令和ホーム株式会社 志木本店

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 令和ホーム株式会社 志木本店

住所 :

Kashiwacho, Shiki, 〒353-0007 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88888
Webサイト : https://reiwahome.co.jp/
街 : Saitama

Kashiwacho, Shiki, 〒353-0007 Saitama,Japan
on Google

We were introduced to a very good property under the desired conditions. Mr. Sakuma and the representative of the sales staff were also very kind, and they were kind enough to consult with me about things other than buying and selling properties. Also, Mr. Fujii, a remodeling company who introduced me, did a very polite and solid work. I think it will be a house where I will live for a long time, so I would like to continue to take care of it.
m m on Google

昨年の秋に購入させて頂きました。 とても丁寧に対応していただき、不安を感じることなく決断できました。感謝しています。 子供とも遊んでくれたので、ゆっくり相談することができました。 知り合いにも令和ホームさんをお勧めしたいと思います。
I bought it last fall. They responded very politely and made the decision without any anxiety. I am grateful. He played with my children, so I was able to talk slowly. I would like to recommend Reiwa Home to my acquaintances.
ゆっこりん on Google

初めてお店に行ってから、4ヶ月程かかりました。 その間、急かされる事もなく、何度も何度も案内に連れて行って頂き、夜中であっても内覧に付き合ってくれました。 不動産屋に対しての印象が、良い意味で大きく変わりました。 本当にありがとうございました。
It took about 4 months since I went to the store for the first time. During that time, I wasn't rushed, and he took me to the guide over and over again, and even in the middle of the night, he went out for a preview. The impression of a real estate agent has changed significantly in a good way. I'm really thankful to you.
長谷川匠 on Google

丁寧な対応でした。様々な物件を見ましたが、その都度的確なご意見をいただけたと思います。 お店は清掃が行き届いており、雰囲気もいいので落ち着いて話を聞くことが出来ました。 場所の離れた複数の物件を見る際はわざわざ車まで出していただいて、とても助かりました。
It was a polite response. I have seen various properties, and I think that I received accurate opinions each time. The shop was well cleaned and the atmosphere was good, so I was able to listen calmly. It was very helpful for me to take the trouble to drive when I saw multiple properties in different places.
伊藤凉太 on Google

みずほ台店でお世話になり、とても良い物件をご紹介頂きました。 子供の入学が迫り時間がない中、親切に迅速に対応してくださり助かりました。 アットホームな雰囲気で子供の遊び相手にもなってくださり、知り合いが不動産を探す際は是非紹介したいと思います。 本当にありがとうございました。
yuya k on Google

従業員皆さんの対応が良く購入まで即決でした! マイホーム購入検討の方は一度足を運んでみては?と思うくらいです! 様々な物件、希望に見合った物件を親身になって探してくれますよ!
Employees responded well and it was a prompt decision to purchase! If you are considering purchasing your own home, why don't you come visit us? I think! They will look for various properties and properties that meet your needs.
ももんがもんすけ(みちゃポン) on Google

問い合わせしたところ、問い合わせが多く近所から苦情があったので来店しないと場所は教えられませんと回答。 都合が合わないためメールで教えてくれると返答があったのですがメールアドレスを教えても一切連絡なし 実際にはあり得ない物件だからですよね? 令和ホームさん、埼玉県に屋上付きのリビング30畳の4LDKが3000万円で建てられるわけありません。 リビング20畳ですらなかなか厳しいと言うのに 釣り広告にしても盛りすぎです。 直接来店させて全く関係のない物件を紹介する手法ですのでお気をつけください。
When I inquired, I answered that I could not tell the location unless I came to the store because there were many inquiries and complaints from the neighborhood. I received a reply saying that it would not be convenient for me to tell me by e-mail, but even if I gave my e-mail address, I did not contact at all. It's because it's an impossible property, right? Reiwa Home, 4LDK with a rooftop living room of 30 tatami mats cannot be built in Saitama prefecture for 30 million yen. Even though the living room is 20 tatami mats, it's quite difficult Even if it is a fishing advertisement, it is too much. Please be aware that this is a method of directly visiting the store and introducing properties that have nothing to do with it.
おま on Google

