3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact KIBOTCHA(キボッチャ)

住所 :

Nobiru, Higashimatsushima, 〒981-0411 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
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街 : Miyagi

Nobiru, Higashimatsushima, 〒981-0411 Miyagi,Japan
柳井健一(寿司屋のけんちゃん) on Google

3.11東日本大震災で大きな被害を受けた東松島市立野蒜小学校は、2016年3月に142年の歴史に幕を閉じ、閉校となりました。 その跡地に出来たのが、防災体験型宿泊施設『KIBOTCHA』です。 1階には地元の人たちも利用できる大浴場、牡蠣焼きなどが食べられるバーベキューコーナー、レストランがあります。 2階は、簡易なボルタリングもあるアスレチック的なプレイルーム、ロープワークや身近なもので作る担架などが体験できる学習コーナーなどがあります。 3階は、宿泊施設です。元教室であったところを改修して造ってあります。2部屋、4人部屋、8人部屋と用途によって使い分けられそうです。 1泊朝食付きで5400円で泊まれるとのことです。 本日は小学生が6名、体験宿泊をしていました。 朝方、非常ベルが鳴る体験もしたようです。 全く知らされてなかった子どもたちは、さぞかし驚いたことでしょう。 防災教育を体感できる施設は、大変意義のあることだと思いました。 私たちがやらなければならないことは、次の世代に東日本大震災での体験をしっかりと伝えていくことです。 一人でも多くの命を救うために。
Higashi-Matsushima City Nobuchi Elementary School, which was greatly damaged by the Great East Japan Earthquake, closed in March 2016 on its 142-year history and closed. The disaster prevention experience type accommodation facility "KIBOTCHA" was made on the ruins. On the first floor there is a large public bath that can be used by locals, a barbecue corner where you can eat oysters, and a restaurant. On the 2nd floor, there is an athletic play room with a simple bolting, a learning corner where you can experience rope work and stretchers made with familiar things. The third floor is accommodation. It is built by renovating where it was a former classroom. It seems to be used by two rooms, four rooms, eight rooms and the use. It is said that you can stay for 5400 yen with breakfast for one night. Today, six elementary school students had an experience stay. In the morning, it seems that I had an experience of a very bell ringing. The children who were not informed at all would be surprised. I thought that the facilities that can experience disaster prevention education are very significant. What we have to do is to firmly convey the experiences of the Great East Japan Earthquake to the next generation. To save as many lives as possible.
北野なると on Google

開催中の謎解き目当てで行きました。 クリアするとひとり当たり1㎏の岩牡蠣もらえます。1人1度きりのチャレンジなので是非クリアして下さいね!3時間程度の時間がかかるそうです。謎事態は中高生デモ解けます。大人は固定概念硬いと苦戦します(笑)動きやすい格好で挑んで下さい。 持ち帰り用にクーラーボックス持参してください。 車移動推奨されていますが、レンタル自転車もあり、時間があり体力にも自信がある方は徒歩でもいけます。自然をゆっくり満喫しつつ運動というストレス発散コースもよいのではないでしょうか?デートコースとしてもお薦めです。勿論家族団欒にも。お昼頃までなら賞品を焼いて食べられるらしいですよ。 併設にレストランもお風呂もありますし、宿泊スペースもあります。幼児が遊べるスペースもありました。 良いところなのにあまり知られてないようなのでつい熱くなりました。皆さん方是非足を運んでください!
I went for a mystery solution that is being held. If you clear, you will get 1 岩 rock oysters per person. It's a one-on-one challenge, so please clear it! It takes about 3 hours. The mystery situation can be solved by junior and senior high school students. Adults struggle with fixed concept stiffness (laughs). Please bring a cooler box for take-out. Car movement is recommended, but there are also rental bicycles, and those who have time and confidence in physical strength can walk on foot. Isn't the stress-relief course of exercise while enjoying nature slowly good? Recommended as a date course. Of course, for family reunion. It seems that prizes can be grilled and eaten until around noon. There is a restaurant and a bath in the hotel, and there is an accommodation space. There was also a space where infants could play. Although it was a good place, it was not so well known, so it became hot. Please visit everyone!
大山直美 on Google

