
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 勝山港

住所 :

Katsuyama, Kyonan, Awa District, 〒299-2117 Chiba,Japan

街 : 〒1F Chiba

Katsuyama, Kyonan, Awa District, 〒299-2117 Chiba,Japan
Sachiko Y on Google

宿から近かったので早朝一時間歩きました。たくさんの舟が停泊し、また釣りをしているようで埼玉、神奈川、東京ナンバーの車も停車していました。 対岸の三浦半島、浮島、良い天気の時は富士山も見えます。小高い山のハイキング道もあり、砂浜もあり夏は泳げます。商店街には二軒の魚やさんがありました。
It was close to the inn so I walked for an hour early in the morning. Many boats were moored, and it seemed that they were fishing again, and the cars of Saitama, Kanagawa, and Tokyo numbers were also stopped. You can see Miura Peninsula and Ukishima on the opposite bank, and Mt. Fuji in good weather. There are also small mountain hiking trails and sandy beaches where you can swim in the summer. There were two fish shops in the shopping district.
イッコーインバーター on Google

Until about 1965, there was a sea mail from Tokyo Bay to carry sea bathers.
齋藤隆 on Google

ボートを預かってもらってます 保管料が安いですよ‼️
I have a boat The storage fee is cheap. ️
しんや丸船長 on Google

? I went fishing, ? Fishing is deep.
暗殺教室殺せんせい on Google

釣り船が多く、お客さんの車で混雑します。 港内も港外も釣り船が行き交い、ブイや網が多いので、投げ釣りはできないと思います。 サビキ釣りやフカセ釣り、ちょい投げぐらいかな~?ヘチ釣りでも楽しめるかな。
Many fishing boats are crowded with customers' cars. Fishing boats come and go both inside and outside the port, and there are many buoys and nets, so I think that you can't throw fish. Sabiki fishing, fukase fishing, maybe a little throw? I guess it can be enjoyed even with limp fishing.
ゴメ山ゴメ男 on Google

I just stopped by, but it was a quiet and calm harbor! ️
aym iwt55 on Google

漁港内でも魚が良く見えた綺麗な時に行けて感動しました(9月) 午前中に引潮で、漁港内でも魚が良く見え、結構いたのには驚きました また、海水がにおわなくてベトつかなく素敵なところを見つけた!と思いました 子連れ・初心者向けの釣りスポットということで初めて行って、みんなまた来よう!と楽しめました 漁港内に直営の食事処があり、新鮮なボリュームのある料理で美味しいお店です 釣りのスポットが漁港内外結構あり、勝山海岸の端にもつながっているので、移動したりして子どもも遊ばせやすい ただ、漁港内をはじめ危険対策は常に… ライフジャケット等やしっかり見ておかないとです また、針などのゴミもちらちら落ちているので、拾ったり、ルールは守って漁港の方々の邪魔にならないよう、 心がけて楽しんでます イワシの大群が漁港内にもいて、キラキラととても綺麗でした 次行った時は残念ながらいませんでしたが…
I was moved and impressed when I could see the fish well even in the fishing port (September) At low tide in the morning, I could see the fish well even in the fishing port I also found a nice place where the seawater wasn't smelly and sticky! I thought Let's go for the first time as a fishing spot for children and beginners, and let's come back again! I enjoyed There is a restaurant directly operated in the fishing port, and it is a delicious restaurant with fresh and hearty dishes. There are quite a lot of fishing spots inside and outside the fishing port, and it is also connected to the end of the Katsuyama coast, so it is easy for children to move around and play. However, there is always a risk countermeasure in the fishing port ... I have to look carefully at life jackets etc. In addition, dust such as needles is scattered around, so pick it up and follow the rules so as not to disturb the people at the fishing port. I'm enjoying it A horde of sardines was also in the fishing port and it was very beautiful with glitter Unfortunately next time I wasn't there ...
友姫 on Google

内房では唯一流木やシーグラスが拾える砂浜です 色は緑、青、白、茶色のシーグラスが沢山砂浜に打ちあがっています。 赤や黄色は滅多にありませんが茶碗のかけららしき模様の入った陶器もあります
It is the only sandy beach in Uchibo where you can pick up driftwood and sea glass. A lot of green, blue, white and brown seagrass are on the sandy beach. Red and yellow are rare, but there are also pottery with a pattern that looks like a piece of a bowl.

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