サンライズキッズ保育園 大津園

4.5/5 に基づく 6 レビュー

Contact サンライズキッズ保育園 大津園

住所 :

Kayanoura, Otsu, 〒520-2143 Shiga,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Webサイト : https://www.sunrisekids-hoikuen.com/otsu/
街 : Shiga

Kayanoura, Otsu, 〒520-2143 Shiga,Japan
江藤しのぶ on Google

家で英語のビデオなど見せてもあまり興味を示さなかった娘ですが、こちらの園で英語を習うようになってから、果物を英語で言ったり、英語の歌を口ずさむようになりました。やはり子どもはあそびの中で自然に語学に触れられる環境が大事なのだと実感しました。 ここでの経験を生かして、英語が好きな子になってくれたらいいなと思っています。
My daughter wasn't very interested in showing English videos at home, but since she started learning English at this garden, she started to say fruits in English and sing English songs. After all, I realized that it is important for children to have an environment where they can naturally come into contact with languages ​​while playing. I hope that I can make use of my experience here and become a child who likes English.
佐久間太一 on Google

The teachers are very kind, and it feels good to be able to respond cheerfully in the morning and evening. Since it is a small scale, the quality of childcare is not bad, and I feel that each child is treated carefully. As a guardian, I am grateful that I can leave my child with peace of mind because I can immediately notice and contact you when my child changes.
本田奏多 on Google

Since it is a small nursery school, please take care of it carefully. You will be able to share the lifestyle and amount of food in the nursery school. I thought that my child's body was getting stronger because I had time to move my body firmly and train my physical strength and motor nerves by incorporating rhythm. It is recommended because you can learn a lot at the nursery school.
安田里香 on Google

I entered the park newly this year, but I was relieved by the kindness of the teachers. For a child who leaves his wife for the first time, it can be difficult to get used to. However, when I entered the park, I felt that my parents would likewise experience the first time and grow up. It seems that this garden emphasizes picture books and physical activity, so I'm looking forward to the growth of children in the future. Thank you.
rin watanabe on Google

目の前に琵琶湖が広がり景色は良いのですが、駅から遠く、園の前は国道と周辺環境はあまりよくありません。駐車場はあります。 保育士さんたちは元気で明るい方が多く、子どもの自主性を大切にしてのびのびと保育してくださっているな、と感じます。 こちらにお世話になってから、食事やトイレなどの基本的な習慣が身についてきたし、家でもトレーニングはどうすればよいかといった相談にも快く乗ってくださるので、本当に先生方には感謝しています。
Lake Biwa spreads out in front of you and the scenery is good, but it is far from the station and the national road and the surrounding environment are not so good in front of the garden. There is a parking lot. Many of the nursery teachers are energetic and cheerful, and I feel that they value the independence of their children and take care of them freely. Since I was taken care of here, I have learned basic habits such as eating and toileting, and I am really grateful to the teachers for being willing to give me advice on how to train at home.
井上悠理 on Google

登降園の際、どの先生も名前を呼んで挨拶してくださるし、先生方全員でしっかり子どものことを見てくださっているなと感じます。 保育園専用のアプリがあり、お知らせや連絡帳、提出物など全てこちらを通じて連絡がきます。仕事の合間に短い時間で確認できるので便利ですね。また、子どもの写真も専用サイトから毎月沢山アップしてくださいますので、データで購入して月替わりでスマホのホーム画面にしたりして楽しんでいます。
When going up and down the park, all the teachers call their names and greet me, and I feel that all the teachers are watching the children. There is an app dedicated to the nursery school, and you can contact us through this, including notifications, contact books, and submissions. It's convenient because you can check it in a short time between work. In addition, many pictures of children are uploaded from the dedicated site every month, so I enjoy purchasing them with data and using them as the home screen of my smartphone on a monthly basis.

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