焼肉ふうふう亭 柏東口店

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 焼肉ふうふう亭 柏東口店

住所 :

Kashiwa, 〒277-0005 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Webサイト : https://okayamafs.com/fufutei/%25E6%259F%258F%25E6%259D%25B1%25E5%258F%25A3%25E5%25BA%2597/
Opening hours :
Saturday 4–11PM
Sunday 4–11PM
Monday 4–11PM
Tuesday 4–11PM
Wednesday 4–11PM
Thursday 4–11PM
Friday 4–11PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Kashiwa, 〒277-0005 Chiba,Japan
ささ on Google

友達と3回目の風風亭行ってきました! 1日5組限定の玉手箱のお肉予約して行きましたが、お店の人忘れていたみたいです。笑 ((実は私たちもでしたが…!笑))お肉よりつまみ系やデザートばかり食べてました!どれも美味しかったです!杏仁豆腐ひとりで15人前くらい注文して食べてしまった…(^^; メニューも沢山あるし、とにかく美味しいのでまた行きたいと思います!
I went to Fufu-tei for the third time with my friends! I made a reservation for the meat in the Tamatebako, which is limited to 5 groups a day, but it seems that the shop staff forgot. smile ((Actually, we were too ...! Lol)) I ate only snacks and desserts rather than meat! They are all delicious! I ordered about 15 servings of almond tofu alone and ate it ... (^^; There are many menus and it's delicious anyway, so I'd like to go again!
ふじたみか on Google

The staff are very friendly and the menu is plentiful. I think it's probably the most abundant all-you-can-eat menu I've ever been to. The quality of the meat was also good. I want to go again.
加賀三義 on Google

ふうふう亭 柏東口店は、炭火焼肉食べ放題のお店だ。精肉の卸売店直営ならではの肉質が、食べ放題で3218円(税込)~と、かなりお得。さらに16時までの入店で、 120分食べ放題がひとり500円OFFだという。 我われは「焼きセンマイ」を食べられると聞いて出陣。 メニューを見て、同店が牛タン推しであることが分かり、これも迷いなく注文した。牛タンは『横ずり』の大判サイズで、食べ方は定番の「塩焼き」~通好みの「うま味塩こんぶ」まで楽しめる。他のメニューやお肉も、食べ放題に入っていることを再確認してしまうクオリティで、客もローリング・タン(舌を巻いた)。 さらにお肉だけではなくサイドメニューも食べ放題で、サラダ~スープ~デザートまでもが対象メニュー。これを店の努力と言わず何というか。 店内の雰囲気は、ソーシャルディスタンス対策のビニールカーテンで仕切られ、各テーブル毎の吸気ダクトが利いており空調と相まって約3分半で客席全体の空気は総入れ替えされているという万全さ。 テーブル&イス席が一般席だが、高齢者、女子に嬉しい「掘りごたつ式のお座敷席」もあり、最大30人まで利用できるという。 コースは、生ビールも飲めるプレミアム飲み放題付「国産牛OK 95品120分食べ放題」が4980円(税込5478円)。国産牛と希少部位も(968円、税込)あり。 誕生日など、お祝い事には「お肉の玉手箱」が最適。住所は千葉県柏市柏1-5-20成嶋ビル2Fで、イトーヨーカ堂の真正面。クレジットカードはVISA、マスター、アメックス、DINERS、JCBが利用可能。電子マネー利用可(iD)QRコード決済PayPay可能で、お通し・チャージ料金はなし。たずねてみたら従業員の安全衛生管理も徹底され、勤務時の検温、マスク着用など頻繁な手洗いも意識されていると言う。 会計時に「がんばっていますね」と声を掛けると「その言葉が嬉しいです。励みになります」と気持ちのいい対応も。また来たくなる店だった。
Fufuutei Kashiwa East Exit is an all-you-can-eat charcoal-grilled meat restaurant. The meat quality unique to a directly managed butcher shop is 3218 yen (tax included) for all-you-can-eat, which is a great deal. Furthermore, if you enter the restaurant by 16:00, you can get 500 yen off for 120 minutes all-you-can-eat. We went out to hear that we could eat "roasted omasum". Looking at the menu, I found that the restaurant was beef tongue, so I ordered it without hesitation. Beef tongue is a large size "Yokozuri", and you can enjoy it from the standard "grilled fish" to the favorite "umami salted kelp". The quality of the other menus and meat reconfirms that they are all-you-can-eat, and the customers are also rolling tongues. In addition to meat, you can eat all-you-can-eat side menus, including salads, soups, and desserts. What do you call this a store effort? The atmosphere inside the store is partitioned by vinyl curtains to prevent social distance, and the air intake ducts for each table are effective, and the air in the entire audience seats is completely replaced in about three and a half minutes in combination with air conditioning. The table and chair seats are general seats, but there is also a "digging-type tatami mat seat" that is nice for the elderly and girls, and it is said that it can be used by up to 30 people. The course is 4980 yen (5478 yen including tax) for "All-you-can-eat domestic beef OK 95 dishes 120 minutes" with a premium all-you-can-drink that you can also drink draft beer. There are also domestic beef and rare parts (968 yen, tax included). For celebrations such as birthdays, the "meat ball box" is ideal. The address is 1-5-20 Kashiwa, Kashiwa City, Chiba Prefecture, on the 2nd floor of the Narishima Building, directly in front of Ito-Yokado. We accept VISA, Master, Amex, DINERS, and JCB as credit cards. Electronic money available (iD) QR code payment PayPay is possible, and there is no through / charge fee. When asked, he says that the safety and health management of employees is thorough, and that he is conscious of frequent hand washing such as temperature measurement during work and wearing a mask. When I said "I'm doing my best" at the time of accounting, "I'm happy with that word. It's encouraging." It was a shop that made me want to come again.
林勇一 on Google

