京阪百貨店 守口店

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 京阪百貨店 守口店

住所 :

Kawaharacho, Moriguchi, 〒570-8558 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Webサイト : http://www.keihan-dept.co.jp/
街 : Osaka

Kawaharacho, Moriguchi, 〒570-8558 Osaka,Japan
堀田喜之 on Google

2月23日~3月1日まで 京阪守口百貨店 8F 催事場 北海道札幌市の名店 JAPANESE RAMEN NOODLE LAB Q 5枚目 2/28、3/1 限定販売 煮干しらぁ麺 背脂トッピング 6枚目 醤油ちゃあしゅー麺 とろ玉子トッピング 7枚目 塩わんたん麺 8枚目 醤油わんたん麺
From February 23rd to March 1st Keihan Moriguchi Department Store 8F Exhibition Hall Famous store in Sapporo, Hokkaido JAPANESE RAMEN NOODLE LAB Q 5th 2/28, 3/1 limited sale Niboshi ramen noodles with backfat topping 6th soy sauce chaashu noodles toro egg topping 7th salt wonton noodles 8th soy sauce wonton noodles
カエル子守り on Google

一階の食品売り場で買物をしました。 一階以外はすいていました。駐車場はナンバーを読み取るタイプで金額に関係なく駐車場券がもらえました。 家族では食品売り場以外はあまり欲しい物が有りませんでした。
I went shopping at the food department on the first floor. It was empty except the first floor. The parking lot is a type that reads the number, and I got a parking ticket regardless of the amount. My family didn't have much to want except the food department.
yuuki Okabayashi on Google

The current situation is that corona measures are perfect and are always flowing smoothly. However, the restaurant on the top floor is a little crowded. Considering the time between the number of stores and the absolute number of customers, you can eat without difficulty.
森上智央 on Google

平面駐車場を広くとってあり、地下食料品売場にも活気がある。 1985年- 京阪守口市駅前にターミナルデパート京阪百貨店1号店が開店。 1972年に寝屋川市に移転した京阪電鉄守口車庫の跡地である。
There is a large flat parking lot, and the underground grocery store is also lively. 1985-The first terminal department store Keihan Department Store opens in front of Keihan Moriguchi City Station. It is the site of the Keihan Electric Railway Moriguchi garage that moved to Neyagawa City in 1972.
ramentimesだいち on Google

