Kasuga Clinic - Kashima

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kasuga Clinic

住所 :

1128-51 Hirai, Kashima, Ibaraki 314-0012, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89988
Postal code : 314-0012

1128-51 Hirai, Kashima, Ibaraki 314-0012, Japan
ly li on Google

Nurses, clerks, teachers all good. You can see me very well.
ブルースカイ on Google

先生、特に息子の方!態度がめちゃくちゃ偉そう!痛みを取ってもらいたいと言ったら 「はぁ?取ってもらいたい?言葉遣いに気をつけろ」と言われ、凄く傷ついた。痛みを和らげたり、痛みを取るお薬を処方するのは、あなた達の仕事でしょ?治療してもらいたくて病院行ってるのに、逆に患者の心傷つけてどうすんのよ!二度と行きたくないわ
Teacher, especially my son! Attitude seems so great! If you ask me to take pain I was very hurt when I was told, "Huh? I want you to take it. Watch your language." It's your job to relieve pain or to prescribe medications that will help reduce pain, right? I'm going to the hospital to get treatment, but on the contrary, what should I do if I hurt the patient! I don't wanna go again
Fake\ Ground Owner on Google

The doctor's response is polite and very good
Ptw Adgjm on Google

受付の方、看護師の方の印象は良いです。ただ、医師は良くないです。過去2件の低評価があるのも納得できます。 短い診察の時間では医師の技量を知ることはできませんが、だからこそ開業医を選ぶ時は人柄も気になるところ。 特別な理由が無い限り、こちらの医院は絶対選びません。
The impression of the receptionist and the nurse is good. However, doctors are not good. It's understandable that there are two low ratings in the past. It is not possible to know the skill of a doctor in a short consultation time, but that is why when choosing a practitioner, personality is also a concern. Unless you have a specific reason, I will never choose this clinic.
飾りや工房ねこ福 on Google

I have been indebted for about 13 years. The director has changed recently, but did you take a day off on Friday? The new director will also be helpful to talk to me and carefully consider the medicine that suits me. As a family doctor, my family is being examined by the whole family. The new director does not have a pediatric examination, so is the child a medical examination when he is there? The child at home is already big, so I think it's better for the child to call before going.
石上マリア.リュウセイ on Google

He listens to the patient's words and responds.
1104 Utasa on Google

とても丁寧な先生でした。 しっかり訴えを聞き確認して進めてくださります。またかかりたいです。
He was a very polite teacher. Please listen to the complaint and confirm it before proceeding. I want to take it again.
神子 on Google

ガチ最悪で草 春日クリニック行って「受付」の人に問診表あそこで書いてくださいって言われ見たら外と待機場の間の空間。なんて言うんだあそこは?自動ドアと自動ドアの間の空間笑笑寒すぎて最悪。。。 それプラス空気入れ替えしますのでー。って言われて見てたら外側の自動ドア手動ドアにして空けとくし笑笑(´^ω^`)ブフォwww しかもそこで診察とは。。 でも悪い所ばかりだとなんだからいい所探します医師はまぁまぁ良かったのかな?
The worst grass When I went to Kasuga Clinic and asked the "receptionist" to write a questionnaire there, I saw the space between the outside and the waiting area. What do you say over there? The space between the automatic doors lol lol It's too cold and the worst. .. .. Plus, I'll replace the air. When I was told that it was an automatic door on the outside, I made it a manual door and laughed (´ ^ ω ^ `) What is a medical examination there? .. But I'm looking for a good place because it's all bad places. Was the doctor so good?

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