杉養蜂園 吉祥寺店

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 杉養蜂園 吉祥寺店

住所 :

Kichijoji Honcho, Musashino, 〒180-0004 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Webサイト : http://www.0038.co.jp/ec/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–7:45PM
Sunday 11AM–7:45PM
Monday 11AM–7:45PM
Tuesday 11AM–7:45PM
Wednesday 11AM–7:45PM
Thursday 11AM–7:45PM
Friday 11AM–7:45PM
街 : Tokyo

Kichijoji Honcho, Musashino, 〒180-0004 Tokyo,Japan
MaxMach555 on Google

中央線沿いでは、ここしか無いので途中下車して買っています。朝のヨーグルトに欠かせなくなってしまいましたが、コレからの寒い季節、お湯割りのホット柚子とか最高です。 (追記)最近、立川駅ビルにも入りましたね。
Along the Chuo Line, there is only one here, so I get off the train and buy it. It has become indispensable for yogurt in the morning, but in the cold season from this, hot yuzu with hot water is the best. (Addition) You recently entered the Tachikawa Station Building.
Koji Yoshida on Google

アイスクリーム、はちみつ入りドリンクをイートインでいただくことができます。 会計は、1階、イートインは、2階になります。 はちみつを味見することもできますし、駅近くで手軽に休憩することができるため、おすすめです。 店内近辺は、商店街の屋根があるため、雨が降っていても濡れることがありません。
You can eat in ice cream and drinks with honey. Accounting is on the 1st floor and eat-in is on the 2nd floor. It is recommended because you can taste honey and you can easily take a break near the station. The area around the store has a roof of the shopping street, so it will not get wet even if it rains.
sprengenすぷ on Google

The store is very stylish and beautiful, and you can eat in. When I entered the store, I was given a drink of honey in a small cup. This is very delicious and you can learn how to make it. Most of the honey is 1000-2000 yen, and it seems to be troublesome to buy, but it is very easy to decide because any of them can be sampled.
1018 Koike on Google

テイクアウトもイートインどちらも可。 かりんはちみつドリンクいただきました。 イートインスペースには養蜂場で使われている道具とか蜂の巣なども飾ってあってフムフム見ちゃいました。お店の方も優しいし、イートインでゆっくりいただけるのでおすすめです。Free wi-fiあり。
Both take-out and eat-in are also possible. I received Karin honey drink. The eat-in space was decorated with tools and beehives used in the apiary to see hummum. It is recommended that the shops are also friendly and you can relax at Eat-in. There is Free wi-fi.
秋月良扇 on Google

I had a soft ice cream with maple syrup. The software itself also had honey and was delicious. There is an eat-in space on the 2nd floor.
呼噜子是酱做哒 on Google

点了蜂巢雪糕 蜂巢加上黑糖饼干,再浇上一层蜂蜜 虽然蜂蜜与雪糕不太相容,但搭配起来很不错。 饼干加上蜂蜜也很好吃。 但是整体特别甜,特别是蜂巢,个人感觉还会粘牙,吃到最后甜到喉咙发腻。 但是蜂蜜本身很好,建议吃普通的浇蜜雪糕或者饮品。
Ordered honeycomb ice cream Honeycomb with brown sugar biscuits, and a layer of honey Although honey is not compatible with ice cream, it matches well. The biscuits with honey are also delicious. But the whole is very sweet, especially the honeycomb, I personally feel that it will stick to my teeth, and the sweetness at the end will make my throat greasy. But honey itself is very good, it is recommended to eat ordinary ice cream or drinks.
aki nona on Google

パルコ横の道沿い。洗練されてながらも可愛いお店がまえ。路面店としてはちみつソフトクリーム等が売られていて思わずフラりと入りたくなる。 1階が蜂蜜をはじめとする様々な商品がおかれていて、2階はそんな店頭で購入したものを頂けるイートインスペース。 色々品物を物色していたときに綺麗な店員さんから頂いた試飲がとても美味しく、果汁蜜という果汁とはちみつをブレンドしたものを割った飲み物だった。全部で9種類あったがその中から、ゆず蜜を思わず購入。 その綺麗な店員さんいわく、こちらは熊本県にある養蜂園でミツバチの飼育から、採蜜、商品化までを全て自社で行われているそう。ネット通販も可。 自宅用としても、贈り物としてもお手軽かつ良いアイテムを知れて良かった。定期的に色々試したいです。
Along the road beside PARCO. A sophisticated but cute shop. As a street store, honey soft ice cream and the like are sold, and you will want to enter it unexpectedly. The first floor has various products such as honey, and the second floor is an eat-in space where you can purchase items from such stores. The tastings we received from the beautiful clerk when we were looking for various items were very delicious, and it was a drink that broke a blend of fruit juice called honey and honey. There were 9 kinds in all, but I bought Yuzu honey from them. According to the beautiful clerk, this is a beekeeping farm in Kumamoto prefecture, where everything from breeding bees to collecting honey and commercializing it is done in-house. Online mail order is also available. It was good to know easy and good items for both home and gifts. I want to try various things regularly.
Holly Burevaado on Google

This is one of the best places to enjoy an afternoon honey drink (if you want to take a break from coffee). It's quiet, calm and the drinks, ice cream and honey products are just so refreshing! I recommend their honey ginger drink! The staff really works hard as they hand free samples of ginger or honey. I haven't been here in a while but they still remember me.

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