担当が新人なので不備が多いのかと思ったが 店長も?と思うことが多く、 仕事ができる人はいない印象 悪い人たちではなかったので 時間やお金にとても余裕がある人には 向いている不動産だと思う 是非口コミ書いてくださいとのことだったので 不備があったと思っていなさそう 覚えている範囲での不備を書きます 他で家の購入をしたことがないので この不動産だけなのか、 不動産業界全体がこんな感じなのかは不明 ①案内が異なる 事前にハザードマップを見せてもらい 家はここなので問題ないと見せられたが 全く場所が異なっていて 水害の可能性があるエリアだった →嘘の情報を言われることもあるので 自分で確認した方がよさそう ②書類をなくされる 住民票、課税証明書をなくされた 無いのでまた取りに行ってくださいとのことで 別途有給を取得し取りに行ったことが2度ある →書類は見つかったそうだが こちらから連絡しないと何も言われなかった 返却されなかったのであったのかも怪しい →役所への交通費、 書類発行の手数料が多くかかったが実費 ③ローンの金額が異なる 毎月の返済額を指定していて、 その位ですと案内をされたが 指定額より2万5千円も高かった また、ボーナス払いありにしていたが、 ローン会社には無しで伝わっていた →計算されないようにか 価格を何度聞いても 家の価格は回答してもらえず ちゃんと計算しないといけないが 指定額の返済で問題ないの案内のみだった ④遅い 土日休みを伝えていたが、 火曜日頃に今週金曜日の打ち合わせで 使うものを役所で取ってきてください と言われる →言い訳は大体、先方が突然〜 必要書類は特別なものではないので 事前にわかるはず 家買う 書類 で調べたら出てきました 自分で調べた方がいいと思う ⑤無駄足を踏ませる 更に有給をとって役所で書類を発行し 平日の打ち合わせに臨んだところ 次のステップに進むために 来週の土曜日までに、 役所で別の市の類を集めるよう指示 → 家を売っているならある程度 必要書類はわかると思うのでまとめてほしい →家を購入するまでに役所に行くため 不要な有給を5日間取得した ⑥連絡が取れない ショートメールでのやり取りを行なっていた 依頼した内容が1週間返ってこず 催促したところ 送ったんですけど届いて無いですか? 携帯の調子が悪くて携帯変えてたんですよね など何度もあった →支店に電話の方がよさそう ⑦言い訳が多い 何か問題があると 先方が〜 〇〇(令和ホームの従業員)に言ったんだけど などと言われる →こちらには一切関係がないので無駄な時間 ⑧遅い 目安などを伝えられるが、大体遅れる 火災・地震保険を引き渡し日に 入るよう言われ契約書を書かされそうになる 引き渡し日になった瞬間には 入っていないといけないと思うので遅い また、地震・火災保険の説明も特になし 人気のところだから大丈夫です(店長の案内) とのことで終わり →事前に別の所で契約したので契約せず ⑨家に来る 記載が必要な書類が漏れていたとのことで (案内忘れ) 自宅まで書類を届けてもらえる →家の前まで来てもらえるのはありがたいが 玄関に入ってきて、 寒かったからか玄関の扉を閉める人もいた 車で来てるようなので、 書き終わるまで車で待っていてほしい 部屋全体が見渡せる家だったので 片付けなどしていないし、このご時世嫌だった
I was a newcomer, so I thought there were many deficiencies. Also the store manager? I often think Impression that no one can work I wasn't bad people For those who have a lot of time and money I think it's a good real estate I was told that you should write a review by all means. I don't think there was a flaw Write down the deficiencies as far as you can remember I've never bought a house elsewhere Is it just this real estate? It's unclear if the entire real estate industry looks like this ① Guidance is different Have them show you the hazard map in advance The house is here so it was shown that there was no problem The location is completely different It was an area where there was a possibility of flooding → Because you may be told false information It seems better to check for yourself ② Documents are lost Lost resident's card and tax certificate I don't have it, so please go get it again. I have been paid separately and went to pick it up twice. → It seems that the documents have been found I didn't say anything unless I contacted you It is doubtful that it was not returned → Transportation expenses to the government office, It cost a lot of document issuance fees, but the actual cost ③ The loan amount is different I have specified a monthly repayment amount, I was informed that it was about that It was 25,000 yen higher than the specified amount Also, I had to pay a bonus, It was transmitted to the loan company without → Do not calculate No matter how many times you ask the price The price of the house was not answered I have to calculate it properly It was only a guide that there was no problem with repayment of the specified amount ④ Slow I was telling you about weekends and holidays, At a meeting this Friday around Tuesday Please get what you use at the government office Is said → The excuse is usually suddenly ~ The required documents are not special You should know in advance I bought a house and found it when I looked it up in the documents I think you should look it up yourself ⑤ Step on a wasteful foot Get paid and issue documents at the government office Where we had a meeting on weekdays To take the next step By next Saturday Instructed to collect other city types at the government office → If you are selling a house, to some extent I think you can understand the necessary documents, so please summarize them. → To go to the office before buying a house Obtained unnecessary paid leave for 5 days ⑥ I can't get in touch I was exchanging by short mail The requested content does not come back for a week Where I urged I sent it, but haven't it arrived? My cell phone wasn't working well and I changed my cell phone. And so many times → It seems better to call the branch ⑦ There are many excuses If there is something wrong The other party is ~ I told 〇〇 (an employee of Reiwa Home) Is said to be → It has nothing to do with this, so wasted time ⑧ Slow I can tell you a guide, but it will be delayed Fire / earthquake insurance on delivery date I was told to enter and I was about to write a contract At the moment of delivery date I think I have to enter, so it's late In addition, there is no particular explanation for earthquake and fire insurance. It's okay because it's a popular place (store manager's guide) It ends with → I made a contract at another place in advance, so I didn't make a contract ⑨ Come home It was said that the documents that needed to be described were leaked. (Forgot to guide) Have the documents delivered to your home → Thank you for coming to the front of my house Come into the front door, Some people closed the front door probably because it was cold It seems that you are coming by car, so I want you to wait in the car until you finish writing Because it was a house overlooking the entire room I didn't clean it up and I didn't like it at this time

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