
4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact カーエイド

住所 :

Kasugacho, Iruma, 〒358-0006 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Webサイト : https://caraid.jp/
街 : Saitama

Kasugacho, Iruma, 〒358-0006 Saitama,Japan
kuwaman0324 on Google

It was a divine work!
A2 on Google

フロントガラスのチッピング修理でお世話になりました。 オーナーの職人気質のお人柄、技術力共に大変素晴らしかったです! ありがとうございました! お勧めです!!
Thank you for repairing the windshield chipping. The owner's craftsmanship and technical skills were both wonderful! Thank you very much! It is recommended! !!
森博子 on Google

美しいお仕事だと思います。 駐車場で隣の車のドアが当たったようで、縦に凹みがありましたが、全く分からない状態に。 とても綺麗にして頂き、感謝しています。 作業前の説明も分かりやすく、安心してお任せする事が出来ます。 オーナーのお人柄に甘え、色々と車の事を相談させて頂きました。
I think it's a beautiful job. It seemed that the door of the next car hit the parking lot, and there was a dent in the vertical direction, but it was completely unknown. Thank you for making it very beautiful. The explanation before the work is easy to understand and you can leave it with peace of mind. I was kind enough to the owner's personality and consulted about cars.
井上俊樹 on Google

助手席ドア付近に10円玉くらいの凹みがあり 、どうしても気になったので、調べてみたところ、デントリペアを知りました。 問い合わせてお伺いしたところ、丁寧かつ迅速に直していただきました。 肝心の凹んでいた部分も本当にどこかわからなくなったので、ただただ感動しました(笑) 初めてにも関わらず、他にもないか見てもらいたいとわがまま言ってしまったのですが、細かい部分まで確認してくれて、結果的に10ヶ所程度あったのですが、全て綺麗にしていただきました。 ドアパンチ以外にも普段気を付けたほうがいいことなどわかりやすくアドバイスをいただき本当に伺ってよかったと思いました。 また利用させていただきたいと思います!!
There is a dent of about 10 yen coin near the passenger seat door I was really curious about it, so I looked it up and found out about dent repair. When I inquired about it, he fixed it politely and promptly. I didn't really know where the dented part was, so I was just impressed (laughs). Even though it was the first time, I selfishly said that I would like to see if there is anything else, but he checked the details, and as a result there were about 10 places, but I cleaned them all up. I received it. I'm really glad to hear your advice in an easy-to-understand manner, such as things that you should be careful about in addition to door punches. I would like to use it again! !!
ta h on Google

I was worried about the chipping of the windshield, so I was taken care of. When I talked to him, he was a very pleasant person and the work was done very carefully. I also do dent repair, so if you get dented, you will be taken care of again.
えびさん on Google

Today, when my wife was on her way to work and looked for a place where she could drop a stepping stone on her way home, it seemed to be near, so I asked her in a hurry. It was very helpful to have them repaired very carefully, and to have a one-year warranty with an emergency patch for when cracks grow, and a discount at the daddy mom support shop. I thought that the response was quite different from when I had my passenger car repaired at a major automobile glass shop a long time ago. I would like to ask if there is anything next time.
高田義春 on Google

「ドアパンチ」と思ったが「カートパンチ」でした。(笑) 「パンチ」後はまるで目立たなくなりました。自宅そばにこんな技術を持った人がいて、車好きからすると大変心強い限りです。
I thought it was a “door punch” but it was a “cart punch”. (Lol) After “Punch”, it became almost unnoticeable. As long as there is a person with this technology near my home and I love cars, it is very encouraging.
蝴蝶忍 on Google

フロントガラスの飛び石をリペアしてもらいました! 非常に丁寧な作業で大変満足しています!また、わかりやすい説明等して頂き、ありがとうございました! また、何かあったときは、依頼したいと思います!
I had the stepping stones on the windshield repaired! I am very satisfied with the very careful work! Also, thank you for giving us an easy-to-understand explanation! Also, if something goes wrong, I would like to ask!

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