石窯パン工房 ダンマルシェ 西神店 - Kobe

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 石窯パン工房 ダンマルシェ 西神店

住所 :

Kasugadai, Nishi Ward, Kobe, 〒651-2276 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8789
Postal code : 651-2276
Webサイト : http://www.dansmarche.co.jp/
街 : Hyogo

Kasugadai, Nishi Ward, Kobe, 〒651-2276 Hyogo,Japan
masaru on Google

Sand is sandwiched between round petit breads, and costs between 160 and 200 yen per piece. I feel a lot of bread that women like.
佐野ばびっち on Google

パンの生地が美味しい。 種類もチェーン店では多く、迷いながら選びました。 惣菜、菓子、食パンどれも満足でした。
The bread dough is delicious. There are many types at chain stores, so I chose it without hesitation. I was satisfied with the side dishes, sweets, and bread.
_ R on Google

おいしいとの噂で行きました。 イートインコーナーの盛況ぶりで頷けました。 棒アイスもおいしそうでしたが、次の機会に…。 駐車場も充分ありますし、寄りやすい西神ニュータウンの明石寄りにあります。
I went there with rumors that it was delicious. I nodded at the success of the eat-in corner. The ice cream sticks looked delicious, but at the next opportunity ... There is plenty of parking, and it is located near Akashi in Seishin New Town, which is easy to get to.
安藤安雄 on Google

There are always a lot of customers, the products are not so different, I think that there are also dissatisfied and satisfied customers, but personally I would like a little simpler bread
don-chan on Google

こちらのパンはほんとにおいしい。バゲットでもなんか家族全員他のとちゃう!!と大満足。とくにお気に入りは玉ねぎと明太子のパン。名前はわすれました。そればっかり買うので「飽きるのがいやや!もっと頻度落として!!」とクレームが………。飽きないよね? いついっても入れ代わり立ち代わり車がたくさん。少し離れた場所ですが175号線を曲がって少しした所なので、便利です。駐車場もとても広い。明石駅などの店舗では玉ねぎ&明太子に出会えないのでこちらまで買いに来ます! おいしい!!でも色々買うとお会計で冷や汗っ!買い過ぎに注意します。
This bread is really delicious. Even if it's a baguette, the whole family will be with others! !! And very satisfied. My favorites are onions and mentaiko bread. I forgot the name. I just buy it, so I get a complaint saying, "I don't want to get bored! I'll drop it more often!" You never get tired of it, right? There are a lot of cars that can be replaced even if they come. It's a little far away, but it's convenient because it's just a short turn around Route 175. The parking lot is also very large. You can't meet onions and mentaiko at stores such as Akashi Station, so come here to buy them! delicious! !! But when I buy various things, I get cold sweat at the checkout! Be careful not to buy too much.
成瀬はる on Google

I ate curry bread for the first time in a long time, but I was happy to see delicious curry with moderate spiciness and thick meat from the bread with a crunchy texture as usual!
noring ok! on Google

元々和菓子屋さんだけあって、パン屋さんだけど、和菓子を置いてる。←そこは、譲れないんだろう。この前行ったら唐揚げまで売ってた。 卵焼きのサンドイッチが好きで、時々無性に食べたくなり買いに行ってる。
Originally there was only a Japanese sweets shop, and although it is a bakery, it has Japanese sweets. ← I can't give up there. When I went there the other day, I even sold fried chicken. I like omelet sandwiches, and sometimes I want to eat them asexually, so I go shopping.
Y T. on Google

ここの店舗も沢山のお客さんで賑わってました。 駐車場も広くて利用しやすいです。
The store here was also crowded with many customers. The parking lot is large and easy to use.

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