生鮮&業務スーパー小田原栢山店 - Odawara

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 生鮮&業務スーパー小田原栢山店

住所 :

Kayama, Odawara, 〒250-0852 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Postal code : 250-0852
Webサイト : http://www.passport-net.co.jp/shop/shop.php%3Fid%3Dkayama
街 : Kanagawa

Kayama, Odawara, 〒250-0852 Kanagawa,Japan
加藤純一郎 on Google

全国チェーンの業務スーパー、 安いし良く行きます! 店員は大体の人は接客良く、いいと思う。 青果業者の店員は無愛想で良くない!
National chain business supermarket, It's cheap and goes well! The clerk thinks that most people are good at serving customers. The clerk of the fruit and vegetable trader is unfriendly and not good!
hiro fx on Google

I think it's okay to say "Welcome" when customers enter the store. From 19:30, even though the store isn't busy, even when customers pass by, they don't return their luggage in the aisle and sell it with a dark face, but if you can't serve the minimum amount of customers, you shouldn't do it as a clerk. I think not.
宇佐美次子 on Google

いつもリーズナブルな価格でお買い物しています。 野菜も安価てで販売しているので嬉しいですね。
I always shop at a reasonable price. I'm glad that vegetables are also sold at low prices.
ハンオハラ on Google

It is a business supermarket. It's cheap. Convenient. It's a lot. You can use it. It's always crowded. The parking lot is full even on weekdays. But the rotation is fast.
幸恵 on Google

安いからと言ってカゴにぽんぽん入れて買ってしまうと、後で後悔するので、特に生鮮食品は見極めるようにしていますし、中国産が多いので原産国は必ず見ます。 果物で梨など傷つきやすい剥き出しになっている商品は、レジの方によっては丁寧に扱わず傷ついてしまい、交換してもらえないので注意です。 ちゃんと見て買えば、お得にお買い物ができるので、助かります。
If you buy it in a basket just because it is cheap, you will regret it later, so I try to identify fresh foods in particular, and since most of them are made in China, I always look at the country of origin. Please note that some cashiers do not handle products that are exposed, such as pears, which are easily damaged by fruits, and they will be damaged and cannot be replaced. If you look at it properly and buy it, you will be able to shop at a great price, which is helpful.
古川孝行 on Google

鮮魚以外はほぼ揃っていて 野菜は時々驚くような安さで売っています(箱買いが条件だったりしますが)。ポイントなどのサービスはありませんがその分お安くなっています。
Except for fresh fish, they are almost complete and vegetables are sometimes sold at surprisingly low prices (although box buying is a condition). There is no service such as points, but it is cheaper by that amount.
Nga Nguyen on Google

Ben on Google

Love this place - cheap fruit & veg, lots of cheap basics, mostly imported stuff. It's like a Japanese Aldi.

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