
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 川和モーターサイクル

住所 :

Kawawacho, Tsuzuki Ward, Yokohama, 〒224-0057 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : http://kawawamc.blog.fc2.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–7PM
Sunday 10AM–7PM
Monday 10AM–7PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 10AM–7PM
Thursday 10AM–7PM
Friday 10AM–7PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Kawawacho, Tsuzuki Ward, Yokohama, 〒224-0057 Kanagawa,Japan
Tetuya Suzuki on Google

丁寧な説明、急なパンク修理にも 遅い時間に対応していただき とても助かりました。
A polite explanation and a sudden puncture repair were very helpful as we had to respond late.
原田亮 on Google

親切丁寧。長くお付き合いできそうなバイク屋さん。 今後もお世話になります。
Kind and courteous. A bike shop that you can relate to for a long time. I will take care of you in the future.
荒木勇介 on Google

I am always indebted. A reliable bike shop. Anything will answer if you ask.
T MI on Google

A reliable motorcycle shop that puts safety and security first from a professional perspective.
BT UK on Google

The store manager looks great and arrogant. It is better to study how to deal with motorcycles first, rather than knowledge about motorcycles. I think the biker's reputation will be damaged because there are people like this
高橋尚人 on Google

突然の修理に対応してくださったバイク屋です。欲を言って申し訳ないのですが、お勧めするバイクが無いぐらいでしょうか。カブをもう少し入れてほしいです。 お世話になったのですから、一台ぐらいは購入させていただきたいです
It is a motorcycle shop that responded to sudden repairs. I'm sorry to say greed, but isn't there a bike I recommend? I want you to add a little more turnip. I'm indebted to you, so I'd like to purchase about one.
柴犬 on Google

ここで買ったバイクで無いとあまり良い顔はされない様なので修理など持ち込む場合は一度電話をされた方が良いと思います。その対応と言うか感じを知ってから行くのが良いと思います。 あくまで個人的な感想ですが、電話で症状を相談した時に対応が怒っている様に感じ怖かったので他店で診てもらう事にしました。 定期点検などは最初から歓迎ムードのチェーン店の様な場所の方が気楽に頼めるかと思います。 好きな人は好きなお店かと思います。 引っ越しをしてきたので近くに良いバイク屋さんが無いかと探していた矢先だったので残念です。長い付き合いになる予定でしたが自分には肌が合いませんでした。
If you don't buy the bike here, you won't get a good look, so if you bring in repairs, you should call once. I think it's better to go after knowing the response or feeling. It's just a personal impression, but when I talked about the symptoms over the phone, I felt angry and scared, so I decided to go to another store to see it. I think it's easier to ask for regular inspections from the beginning at a place like a chain store with a welcome mood. If you like it, I think it's your favorite shop. It's a shame because I was just looking for a good bike shop nearby because I moved. I was planning to have a long relationship, but it didn't suit me.
meme cell on Google

ほかの高評価は明らかにサクラです。騙されないで下さい。 ここでオイル交換したらエンジンかからなくなりました。他の店で見てもらったら明らかに作業ミスとの事でした。しかも店員(店長?)の態度デカすぎで社会性ゼロです。昔トガってた人が未だに過去を引きずって客商売してる感じですかね。 多分昔連んでた程度の低い仲間かなんかが高評価してあげてるんでしょうね。
The other high rating is clearly Sakura. Don't be fooled. When I changed the oil here, the engine stopped working. When I saw it at another store, it was clearly a work mistake. Moreover, the attitude of the clerk (manager?) Is too big and there is no sociality. It seems that people who used to be Toga are still dragging the past and doing customer business. Perhaps some of the low-ranking friends I used to line up with are highly evaluated.

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