Keiganji Temple - Mito

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Keiganji Temple

住所 :

13-19 Matsumotocho, Mito, Ibaraki 310-0052, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8998
Postal code : 310-0052

13-19 Matsumotocho, Mito, Ibaraki 310-0052, Japan
志田美智子 on Google

June 5th was too early. I think the best time to see the hydrangea festival ceremony is from June 12th next week.
芸術館タワーm市 on Google

建造物もさることながら紅葉?が多く秋になったらすごく綺麗なんだろうなと思いました。 水戸黄門様の諸国漫遊の銅像もあります。 駐車場があるので、近くの回天神社や格さんのお墓のお参りをするのに使えると思います。
I thought that it would be very beautiful when it was autumn when there were many autumn leaves as well as buildings. There is also a bronze statue of Mito Komon-sama. Because there is a parking lot, I think that it can be used to visit the nearby Kaiten Shrine and the grave of Kasan.
コモド先生【公式】(Komodo Sensei) on Google

A temple next to Howaen, when I was small, my grandmother took me to "sanyasan" to show me the image of Enma-sama. .. .. A place where things like that are often said. It has a nice atmosphere and is very comfortable.
hito fuyuno on Google

彫刻が鮮やかでステキなお寺です。保和苑と併設のお寺さんなので、紫陽花や椿、イチョウ、梅などお庭も楽しめます。 有料駐車場と書いてありましたが、お金を支払うところがなかったです。
It is a wonderful temple with vivid sculptures. Since it is a temple attached to Howaen, you can enjoy the garden of hydrangea, camellia, ginkgo, and plum blossoms. It says it's a pay parking lot, but I didn't have a place to pay.
antaba an on Google

良厳。上町エリアの中にある神社仏閣の中で、唯一駐車場代が必要です。ですがメンテナンスがかなり今一つな事もあり、もう一息でダークサイトに落ちそうです。 やはり寺や神社には掃除と剪定がいかに大切なのか気づかせてくれます。 また本堂には立派な彫刻がほどこされているのに、あれでは参拝する人が寂しい気持ちになります。 微妙な造形の黄門様御一行の像やぴんころ地蔵尊もダークサイド行きに一役かってます。総じて言うと、手書きの案内板も含めて「刹那的」な寺です。
Goodness. Of the shrines and temples in the Kamimachi area, the only parking fee is required. However, since the maintenance is not quite enough, it is likely that I will fall to the dark site with another breath. After all, it will make you realize how important cleaning and pruning is to temples and shrines. Also, the main hall is decorated with fine sculptures, but it makes people who visit the temple feel lonely. The delicately sculpted statue of Mr. Komon and Pinkoro Jizoson also contribute to the dark side. Generally speaking, it is a "temporary" temple, including handwritten information boards.
細谷三男 on Google

3月 22 日の 投稿 杜 と泉 と 歴史の道 水戸のロマンチックゾーン 市街地の 北西部 萬 葉ゆかりの湧き水や徳川光圀公ゆかりのお寺などの 史跡 と 恵まれた緑・湧き水が集まった一帯初夏には水戸のあじさい祭り秋には大菊花展等が行われたくさんの人で賑わう が 行われています 水戸八幡宮から始まり 祇園寺中山備前守の墓山村暮鳥詩碑 保和苑 参道 回 天 館 藤田東湖の墓 格 さんの墓 愛宕山古墳 万葉さらしいの森 散策するには 大変良い場所だと思います ゆっくりと歩いて回ると 先 人のことが思い出されると思います ロマンチックゾーンは一周3.8 km 徒歩1時間30分程度です
Posted on March 22 Mori, Izumi and Historical Road Mito's Romantic Zone Mito in the early summer, when historical sites such as the spring water associated with Manba and the temple associated with Tokugawa Mitsukuni gathered in the northwestern part of the city. Hydrangea Festival In autumn, a large chrysanthemum flower exhibition is held and is crowded with many people. Atagoyama Kofun Manyo Sashimi no Mori I think it's a very good place to walk around. If you walk around slowly, you'll remember your ancestors. The romantic zone is 3.8 km around, about 1 hour and 30 minutes on foot.
Keith Bateman on Google

Peaceful place, great place to see hydrangeas, beautiful gardens.
yukari yamada on Google

A nice place to stroll around. The place itself was so cool ? There is also a Japanese garden, not so big but quite good ?

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