Kashiwai Golf Center - Chiba

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kashiwai Golf Center

住所 :

1638-1 Kashiwaicho, Hanamigawa Ward, Chiba, 262-0041, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8897
Postal code : 262-0041
Webサイト : http://kashiwai-golf.jp/

1638-1 Kashiwaicho, Hanamigawa Ward, Chiba, 262-0041, Japan
青木昇 on Google

この地区で唯一の土の上で、マットはあるが、練習できる良い練習場であります? レンジも230ヤードと広いです。 二階は初心者?でも気軽にできる
The only soil in the area that has mats but is a good practice area to practice? The range is as wide as 230 yards. On the second floor, even beginners can feel free to do it
Yuyu Hiro on Google

前から気になっていたので気軽に遅い時間帯に行ってみました。 遅い時間だったからか、フロントには誰もおらずどうしたら良いのか??と戸惑いました。 中に声をかけて従業員の方が出てきましたがあまり愛想は良くなかったです。 いつも混んでいる感じなので、常連さんが大半なのかもしれませんが… 自分のよく行く練習場よりも打席感覚が狭く前と後ろの方が物凄く気になります。 ここは上手い方が多い感じなので、初心者さんやこれから始めようと言う方にはオススメが出来ないかな!?と思いました。
Since I was worried before, I went to the late hours feel free. It was late and I was puzzled that no one was at the front desk and what should I do? The employee came out with a voice in the middle, but the ambition was not so good. As it seems to always be crowded, regulars may be the majority ... The feeling of batting is narrower than the practice area I often go to, and the direction of the back and the back is much more impressive. There are a lot of people who are good at it, so I thought it would be impossible to recommend it to beginners and those who are about to start.
KON AT on Google

It is cheaper than the suburbs of Tokyo. The seating fee was 300 yen. The ball is a range ball. I was worried about the back of the net in the driver shot from the second floor at bat. It seems to be over if it is a course ball.
Yoshiaki Konishi (隊長) on Google

距離もあるし、広いし、 20時以降は打席料もかからないし のんびり爽快に打てます。
There is a distance, it is wide, There is no bat fee after 20:00 You can hit it refreshingly and refreshingly.
Ta Su on Google

230ヤードあるのでどの番手も気持ちよく打てる。50球500円はフツウ。平日昼間は50球400円。割と混み合うところだが、2階席は必ず空いている。しかし2階席の料金が安いわけではないので、利用するメリットはない。 休憩室利用中止や、貸クラブ利用中止をコロナを理由にしている点はいただけない。やり方は色々あるはずなのに、運営側が楽をしたいだけと言われても仕方がない。
With 230 yards, you can hit any number comfortably. 500 yen for 50 balls is fluffy. Weekday daytime is 400 yen for 50 balls. It's quite crowded, but the seats on the second floor are always vacant. However, the price of the second floor seats is not cheap, so there is no merit to use it. It is not possible to say that the use of the break room or the use of the rental club is due to corona. There must be various ways to do it, but it can't be helped if the management side just wants to have fun.
Takahiro Kawaguchi on Google

I enjoyed being able to use Trackman
ドラコンジィジイ快調 on Google

奥行きネットまで230ヤードありドライバーの練習もボールの弾道も解ります。打席から100ヤード位までが自然芝なのでアプローチ練習もしっかりできます。 2階席もありますので打席数は多いです。
There is 230 yards to the depth net, so you can practice the driver and understand the trajectory of the ball. From the bat to the 100th yard, the grass is natural, so you can practice approaching firmly. There are also seats on the second floor, so there are many bats.
nami nami on Google

昔ながらの、自分でボールをセットする練習場です。 自販機のような感覚で貸しボールをカゴにゴロゴロと入れて、自分の打席に運びます。 1球10円程度なので割安感あり。 日が暮れると自打球の行方が分かり辛いので、ナイターの照明は少し暗いかも? 全打席にスマホのホルダーが設置されたので、自分のスウィングチェックが出来るようになりました❗
It is a traditional practice field where you can set the ball yourself. Put the rental ball in the basket like a vending machine and carry it to your turn at bat. It's about 10 yen per ball, so it's cheap. When the sun goes down, it is difficult to know the whereabouts of the ball, so the night game lighting may be a little dark. Smartphone holders have been installed in all at-bats, so you can now check your swing ❗

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