KEIHOKUスーパー 寿店

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact KEIHOKUスーパー 寿店

住所 :

Kotobuki, Abiko, 〒270-1152 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8788
Webサイト :
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Kotobuki, Abiko, 〒270-1152 Chiba,Japan
しばポン太 on Google

The price is a little high, but I think that we have good products. In the corner for selling handmade bread and sweets, my feet stop every time.
Kaoru on Google

Supermarket for rich and old people. The product lineup is a bit different from ordinary supermarkets, so if you want good ingredients and seasonings, take a look. The wine selection is quite authentic
Juju Y on Google

オ-プン当時からよく使わせてもらってます。 ちょっと珍しいもの、美味しいものが 置いてあるので、大変気にいってました。 しかしここ1ヶ月以内に、3回、レジで袋詰めの時に、 品物を床に落として、そのまま袋に入れようとされました。 京北で今までに一度たりとも、床に品物を落とされた経験がなかったので、 1度目は呆然としてましたら、「家に帰ったら洗ってくださいね」 と言われました。言葉が出ませんでした。 2度目は又別の人でした。今度はしっかり、言いました。 でもこの時まではウッカリだったのだろうと思ってました。 3度目は、又違う人で、謝りの言葉もなく、品物を変えに行ってくれましたが、 もう信頼がなくなりました。あの落とした生ものは、 又後でケ-スに戻されるかもしれないと疑ってしまいました。 基本的に長年信頼を置いて買い物させていただいていたお店ですので、 残念でなりません。
I've been using it a lot since then. Something rare and delicious I was very pleased with it because it is kept. However, within the last month, three times when packing at the cash register, I tried to drop the item on the floor and put it in a bag as it was. I've never had an item dropped on the floor in Kyoboku, so If you are stunned the first time, "Please wash when you get home." They said. I couldn't say a word. The second time was another person. This time I said firmly. But I was wondering if I was up to that point. The third time, a different person, without any apology, went to change the item, I no longer have trust. The dropped raw things are I doubted that I might be returned to the case later. Basically, it's a store that I've been shopping with a lot of trust, so I'm sorry.
名無しの健 on Google

After all I like the product lineup. I think it's reasonably cheap.
A T on Google

Sashimi and sushi are also good for supermarkets, and other things are also good. Today I bought a set of hot spring water from Saga and tofu. It's helpful because it's not sold elsewhere. Tonight you can eat Tofu Tofu hot pot. It is also helpful to have the purchased items carefully packed in a bag.
太郎中越 on Google

切り花、花の苗、野菜苗、野菜の種も店頭で扱っています。 切り花は他のスーパーの花々よりも 花持ちがよく品質が良いと感じます。
Cut flowers, flower seedlings, vegetable seedlings, and vegetable seeds are also available at stores. Cut flowers are better than other supermarket flowers I feel that the flowers are long-lasting and the quality is good.
spark on Google

流石ケイホクさん。 品揃えは、他のスーパーにはない品揃えです。 全国的にも、バイヤーさんの力の入れ方が他店とは、違います。
Keihoku-san. The assortment is an assortment not found in other supermarkets. Nationwide, the way buyers put their efforts into it is different from other stores.
Juan Manuel Combetto on Google

quite small no good selection

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