暑い日の汗を流しに日帰り風呂へ。 19時過ぎに行きましたが貸切状態でした。 浴場は木のぬくもりが感じられるところで、お湯は水素水の効果か体が温まりました。回数券がお得なようです。 旧野蒜小学校の校舎を改造してあるようで宿泊もできます。 森のキッチン→レストランも併設されていてランチも食べれるようです。 ただ、野蒜海岸からは少し離れてますのであしからず。 夏休みの家族連れもいましたが、お子さんにマナーを教えてあげて欲しいですね。 扉の開け放ちや体を拭かずに脱衣室へ入って床が濡れてました。大人も同じなのでマナーを守って綺麗に使用して欲しいものです。 復興で頑張ってる施設です。是非、利用して下さい。私もまた利用したいと思います。
I went to a day bath to sink the sweat on a hot day. I went past 19:00, but it was reserved. Where the warmth of trees was felt in the baths, hot water had the effect of hydrogen water or the body warmed up. It seems that the coupon is good. It seems that the former Nobuchi Elementary School has been remodeled, and you can stay there. There is also a kitchen in the forest → a restaurant, and it seems that you can also eat lunch. However, I must be a little away from the wild beach. I also had a family on summer vacation, but I would like my child to teach her manners. I went into the changing room without getting the door open and wiping my body, and the floor got wet. As adults are the same, I want you to follow manners and use them cleanly. It is a facility that works hard in reconstruction. Please use it by all means. I would like to use it again.
YUKI HI on Google

食事処(森のキッチン)綺麗に作ってますが、食事処としては何もできてない。 従業員は近所の主婦?私語が多い。 身だしなみNG。オープンキッチンなのに中はぐちゃぐちゃ。 ナイフやフォークは形が揃っておらず、お子様セットはあるけど食器がない。 プラスチックの大きいナイフとフォークはありましたが大人用ですね。 バックヤード(動線)に荷物山積み。 店内ガラス扉は指紋や汚れで清掃してない。値段は高いし内容がお粗末。 メニューは券売機のみで写真がなく 分からない。設備機材は良い。 店内音楽がなく無音。 やり方次第でいくらでも良くなるのに…。 キボッチャ。お目当ての室内遊具。 未就学児は無料。大人300円。 広さは2教室程。カラーリングなど海、船をイメージしていて他にはない良さがありました。 館内設備 元校舎なので廊下が広い。freeWiFi有り。 貸し自転車?電動バイク?的な物もあり。 御手洗はリフォーム済で綺麗。 空調設備はないので冬は寒い。 自動販売機は 入口にドリンクとアイス(割高)内容微妙。 売り切れ続出。 温泉 沸かし湯の水素水。 泉質 無色透明。ほぼ銭湯。 湯上がりはポカポカ。 新しいので綺麗ですが、これもまた割高。回数券がお得になりそうです。 ぜひ復興に向けた取り組みとしてこれからも歴史を伝えて発展して欲しいです。
The restaurant (forest kitchen) is made beautifully, but nothing is done as a restaurant. Is your employee a housewife in your neighborhood? There are many private words. Appearance NG. It's an open kitchen but the inside is messy. Knives and forks are not uniform and there are children's sets but no dishes. There was a large plastic knife and fork, but it is for adults. Luggage pile in back yard (flow line). The glass door inside the store is not cleaned with fingerprints or dirt. Price is high and contents are poor. The menu is only a ticket vending machine and there is no photo I do not understand. Equipment is good. There is no music in the store and there is no sound. Depending on how you do it, you can do whatever you want ... Kibocha. Indoor playground equipment of your choice. Preschoolers are free. 300 yen for adults. The area is about 2 classrooms. There was no other goodness in the image of the sea and ships, such as coloring. Facilities The hall is large because it is a former school building. There is freeWiFi. Rental bicycle? Electric motorcycle? There are also typical things. Mitarai has been renovated and beautiful. Winter is cold because there is no air conditioning. Vending machine Drink and ice (expensive) contents are delicate at the entrance. Sold out one after another. Hot spring Hydrogen water of boiling water. Spring quality Colorless and transparent. Almost a public bath. After the bath is warm. It is beautiful because it is new, but this is also expensive. Coupon is likely to be advantageous. I hope that you will continue to tell the history and develop it as an effort for reconstruction.
はがゆうちくろん on Google

