銀座アスター 吉祥寺店

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 銀座アスター 吉祥寺店

住所 :

Kichijoji Honcho, Musashino, 〒180-0004 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Webサイト : https://www.ginza-aster.co.jp/shop/39kichijyoji.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–8:30PM
Sunday 11:30AM–8:30PM
Monday 11:30AM–3PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–3PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–3PM
Thursday 11:30AM–3PM
Friday 11:30AM–3PM
街 : Tokyo

Kichijoji Honcho, Musashino, 〒180-0004 Tokyo,Japan
nagoshi on Google

It tastes better than before. Before, it was a little dark and persistent, but now it's quite the best balance and it's as delicious as other Astor stores.
masumi w on Google

吉祥寺では貴重な中華です! 駅からも徒歩2〜3分と近くて便利。 今回は毎年恒例の新年会を個室で頂きました。 新年早々に開いている店で個室ありは貴重です。 前菜からメインまで、とても美味しかったです。
It is precious Chinese in Kichijoji! It is convenient because it is close to 2-3 minutes on foot from station. This time we received the annual New Year's party in the private room every year. The shop opened early in the new year has a private room is valuable. It was very delicious from the appetizer to the main.
big hoops on Google

都心から離れるとアスターは接客やお料理の質も落ちるけど(それも良し、だが)、ここは吉祥寺なのにきちんとしてる。接客も丁寧で、常連さんとのコミュニケーション見てると信頼のあるお店なのだなぁと思う。 狭いながらもゆったりめのつくりで、隣の席に酒飲みがいなければ最高!なのだが、まさかの地下なので、窓のない地下での高級中華は残念ポイントです。
Astor goes away from the city, but the quality of customer service and food will drop (although it's good), but this is Kichijoji. The customer service is also polite, and I think that it is a trustworthy shop when you see communication with regular customers. It's small but relaxed, and it's great if there is no drink in the next seat! However, because it is a real underground, high-class Chinese in the basement without windows is a pity.
Mitodo Mitodo on Google

I went to New Year's Eve. I took a private room for four people, so I enjoyed cooking without any contact with other people. Everyone was delicious! I went to New Year's Eve last year as well, so I would like to continue to visit regularly.
貴史 on Google

吉祥寺駅の北口から歩いてヨドバシカメラの裏の地下1階にあります。 誕生日会などで使わせて頂いてます。年に何回しか行きませんが、どのメニューも美味しいです。 アスター麺、蟹の爪、蟹のチャーハンとても美味しいです。海の幸の冷麺は暑い夏にさっぱり美味しいです。 夏の涼味。海の幸の冷麺。季節の冷麺。さっぱりしてます。 お昼にアスター麺と鍋貼餃子を食べて来ました。アスター麺は具かたっぷりで美味しいです。
It is located on the first basement floor behind Yodobashi Camera on foot from the north exit of Kichijoji Station. I use it for birthday parties. I only go there a few times a year, but every menu is delicious. Aster noodles, crab claws, crab fried rice are very delicious. Cold seafood noodles are delicious in the hot summer. Summer coolness. Cold noodles of seafood. Seasonal cold noodles. It's refreshing. I ate aster noodles and hot pot dumplings at noon. Aster noodles are full of ingredients and delicious.
Kao San on Google

緊急事態宣言時でしたので、ディナーを予約して行きました。感染防止対策もしっかりされていました。 お味は何を食べても!いつ来ても!安定の美味しさ? 撮影を忘れましたが…私の最後の晩餐はアスター麺に決定❣️
It was the time of the state of emergency, so I booked dinner. Infection control measures were also solid. No matter what you eat! Whenever you come! Stable taste ? I forgot to shoot ... My last supper was decided to be aster noodles ❣️
YJ C on Google

It is worth to go to the restaurant.
Sean Figgins on Google

Six-course special birthday meal. The place was pretty busy, but we had reservations for a private room. It was a bit cold in the room, and felt a bit isolated, but that is probably to be expected for a private room. The food was well prepared and tasty. We were actually full before the main course, and were happy to see that is was just a small bowl of spinach noodles. Service was very good, and they even brought another tea pot with warm (opposed to really hit) tea when they learned that the soup was too hot for me to eat right away, even though I didn’t complain or ask for it. Desert was tasty, but didn’t post that picture.

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