
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact お菓子の家ぷちろーる

住所 :

Kawanakajimamachi, 〒381-2226 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–7PM
Sunday 10AM–7PM
Monday 10AM–7PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 10AM–7PM
Thursday 10AM–7PM
Friday 10AM–7PM
街 : Nagano

Kawanakajimamachi, 〒381-2226 Nagano,Japan
cake on Google

とても好きです?このお店では、特にシンプルなケーキ程好みです。 あまり接客が得意ではなさそうですが、美味しいからいいのでしょう。 きっと、少しだけ接客に対する考え方を変えていただくと、客側は同じケーキでも、もっと美味しくいただけるようになるのではないかと思います
I like it very much ? At this shop, I especially like simple cakes. I don't seem to be very good at serving customers, but I think it's good because it's delicious. I'm sure that if you change the way you think about customer service a little, the customers will be able to enjoy the same cake even more deliciously.
ウチボリトオル on Google

A wide variety of roll cakes and delicious ❗ almost 1 piece ¥350
Eriko on Google

It is delicious. Even if you give it as a gift, you will be pleased.
木伏美紀 on Google

数年振りに行きましたが、種類も少なくお値段の割に味はいまいちでした。 以前の方が美味しかった気がします。
I went there for the first time in a few years, but the taste was not good for the price because there were few kinds. I think the previous one was better.
ななし on Google

開店当時から通ってます。 開店してしばらくは、これで商売大丈夫? っていうくらいのお値打ちだったので 本当にお得でした。 今は単価は高めですが、ケーキは大きいので満足です。 スポンジもふわふわでとても美味しい。 まるごといちごのショート、ほうじ茶ロールが大好きです。
I have been attending since the store opened. Is this all right for a while after the store opens? Because it was a good value It was really good value. The unit price is high now, but I am satisfied because the cake is big. The sponge is also fluffy and very delicious. I love whole strawberry shorts and roasted green tea rolls.
tomoka on Google

毎年クリスマスケーキはこちらに決めています。 中には丸ごとのイチゴがゴロゴロ。 クリーム、スポンジケーキ、イチゴ、全てが美味しいです。
Christmas cake is decided here every year. A whole strawberry is inside. Cream, sponge cake, strawberry, everything is delicious.
祥優栞 on Google

開店時からお付き合いさせて頂いているケーキ屋さん。 シンプルなケーキです。 ロールケーキとイチゴショートケーキがオススメです。 生クリームとケーキの中の丸ごと大粒のイチゴに圧倒されます。
A cake shop that has been with me since the opening. It is a simple cake. Roll cake and strawberry shortcake are recommended. You will be overwhelmed by the fresh cream and the whole large strawberry in the cake.
あけおび on Google

Today is White Day, so I received a lot of roll cakes from the deputy director every year at this workplace where there are many ladies. Everyone enjoyed it. It's delicious whenever you eat it. Please again ?

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