
3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact セカンドストリート深谷店

住所 :

Kayaba, Fukaya, 〒366-0818 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Webサイト : http://www.2ndstreet.jp/shop/details%3FshopsId%3D30967
街 : Saitama

Kayaba, Fukaya, 〒366-0818 Saitama,Japan
御伽つかさ on Google

ブランドのパーカーなど3点で3円でした ブランド等の知識が豊富なドンドンダウンをおすすめします 価値の分からないバイトさんが査定しているので捨てる気でないなら行かない方がいいでしょう
It was 3 yen for 3 items such as branded hoodies We recommend Don Don Down, which has a wealth of knowledge about brands, etc. It is assessed by a part-time worker who does not know the value, so if you do not want to throw it away, you should not go
Kid Masa on Google

色々な 品物が種類多く有って いいです。リサイクル屋さん特有の 匂い等無くて、清潔で ゆっくり選べます。 駐車場が 狭く 坂になっているので 注意が 必要です。
It is good that there are many kinds of various items. There is no odor peculiar to a recycling shop, and you can choose cleanly and slowly. Please note that the parking lot is narrow and sloped.
26 kamome on Google

ブランドコーナーは割と安い印象。 ノンブランドの方はあまり掘り出し物がある感じはしないかなと。 全体的に値段設定は妥当〜ちょい安いくらい。普通に使う分にはいいお店だと思う。掘り出し物探しみたいな事をするには微妙。 そんな中でも靴、鞄、ボトムスは特に安いように感じた。
Impression that the brand corner is relatively cheap. I wonder if non-branded people have a lot of bargains. Overall, the price setting is reasonable to a little cheaper. I think it's a good shop for normal use. It's subtle to do something like looking for a bargain. Even so, I felt that shoes, bags, and bottoms were particularly cheap.
ミルル on Google

A wide range of products are lined up, including used clothing, outdoor products, furniture appliances, kitchen appliances, toys, musical instruments, and bicycles. And cheap
有賀健二 on Google

Depending on the date of your visit, there may not be a product to look for, so it is recommended that you call in advance. The parking lot is crowded with customers visiting the store this time.
kei Sea on Google

見てるだけでも楽しいかも~色々有ったので 品不足の時とか覗いてみるのもありだと思う 空気清浄機とか除湿機とか普通に置いてあった 中古品はそれなりだが新古品も有り 価格は普通かな?と思う
It might be fun just to look at it~ I think there are various things, so I think it's good to take a peek when there is a shortage of goods, such as air purifiers and dehumidifiers that were usually placed second hand goods but there are also old and new goods Price is Maybe just normal? I think
Rofi Karomah on Google

It's cozy place
イキリオタク on Google

It's ridiculous to compare to the price at the time you bought it because The price according to demand. Considering the profit of the store, They are assessing the purchase at a reasonable price. If you don't like it, don't bring it and put up an auction yourself.

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