
3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 浅井商店

住所 :

Kawano, Toyooka, Shimoina District, 〒399-3201 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : http://www.e-matsutake.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–3PM
Sunday 9AM–3PM
Monday 9AM–3PM
Tuesday 9AM–3PM
Wednesday 9AM–3PM
Thursday 9AM–3PM
Friday 9AM–3PM
街 : Nagano

Kawano, Toyooka, Shimoina District, 〒399-3201 Nagano,Japan
瀧澤直樹 on Google

松茸のことなら浅井商店 きのこのことなら浅井商店 秋味のことなら浅井商店
Asai Shoten for matsutake mushrooms Asai Shoten for mushrooms Asai Shoten for autumn taste
宇佐美ゆみ子 on Google

松茸御膳+土瓶蒸しにしてみました。美味しく、いただきました‼️ 土瓶蒸しの、松茸が、ハンパなく、入ってました? ら
I tried steaming matsutake mushrooms and clay bottles. It was delicious! ️ Steamed matsutake mushrooms in a clay bottle were included without a hamper ? et al.
yukimi yamakawa on Google

The matsutake mushrooms for gifts here are expensive but have almost no scent, and even though they are in Nagano, they were like harvested in the sand. Where are you from? Don't buy online
グルメたび on Google

通販の松茸は形は良いけれど、炊き込み御飯にしても香りは全く無い! どこの松茸を通販で販売してるんや!
The mail-order matsutake mushrooms have a good shape, but even if they are cooked rice, they have no aroma! Where do you sell matsutake mushrooms online?
noriyuki katagiri on Google

Asai Shokudo is a restaurant that is open only in autumn. So I had Aki Aji Mitake. In addition to matsutake mushroom rice balls, some miso soup, some leva sashimi style, hand-made tofu, pickled matsutake mushrooms, delicious matsutake mushrooms and miso mushrooms were delicious. However, this year it seems that a lot of matsutake mushrooms and miscellaneous mushrooms are not ready. Please make a reservation call before the day before.
水野雅庸 on Google

I went to buy matsutake mushrooms, but it was mainly sold online, and although it wasn't in the store, there were worm-eaten items and they sold it cheaply. I thought that Kurokawa was sold and was reasonably cheap.
Pole Sam on Google

この時期は松茸で忙しい店舗です 昨年位から「秋あじ」と言う「天然きのこのお食事処」も始められ、「秋あじ御膳」食べました 中々のお値段なので、かなり奮発して食べました 感想は(*^o^*) 安い!と思いました 食べても食べても、次から次へ松茸が...(*⌒▽⌒*) おっと、ヨダレが 写真も載せるので、ぜひ1度お試しを! 数量限定なので、事前に確認or予約が間違いないです
It's a busy shop with matsutake mushrooms at this time of year A "natural mushroom restaurant" called "Autumn horse mackerel" was started around last year, and I ate "Autumn horse mackerel set". It's a medium price, so I ate it with a lot of effort Impressions (* ^ o ^ *) cheap! I thought Matsutake mushrooms one after another ... (* ⌒ ▽ ⌒ *) Oops I will also post photos, so please give it a try! As the quantity is limited, there is no doubt that you will confirm or make a reservation in advance.
Yasue Watanabe on Google

3日前、電話すると今キャンセルが出たので土曜日予約取れます。と言って頂き急きょお願いしました。 行って良かったです。ジャンボおにぎり定食(3000円)に土瓶蒸し(1000円)つけてもらいました。 大きすぎて、食べ切れなかったので、持ち帰りました。やっぱ松茸の香りと食感は最高でした。
I called 3 days ago and now I have a cancellation so I can make a reservation on Saturday. I asked for it in a hurry. It was good to go. I had a jumbo rice ball set meal (3000 yen) steamed in a clay bottle (1000 yen). It was too big to eat, so I took it home. After all, the scent and texture of matsutake mushrooms were the best.

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