Katsutetsu Fujioka - Fujioka

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Katsutetsu Fujioka

住所 :

201 Nakaozuka, Fujioka, Gunma 375-0053, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 375-0053
Webサイト : https://www.gunlabo.net/shop/shop.shtml%3Fs%3D6776

201 Nakaozuka, Fujioka, Gunma 375-0053, Japan
ichicou High.B on Google

アジフライをトッピングしました ふわふわ肉厚で美味しい キャベツを2種のドレッシングで食べれるのが良いです。
Topped with Aji fry It is good to eat fluffy thick and delicious cabbage with two kinds of dressing.
SE2 on Google

家族の夕食で利用しています。座敷は7テーブルほどあったかと思います。 テーブルにはメニューが注文できるQRコードがあって、読み込みしたページから商品注文が出来ます。もちろん呼び出しベルもあり、店員を呼び口頭での注文も行えます。コロナ禍を考慮されたサービスなのでしょうか、とてもありがたく思いました。 お子様セット購入で帰り際にレジでできる、ガチャガチャ男の子用、女の子用あります。女の子用を回してまさかのリアルなカタツムリのフィギュア、、子どもは「カタツムリだー!」なんて言ってはいましたが、、、女の子用??
I use it for my family's dinner. I think there were about 7 tables in the tatami room. There is a QR code on the table where you can order the menu, and you can order the product from the loaded page. Of course, there is also a call bell, and you can also call a clerk to place an oral order. I was very grateful that it was a service that took into consideration the corona damage. There are for boys and girls, which you can do at the cash register on your way home by purchasing a children's set. A realistic snail figure that was turned around for girls ... Children used to say "It's a snail!", But ... for girls? ??
中島健二 on Google

厚切りロースかつ定食250g1960円を注文しました。厚いとんかつが凄く柔らかくて美味しいです‼️ また、ご飯とキャベツだけでなく、豚汁、味噌汁、お漬物もお替わり出来るのが大変嬉しい良いお店です(^_^)
I ordered a thick sliced ​​loin and a set meal of 250g for 1960 yen. The thick pork cutlet is very soft and delicious! ️ Also, it is a very nice shop where you can replace not only rice and cabbage but also pork soup, miso soup, and pickles (^ _ ^)
希江子棚橋 on Google

エビフライとチーズロールカツの 定食を頼みました。衣が脂っこくなく さくさくで、すり胡麻とソースの相性もよく、千切りのキャベツも柔らかくて ドレッシングがよく馴染んでとても美味しかったです。ちなみに豚汁か味噌汁の どちらかを選ぶことができ、キャベツや ご飯がおかわり自由だそうです。 店内でジャズが流れていて静かな空間で 料理を堪能することができました。
Fried shrimp and cheese roll cutlet I ordered a set meal. The batter is not greasy It's crispy, the sesame seeds go well with the sauce, and the shredded cabbage is soft. The dressing was familiar and very delicious. By the way, of pork soup or miso soup You can choose either, cabbage or It seems that rice is free to refill. In a quiet space where jazz is playing in the store I was able to enjoy the food.
ソロトレッカー on Google

期間限定メニューの豚かつと牡蠣フライ定食を頂きました。 豚かつはすりゴマと辛めのソース、牡蠣フライはタルタルソースで頂き、どちらも美味しかったです。 付け合せのキャベツもシャキシャキで美味しかったです。 そして何よりご飯もツヤツヤもっちりの私好みでした。 但し、汁物の豚汁は赤味噌ベースで私は白味噌が好きなので、好みが分かれる所だとおもいます。因みにキノコ汁は白味噌らしいので、次回はキノコ汁をチョイスしたいと思います。
I had a limited-time menu of pork and oyster fried set meal. I had pork and sesame seeds and spicy sauce, and fried oysters with tartar sauce, both of which were delicious. The garnished cabbage was also crispy and delicious. And above all, I liked the rice and the glossiness. However, the soup pork soup is based on red miso and I like white miso, so I think it's a place where people have different tastes. By the way, mushroom soup seems to be white miso, so next time I would like to choose mushroom soup.
ka mi on Google

とってもサクサクで美味しかったです! 油も胃もたれしないですし、キャベツも豚汁もお新香もご飯もちょうどいい量とご飯が進む濃さ。ご飯は大盛りにすれば良かったかなとだけ後悔してます? また行きたいと思います!
It was very crispy and delicious! There is no oil or stomach upset, and the cabbage, pork soup, fresh scent, and rice are just the right amount and the strength of the rice. I just regret that I should have made a large serving of rice ? I think I want to go again!
T S on Google

ヒレカツ&カキフライ定食を頼みました。 驚いたのは油っこくなく、サクサクの食感に驚きました!全然胃もたれもなく美味しく頂きました!店員さんの対応も良好で、また行ってみたい店ですね!
I ordered a pork cutlet and fried oyster set meal. What surprised me was that it wasn't greasy and I was surprised at the crispy texture! It was delicious without any stomach upset! The clerk's response is also good, and I want to go there again!
Yan Tana on Google

When I ordered a teishoku, I could get a free top up of rice, soup and vegetables.

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