Keikyu Bus Keihinjima Office - Ota City

2.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Keikyu Bus Keihinjima Office

住所 :

2 Chome-1-7 Keihinjima, Ota City, Tokyo 143-0003, Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 143-0003
Webサイト :

2 Chome-1-7 Keihinjima, Ota City, Tokyo 143-0003, Japan
くろかわのぶゆき on Google

- Otokoja on Google

Drive while calling with one hand on your smartphone! I'm scared and I can't ride!
きあぬ on Google

高速で煽られた!京浜急行の運転マナーは ダンプ以下
Fired at high speed! Keihin Kyuko's driving manners are Below dump
愛野美奈子 on Google

関東各県に顔出します 千葉中央駅~羽田空港駅、大半がこちらの運用、千葉市内で見ない日はない❗(笑)。
We will appear in each Kanto prefecture Chiba Chuo Station-Haneda Airport Station, most of the operations here, there is no day I can not see in Chiba City (laughs).
よぶ on Google

羽田空港から一番近い車庫ということもあってか、ここは空港リムジンや高速路線のみを抱える営業所になっている。 なお、空港や高速路線のみを抱える営業所はここ以外に、新子安営業所が該当する。
Because it is the closest garage from Haneda Airport, this is a sales office that has only airport limousines and high-speed routes. In addition, Shinkoyasu sales office is applicable to sales offices that have only airports and high-speed routes.
和父 on Google

Around 10:30 pm on Dec. 10, 2019, the train was driven by the Keikyu Limousine Bus No. 2248 registered for Haneda Airport near Ukishima on the Tokyo Metropolitan Highway Coast Line. The road was rattled with no turn signal, but the lane was changed 2 meters ago. I don't think I'm conscious of keeping people's lives even though I have several customers! I'm guilty because the airport also allows Keikyu to enter! !
河原佑気 on Google

接客の基本ができてない奴が何人か見受けられる。 到着時にお客さんに『ありがとうございました』すら言わないとんでもない運転士もいるし、高速道路で飛ばしまくる運転士が多い。
There are some people who do not have the basics of customer service. There are some drivers who have to say "Thank you" to the customers when they arrive, and there are many drivers who fly on the highway.
まるMaru on Google

9か月ほど前に下記のとおりに書き込みましたが、「京浜島営業所運行管理者のヨシダ」様よりご説明を頂けなかったことや、ヨシダ様から頂いた許し難い言動について、ヨシダ様のお勧めに沿って、来る2021年6月29日に開催の京浜急行電鉄株式会社第100期定時株主総会にて、同社の経営陣の方々へ質問をさせて頂きます。経営陣の方々に会社法第314条の定めに従ってご説明を頂けるように、会社法施行規則第71条第1号イに基づく通知の書面を、配達証明付き一般書留郵便にて、株主総会の招集者である原田代表取締役宛てで送付するとともに、送付する通知書面の謄本には、公証人による確定日付の付与を受けました。あとは、更に準備と体調を整えて、株主総会当日を楽しみに待ちます。(2021/06/04) (以前の書込み) 「京浜島営業所運行管理者のヨシダ」様のお勧めに沿って、京浜急行電鉄株式会社の株主になりました。ヨシダ様よりご説明を頂けなかったことや、ヨシダ様から頂いた許し難い言動について、ヨシダ様のお勧めに沿って、同社の株主総会で同社の経営陣の方々へ質問をさせて頂く予定です。
I wrote the following about 9 months ago, but regarding the fact that "Keihinjima Sales Office Operation Manager Yoshida" did not explain and the unforgivable words and actions received from Yoshida, Yoshida In line with the recommendations, we will ask the management of Keihin Kyuko Electric Railway Co., Ltd. at the 100th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on June 29, 2021. In order for management to explain in accordance with the provisions of Article 314 of the Companies Act, a written notice based on Article 71, Item 1 (a) of the Companies Act Enforcement Regulations shall be sent by registered mail with a notary of delivery to the General Meeting of Shareholders. It was sent to the convener, Representative Director Harada, and the copy of the notice to be sent was given a fixed date by a notary public. After that, I will be more prepared and in good physical condition, and I look forward to the day of the general meeting of shareholders. (2021/06/04) (Previous writing) Following the recommendation of "Keihinjima Sales Office Operation Manager Yoshida", I became a shareholder of Keihin Electric Express Railway Co., Ltd. In line with Yoshida's recommendation, we plan to ask the company's management at the company's general meeting of shareholders regarding the fact that Yoshida did not explain and the unforgivable behavior that Yoshida gave us. ..

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