KFC - Sendai

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact KFC

住所 :

4 Chome-19-6 Izumichuo, Izumi Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 981-3133, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 981-3133
Webサイト : https://search.kfc.co.jp/map/3099
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–10PM
Sunday 9AM–10PM
Monday 9AM–10PM
Tuesday 9AM–10PM
Wednesday 9AM–10PM
Thursday 9AM–10PM
Friday 9AM–10PM
Description : Restaurant chain known for its buckets of fried chicken, plus wings & sides.

4 Chome-19-6 Izumichuo, Izumi Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 981-3133, Japan
中村理恵 on Google

The clerk is fresh. However, it is lonely that the sandwich type is getting smaller and smaller.
尾上勝幸 on Google

たまに無性に食べたくなるケンタッキーのフライドチキン 思い立った時部屋着のまま飛び出して行くのでドライブスルーで買い物が出来るこちらにいつもお世話になっています。 定番のセット類は安定の味ですね エビのプリプリしたやつ定番にしてほしいですねー あとホットレモネードが無くなってしまったのが残念。
Kentucky fried chicken that sometimes makes you want to eat sexually When I think of it, I jump out with my room clothes on, so I am always indebted to this place where I can shop by drive-through. The standard sets have a stable taste, aren't they? I want you to make it a standard shrimp pre-prepared one. It's a pity that the hot lemonade is gone.
渋柿苦楽夫 on Google

Easy to enter in the corner. The lunch set is full of volume ?. Prefered by young people over the elderly. It was a report of KFC's first experience. The taste was delicious, but I got tired of it because both of them have the same combination of tastes. May I bother you again if you can improve this kind of place?
B Ren on Google

クリスマスでも何でも無い 以前?数年前?数十年前?昼間? ドライブスルー来たときビスケット品切れです… と無いものは仕方ないのでチキンだけ買って、申し訳ございませんとチケットを頂きました。 世の中には 大人の事情がイロイロ有るだろうと 素直に 残念~ですと答えたからか? チキン無料引換券を頂きました。 勿論、後日リターン。 今日2021,3,7は TBSで坂上忍、指原莉乃、ヒロミ、長嶋一茂、石原良純が ケンタッキーと 完璧に?テレビに洗脳され、 口の中がもう 仮想オリジナルチキンに… たまたま片道車で10分以内なので はじめはUberに頼むか、 出前館に頼むか考えていたが、 結局テレビを聴きながらマイカーで ドライブスルーへ。www 店の目の前に来ると前走車が オイラが行こうとする道順へ… 後ろの車も後を付いてくる… 結局、3台連なりwww お店のセットメニューがたくさん有り 寒く暗いドライブスルーでは お腹が空いた事や、 前走車がモタモタしないか何て後ろの車に思われていないかなどとアセリ? 決められない… 結局、こちらの希望として オリジナル×4、ビスケット×2が欲しいとマイクに伝えたら ◯◯セットにして、単品で1個ビスケットをお買い求め頂けますと お得です。 と 丁寧、迅速に対応して頂き、 勿論、前走車も迅速に対応。 後ろにも負担掛けず 完全に Uberや出前より 迅速、丁寧に持ち帰る事が出来ました。 当たり前? いや、その当たり前の事が出来ない事が多い時代… 教える方が良いのか、 教わる方が良いのか。 利用者として改めて感謝! そして、 無事? めでたく? ケンタッキー特集TVが終わる前に 食べながら見ながら 温かく味わえました。 メデタシめでたし。
Christmas or nothing Before? A few years ago? Decades ago? Daytime? When the drive-through came, the biscuits were out of stock ... I couldn't help it, so I bought only chicken and got a ticket saying I'm sorry. In the world I think there is an adult situation Obediently Is it because I answered that it was a pity? I received a free chicken voucher. Of course, I will return at a later date. Today 2021,3,7 Shinobu Sakagami, Rino Sashihara, Hiromi, Kazushige Nagashima, Yoshizumi Ishihara on TBS With Kentucky perfectly? Brainwashed on TV The mouth is already For virtual original chicken ... It happens to be within 10 minutes by one-way car At first, ask Uber or I was thinking about asking the delivery hall, After all, while listening to TV, in my car To drive through. www When you come in front of the store, you will see a car in front of you To the directions that Oiler is going to go ... The car behind me will follow me ... After all, three cars in a row www There are many set menus in the shop In a cold and dark drive-through I'm hungry Isn't the car in front fluttering or why the car in the back doesn't seem to be? Indecisive… After all, as my hope If you tell Mike that you want 4 originals and 2 biscuits ◯◯ If you can purchase one biscuit as a set It's a great deal. When Please respond politely and promptly Of course, the vehicle in front also responds quickly. No burden on the back completely From Uber and delivery I was able to take it home quickly and politely. Obvious? No, in an era when there are many things that can't be taken for granted ... Is it better to teach? Is it better to be taught? Thank you again as a user! And Is it safe? Congratulations? Kentucky feature before the end of TV While watching while eating I was able to taste it warmly. It was a meditation.
がるる on Google

Meat days are always very crowded. It took 20 minutes, but I got a free potato ticket that I can use next time. thank you. It is an image that few customers use eat-in.
Michika.j Happy Smile . (michika) on Google

クリスマス予約のケンタッキーは、とても混むので電話で予約するときも早めに予約をお勧めします。(^-^) 電話対応も親切丁寧でした。 お店の中での飲食は、前に行ったときは、子供連れで行きましたが楽しく食べることができました。 今は、コロナの事もあるので、ドライブスルーで買って車の中やお家で食べる方が良いかもしれません。
Kentucky for Christmas reservations is very crowded, so it is recommended to book early when booking by phone. (^-^) The telephone correspondence was also kind and polite. When I went to eat and drink in the shop, I went with my children, but I enjoyed eating. Now that I have a corona, it might be better to buy it at a drive-through and eat it in the car or at home.
David Kitson on Google

LEE Sungok on Google

Good .

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