Kashiwaji Liquor Store - Utsunomiya

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kashiwaji Liquor Store

住所 :

4558-12 Miyukihoncho, Utsunomiya, Tochigi 321-0983, Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Postal code : 321-0983
Webサイト : https://www.instagram.com/kashiwaji_store_official/

4558-12 Miyukihoncho, Utsunomiya, Tochigi 321-0983, Japan
な! on Google

鳳凰美田の種類が多く、その他にもお洒落な日本酒や、焼酎が沢山ある。 写真映えをするお酒ばかりなので、好きな人にはたまらない。 おばあちゃんが、色々と詳しく説明してくれる。
There are many types of phoenix Mita, and there are also many other fashionable sake and shochu. It's just a photo-worthy liquor, so it's irresistible to those who like it. Grandma will explain in detail in various ways.
安室奈美恵 on Google

今日初めてお店に行かせて頂きました。 店内には沢山の日本酒が有り凄く迷いましたが好みのお酒を教えると分かりやすく丁寧に説明してくださりいい日本酒を購入させて頂きました! 最高のお店でした! 日本酒はこのお店でこれからも購入させて頂きます! ありがとうございました!
I went to the store for the first time today. There was a lot of sake in the store and I was really at a loss, but when I told him what I liked, he explained it in an easy-to-understand manner and I bought a good sake! It was the best shop! We will continue to purchase sake at this shop! Thank you very much!
Ryo Kp on Google

こちらのお店なら、お好みのお酒がきっと見つかるはずです。初めて行きましたが、場所が分かりづらいかも。 接客は丁寧です。PayPay使えます。 芋焼酎2本買いました。今晩楽しみです。
At this shop you will surely find your favorite liquor. We went for the first time, but may be hard to understand place. The service is polite. You can use PayPay. I bought two potato shochu. I am looking forward to tonight.
Ryo Ogawa on Google

I bought sake for my father-in-law's souvenir. If you want to buy local sake from Tochigi, I think it's a good selection. If you say your taste, they will select candidates together, and if your child gets tired, they will let you play in the toy space in the corner of the store, and the customer service was very good. You can also carefully select from tags such as limited time offer and recommendations without relying on the shop staff.
泉貴勝 on Google

Space liquor. Purchased at the recommendation of pop and store manager. good! If you find one, please try it.
4856 Ipusiron on Google

オシャレな酒屋 酒類の他に雑貨や焼物の器などがオシャレに配置されツイツイ手に取ってしまう 福島の一歩希は県内ここだけ 旨い酒
Fashionable liquor store In addition to alcoholic beverages, miscellaneous goods and pottery vessels are fashionably arranged and picked up in a twisty hand. Fukushima's step rare is only here in the prefecture Delicious sake
Satoshi “961696” on Google

たまたま近くを通りがかり、電信柱の看板を発見しお店を訪問。 品揃えが素晴らしくテンションあがりました。一歩己、文佳人が刺さりました。ワインもあり、かっこいいorかわいいラベルのワインが多かったです。 また買いに行きたいお店です。 駐車場は店の前に3台ほどありますが、駐車はやや難しいです。狭い道に面しており、ササッと止める必要があります。
I happened to pass by, found a signboard on a telephone pole, and visited a shop. The assortment was wonderful and the tension was raised. One step myself, Fumikato stabbed me. There was also wine, and there were many wines with cool or cute labels. I want to go buy it again. There are about 3 parking lots in front of the store, but parking is a little difficult. It faces a narrow road and needs to be stopped quickly.
ui coco on Google

お店の構えから酒屋さんには見えないレトロ感があります。 今までにない感じの酒屋さんにワクワクします。 日本酒、ワイン、リキュールどれもこれもいただいてみたくなるものばかりでした。 今回はカボスのお酒を購入しました。いただくのが楽しみです。 今度はナニヲエラボウカナ
There is a retro feeling that the liquor store cannot see because of the store's stance. I'm excited about the liquor store that has never been seen before. Sake, wine, and liqueur were all things I wanted to try. This time I bought Kabosu liquor. I'm looking forward to receiving it. This time Naniwo Elaboukana

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