被災した旧野蒜小学校を活用した体験施設。「リアル東松島宝探し」イベントではじめて行きました。ちなみにイベントでゴールすると1人1kgの殻付き牡蠣が貰えとても美味しかったです。 お風呂なしの入場料300円で2階にある遊具施設が遊べるんですがこれがまたすごく楽しいです!屋内なので雨天時でも子供元気いっぱい遊ばせたい方には凄くいいと思います。教室丸々1つ使った震災シアターも凄い迫力でした。 入場料を払うと腕に付けるバンドが貰えるので後は出入り自由です。お風呂や宿泊、飲食施設もあるので、東松島の観光の拠点にちょうどいい場所かと思います。
Experience facility utilizing the former Nobiru Elementary School. I went for the first time at the “Real Higashi Matsushima Treasure Hunt” event. By the way, when I scored an event, 1kg of shelled oysters were given per person and it was very delicious. You can play the playground equipment facility on the second floor with an entrance fee of 300 yen without a bath, but this is also very fun! Because it is indoors, it's great for those who want to play well in the rain. The earthquake disaster theater, which used one whole classroom, was also very powerful. If you pay the entrance fee, you can get a band to attach to your arm, so you can go in and out later. There are baths, lodging, and eating and drinking facilities, so I think it is a good place for sightseeing in Higashimatsushima.
のらねこかず on Google

21/4/10 訪問。 旧野蒜小学校を再利用した体験型宿泊施設です。 野蒜小学校は津波の被害に遭いました。一旦ここまで避難しながら犠牲になられた方もいます。 9年前に訪問した時はそのまま放置されていました。 このような形でも利用され現存している事は、記憶の保存としても良い事だと思います。
Visited 21/4/10. This is a hands-on accommodation facility that reuses the former Nobori Elementary School. Nobori Elementary School was hit by the tsunami. Some people have been sacrificed while evacuating to this point. When I visited 9 years ago, it was left as it was. I think that the fact that it is used and exists in this way is also a good way to preserve memory.
Jun on Google

小学校の校舎をリニューアルしている施設です。2階は暑い夏でも楽しく遊べる室内遊具があります。又震災当時の写真やシアターでの解説など子供に見せたい資料でした。 宿泊施設もキレイで、最大8人同じ部屋に泊まれます。大人数での宿泊もおすすめです。 1階にランチが食べれる場所があり、種類も多く美味しかったです。
This facility is a renewal of the elementary school building. There are indoor playground equipment on the 2nd floor that you can enjoy even in the hot summer. Also, it was a material I wanted to show to children, such as photographs at the time of the earthquake and commentary at the theater. The accommodation is clean and up to 8 people can stay in the same room. We also recommend staying with a large number of people. There was a place for lunch on the 1st floor, and there were many kinds and it was delicious.
satoh k on Google

東松島の廃校リノベーション施設。 昨年に続いての宿泊。 特に手ぶらでバーベキューが出来るのでお気に入りです。火おこしから自分でやるのでパパの腕の見せ所です笑、ちゃんと説明書がありますのでご安心を。 自分はマンション住まいで中々花火が出来るところが無いですが、ここでは花火をさせて頂けます。夏にサヨナラを告げる花火も楽しみました。 翌日はチェックアウト時間までは館内遊具が宿泊者だけしか入れないので子供が広々と遊んでました。
Closed school renovation facility in Higashi Matsushima. Accommodation following last year. I especially like it because I can barbecue empty-handed. I'll do it myself from the fire, so it's a place to show my dad's arms. I live in a condominium and there is no place where I can make fireworks, but I can do fireworks here. I also enjoyed the fireworks that say goodbye in the summer. The next day, until the check-out time, the children could play extensively because only the guests could enter the playset in the hotel.

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