上三川町 田川ふれあい公園管理事務所

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 上三川町 田川ふれあい公園管理事務所

住所 :

Kawanago, Kaminokawa, Kawachi District, 〒329-0522 Tochigi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Webサイト : https://www.town.kaminokawa.lg.jp/0075/info-0000000488-0.html
街 : Tochigi

Kawanago, Kaminokawa, Kawachi District, 〒329-0522 Tochigi,Japan
坂本龍二 on Google

Cannot be used during construction.
中村のり子 on Google

There is a park golf course and facilities for barbecue.
wakaba life on Google

Is it for elderly people (^ _ ^;)
aya I on Google

It was a place of relaxation for the elderly locals. A gentle elderly person took care and played putter golf!
マーサー on Google

新しくキレイな公園 パークゴルフ 大人420円中学生以下210円 貸しクラブ100円 全18ホール×2回、回れます。 2人で大体1時間~2時間あれば回れます。 バーベキュー施設が有料で有り 1000円ちょっと 他には特に遊具などは無いです。 パークゴルフは初めてやりましたが。 パターゴルフよりは盛り上がったかな? ちょっと試す価値はあるかも?
A new and beautiful park Park Golf Adult 420 yen Junior high school student or less 210 yen Loan club 100 yen You can turn all 18 holes × 2 times. It can run around 2 hours by roughly 1 hour to 2 hours. Barbecue facilities are available for a fee A little over 1000 yen There are no other playground equipment in others. Although I played park golf for the first time. Have you been more excited than putter golf? It might be worth a moment.
継国巌勝 on Google

The park is new and very beautiful, but the riverbed is not well maintained and there are few private houses around it, giving it a lonely atmosphere. It may not be very suitable for families with children.
ヤマビコマサヒコ on Google

パークゴルフが出来ます。 少し他のパークゴルフ場より狭いです。 地元の常連客が多く混んでいます。 管理人が3人程常駐して利用料を管理したり芝生の管理をしていますが、そのうちの1人が、かなりうるさい人でプレイしている人に暴言を吐くなど、いつも機嫌が悪く、先日も2ラウンド目に回っている初心者に勘違いしたのか、もう終わったのに何で回ろうとしてんだーと怒鳴っていました。 帰りに話を聞いたら、この次から年券を購入して続けようとしていたらしいが、他に行くと言っていました。他でこの話題が出ないでほしい。
You can play park golf. It is a little narrower than other park golf courses. It is crowded with many local patrons. About three managers are stationed to manage the usage fee and the lawn, but one of them is always in a bad mood, such as ranting to a person who is playing with a fairly noisy person. The other day, I was yelling at why I was trying to turn even though it was over, maybe I misunderstood the beginner who was turning in the second round. When I heard about it on my way home, he said he was going to buy a yearly ticket and continue, but he said he would go elsewhere. I hope this topic does not come up elsewhere.
む104 on Google

I went to park golf to solve the lack of exercise, but about 50 parking lots were ?. The rate of uncles and aunts was high, and it felt like a place of relaxation in the area. It seems that BBQ can also be done.

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