最近行けてませんが常連です。 現店長さんと先代店長さんには良くしてもらっています。 お二人ともとても人柄がよく、それがサービスやメニューの更新頻度にも現れてるかなと思います。 客からのアイデアも良いものは検討してくれます。 以前新メニューは何が良いか先代店長さんに聞かれまして「肉や一品料理は豊富な方だから、デザートを増やしたらどうか?」と言ってみたら、少し時間を空けて行ったらデザートが増えてました! 通常コースと国産コースが500円しか変わらないのは大変お得だと思います。 しかも国産のお肉が肉厚で美味しい! 一品料理も豊富で、デザートも少しずつ増えています。 難点を挙げるとすれば、店は小さいながらも焼肉店という事で、他の客の会話で店員さんを呼ぶ声が通りにくいのと、品数が多いせいか店員さんはあちこちで呼ばれるので、どうしてもすぐには来てもらえないです。 今時のタブレット注文や、コールボタンでもあれば解消されるかなと思うので、検討して欲しいです。 ちょこちょこお話しさせて頂きますが、やはり客商売は大変なようなのですが、私は5年くらいかな?通っている常連なので、このままずっと頑張って営業して欲しいと思います。
I haven't been able to go there lately, but I'm a regular. The current store manager and the previous store manager are doing well. Both of them are very personal, and I think that is reflected in the frequency of service and menu updates. They will consider good ideas from customers. Previously, when the previous manager asked me what the new menu was good for, I said, "Because you have a lot of meat and single dishes, why don't you increase the number of desserts?" I did! I think it's a great deal that the regular course and the domestic course are only 500 yen different. Moreover, the domestic meat is thick and delicious! There are plenty of single dishes, and desserts are increasing little by little. The difficulty is that although the restaurant is small, it's a yakiniku restaurant, so it's difficult to hear people calling the clerk in conversations with other customers, and because there are so many items, the clerk is called here and there. I can't come to. I think that it will be solved if you order the tablet at this time or even with the call button, so please consider it. I would like to talk a little bit, but it seems that customer business is difficult, but I think it's about 5 years. I'm a regular customer, so I'd like you to continue working hard as it is.
18 AH on Google