はいはーい、#ラーメンの時間ですよ? . 【京阪百貨店守口店催事】 《#JapaneseRamenNoodleLabQ 》 『塩わんたん麺 』 . 京阪百貨店守口店といえば、これまで日本中の名だたるラーメン屋さんを次々と催事出店させ、関西のラーメンフリークに衝撃と歓喜を与えてきた聖地的な存在! その京阪百貨店のバイヤーさんがまた今回もやってくれました? 今回はなんとーーーー! 札幌のJapaneseRamenNoodleLabQ さん! 情熱大陸にも出演されたのでご存知の方も多い名店ですが、昨年の自分的ベストラーメンのお店でもあります? 10時の開店直前に到着も、並びが多すぎて既に開場されている感じで大混雑? 催事会場は8階。 でもエスカレーターも思いのほかスムーズに進んでるし案外余裕かな、と思いきや、まさかの7階でぐるーっと回遊させられ、やっとの思いで8階に到着するも、Qさん目当てのお客さんはそこからまた別の階段に連れていかれ下に並んでいくスタイル とにかく並びがえげつない! ほとんどQさん目当て(笑) @chi_su_ramen_camp さんとともに訪問し、 @shinji612 君とも現地で合流し最後尾に。 結局1時間半待ってやっと入口に到達 悩んだ末に塩わんたん麺 を購入。 入店後30分ちょい待って待望の着丼〜? う、うつくすぃ〜? まずはスープを… んっまーーーー! 鶏感強めながらもバランスの良い美味しさ 食べ手を選ばない万人受けする美味さというとネガティブに聞こえるかもしれないけど、だれが食べても美味しいと感じるのはすごく大事なことで、ポジティブな意味合いでそう表現したいところ。 とにかく上品で繊細なスープにほっこり☺️ 麺は飯田商店 #飯田将太 店主謹製の特注麺だそうで、風味を感じられるようにしっかりと茹であげられたストレート麺は、煮麺のような柔麺でありながらしっかりと伸びも感じられるしなやかでシルキーな口当たり なかなか他では味わったことの無い味わい チャーシューももちろん美味しいが餡がたっぷり詰まった、肉感しっかりのわんたん麺もまた美味し✨ もちろん最後の一滴まで余すことなく完食完汁〜 ご馳走さまでした? いやー美味かった! 平岡店主、大阪凱旋ありがとうございますっ!!!!?✨✨ 期間は本日2/23から3/1まで! 関西の皆さん、これは行っとくべきですよ〜
Yes, it's time for #ramen ? .. [Keihan Department Store Moriguchi Store Event] 《#JapaneseRamenNoodleLabQ》 "Salt Wonton Noodles" .. Speaking of Keihan Department Store Moriguchi, it is a sacred place that has shocked and delighted ramen freaks in the Kansai region by opening a series of famous ramen shops all over Japan! The buyer of the Keihan department store did it again this time ? This time! Japanese RamenNoodleLabQ from Sapporo! It's a well-known restaurant that many people know because it appeared on Jonetsu Tairiku, but it's also the best ramen restaurant of last year ? Arriving just before the store opened at 10 o'clock, it was crowded with too many lines and it felt like it was already open ? The event venue is on the 8th floor. However, I thought that the escalator was going smoothly unexpectedly and I thought that it was unexpectedly affordable, but I was made to go around on the 7th floor, and finally arrived at the 8th floor, but the customer who was looking for Mr. Q was from there. The style of being taken to another staircase and lining up underneath Anyway, the lines are terrible! Almost for Mr. Q (laughs) I visited with @chi_su_ramen_camp and met with @ shinji612 at the end. After all, I waited for an hour and a half and finally reached the entrance After worrying, I bought salted wonton noodles. Wait 30 minutes after entering the store and wait for a while to get the long-awaited donburi ~ ? U, Utsukushi ~ ? First of all, soup ... Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm A well-balanced taste while strengthening the chicken feeling It may sound negative when it comes to the deliciousness that everyone receives, regardless of who eats it, but it is very important that anyone eats it, and I want to express it in a positive sense. Anyway, it's an elegant and delicate soup and it's warm ☺️ The noodles are custom-made by Iida Shoten #Iida Shota, and the straight noodles that are boiled firmly so that you can feel the flavor are soft noodles like boiled noodles, but they are also supple. And silky mouthfeel A taste that has never been tasted anywhere else Of course, the char siu is delicious, but the flesh-filled wonton noodles, which are full of bean paste, are also delicious. Of course, complete juice without leaving the last drop ~ Thank you for your treat ? No, it was delicious! Hiraoka shopkeeper, thank you for the triumphant return to Osaka! !! !! !! ?✨✨ The period is from February 23rd to March 1st today! Everyone in Kansai, this should go ~
コバさん on Google

京阪電鉄系列の百貨店。設立40年ほどになりますが、地元に根付いた気取らない百貨店として、よく利用させているデパートです。 大阪市内の百貨店では、スーパーの色が濃くなってきていますが、ここ京阪では創業当時から、デパート色は濃くなく、しかし、スーパーの色も濃くならないように、上手く出店やイベントを企画しているようです。 毎週火曜日は火曜祭として、売り出し日になっており、各売り場でお値打ち品があるようで、探し歩く楽しいひと時が味わえます。
Keihan Electric Railway affiliated department store. It's been about 40 years since the establishment, but it's a department store that is often used as an unpretentious department store rooted in the local area. At department stores in Osaka city, the color of supermarkets is getting darker, but here in Keihan, the color of department stores is not dark, but we plan to open stores and events well so that the color of supermarkets does not become dark. There seems to be. Every Tuesday is a Tuesday festival, and it is a sale day, and it seems that there are good value items at each sales floor, so you can enjoy a fun time searching.
Harry Jacobson on Google

Excellent selection of everything
taro “taromoch” moch on Google

A climbing gear shop (好日山荘) is there on the 4th floor

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