラーメンはあっさり塩。 しっかりとした味付け、麺はもっちり。あごすけと同じ麺なんだろうなぁ。 トータルして料理も美味しく良いお店でした。
Agosuke-affiliated izakaya famous for ramen. You can't help but expect just to know the deliciousness of Agoske ramen. The location is near Joetsu City Hall. If you think about it carefully, it may be the first time to drink around Kida. I used it at the Petit Alumni Association of high school members on that day. It seems to be open at 18:00, so I was passed through a private room in the back. All-you-can-drink for 5,000 yen (2 hours). There were various drinks such as beer, shochu and sour. However, maybe because I was busy, the drinks came out late! !! I have urged you several times. There are 7 kinds of dishes. Assorted sashimi salad Yakitori Chicken fillet Grilled scallops with butter pot 〆 Ramen The pot is chicken paitan soup. This is quite rich and rich and cool. was delicious. And the ramen of 〆 is lightly salted. Firmly seasoned, the noodles are chewy. I wonder if it's the same noodles as Agoske. In total, the food was delicious and good.
深酒酔太郎 on Google

上越愛麵会の企画モノゆきむろ酒粕シリーズ くりーみーあごちゃん ウマイウマイ(゚~゚*)モギュモギュ 酒粕入りのスープに生姜の酢漬けトッピング 食べ終わると汗が出るタイプ 野菜たっぷりにイカエビたっぷりでお昼に食べ応え充分。 あごすけさんの居酒屋バージョン お昼もやってるのでラーメン?食べたよ 道の反対側だったか斜向かいだったかに広い駐車場ありで、車利用でもOK(`・ω・´)b 居酒屋?さんだからお通し出るのね。(席代・お通し代は無しね) それと、11:30開店時間直前に行ったら「一組目のお客さんにサービスねー」 ってことで煮卵が付いた。ありがたい。m(._.)m チラッとメニュー見てうろ覚え、 ウイスキーは 角400円、山崎800円、マッカラン12年900円だったかな?
Joetsu Aiankai Planning Mono Yukimuro Sake lees series Creamy chin Umai Umai (゜ ~ ゜ *) Mogumogu Ginger pickled topping in soup with sake lees A type that sweats after eating With plenty of vegetables and plenty of squid shrimp, it's enough to eat at lunch. Agoske's tavern version I also have lunch so I ate ramen ? There is a large parking lot on the other side of the road or diagonally opposite, so you can use a car (`・ ω ・ ´) b Izakaya ?-san, so I'll go through. (There is no seat fee or izakaya fee) Also, when I went just before the opening time at 11:30, "Service to the first group of customers" That's why the boiled egg was attached. Thank you. m (._.) m I glanced at the menu and remembered, Whiskey Kaku 400 yen, Yamazaki 800 yen, Macallan 12 years 900 yen?
貝川雅彦 on Google

昼のちゃんぽんがとても美味しく、成人男性でも十分なボリュームでした。 ほんの少し薬膳の風味がしますがそれもまた身体に良さそうで気に入りました。
The daytime champon was very delicious, and even an adult man had enough volume. It has a slight medicinal flavor, but it also seems to be good for the body and I like it.
Takashi OGAWA on Google

Eating out at night after a long absence. I made a reservation, but I wondered if it was necessary to make a reservation because similar customers were coming to the store one after another. Currently, sashimi seems to require advance reservation. It was a very delicious assortment. The skewers after a long absence were also delicious. I enjoyed it to the extent that I didn't drink too much.

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