食べ放題が人気のようなお店ですが、今回通常の注文方法で注文しました。 理由としては、食べ放題で使われるお肉と、通常の注文では、お肉の質や切り方などが変わると思ったからです。 結果、通常の注文は失敗でした。 お肉は食べ放題で使われるお肉と一緒。 どのお肉もカス肉が一皿に4切れ。 とにかく薄くて小さい。 食べ放題とは違うお肉を食べたく、せっかく通常単品の国産を選んで注文したのに残念です。 食べ頃をむかえる前に殆ど焦げます。 ホルモンなどは縮み焦げ食べれなくなります。 値段も決して安い訳ではありません。 美味い不味いは人の主観なので文句は言いませんが、近年の焼肉屋のサービスとしてはいかがなものかと… これが食べ放題でおなかいっぱい食べれれば良い方には良いかと思いますが。 接客も酷いです。 従業員に注文やお会計をお願いしても、一度も止まらず、通り過ぎざまに返事をしていなくなります。 せめて止まってお客とは会話しましょう。 またお会計のレジは厨房の横なのですが、盛り付けの量が多いだの少ないだので、スタッフが怒られています。 他レビューでは高評価や常連さんもいるようなので、ハマる人にはハマるお店かと思いますが、しっかり焼き肉を楽しんで、美味しくお腹いっぱいにしたい方は牛角的な方をおすすめします。
All-you-can-eat is a popular restaurant, but this time I ordered using the usual ordering method. The reason is that I thought that the quality and cutting method of meat would change between the meat used for all-you-can-eat and the regular order. As a result, the regular order was unsuccessful. Meat is the same as the meat used for all-you-can-eat. Each piece of meat has 4 pieces of dregs in one plate. Anyway, it's thin and small. I wanted to eat meat that is different from all-you-can-eat, so I'm sorry that I usually chose a single domestic product and ordered it. It is almost burnt before it is ready to eat. Hormones, etc. will shrink and you will not be able to eat them. The price is not cheap either. I won't complain because the taste is subjective, but I wonder how it is a service of a yakiniku restaurant in recent years ... I think this is good for those who want to eat all-you-can-eat and have a full stomach. The customer service is also terrible. Even if I ask an employee to place an order or make a payment, I will never stop and will not reply to each other. At least stop and talk to your customers. Also, the checkout counter is next to the kitchen, but the staff is angry because the amount of serving is large and small. In other reviews, it seems that there are high ratings and regulars, so I think that it is a shop that is addicted to those who are addicted to it, but if you want to enjoy grilled meat firmly and make it delicious and full, we recommend Gyu-Kaku.
池本紀 on Google

2021.06.24 再び訪店。今回は誕生日祝いで来てみた。 せっかく誕生日なので一日5組限定の肉の玉手箱を注文(要予約)こちらありがたいことに無料で頼めて、最初に持ってきてくれる。肉の盛り合わせとかかなと思いきや、まさかの正方形の重箱。そこからドライアイスで白煙出てたりして想像以上に凝っててビビったw無料でドライアイスつけてくれるとは思わんかった。中は日本料理みたいに小皿に盛っており見栄えがいい。中の肉はさすがに特別な肉とかは入っていなかったが、無料と思えばすんごいサービス。 本日の希少部位はリブフィンガー、とろけるうまさ。 今回はごはんをネギご飯にしてみたがこれが妙にハマった。ネギを載せたご飯に韓国風のタレがかけられたものだが、肉を食べるのに妙に旨い。こちらの希少部位のがっつり油にさっぱりしたネギがよく合う。 前回見当たらなかったケランチムも注文。まさに茶碗蒸しだが韓国風があるとは知らずおもしろい体験。玉子だし当然ニラがあう。 あと今回は塩昆布で焼き肉という新体験も面白かった。タンにつけられたのだが、他の肉に合わせても面白い。以外によく合う。さわびと塩昆布をあわせたり自分で色々カスタムが楽しい。 最後にデザート、この日の気まぐれスイーツはバナナアイス。子供の頃食べたドロップの味にそっくりで最高にうまかった。杏仁とかはフツーだけど焼き肉後にちょうどいい感じ。 今回もいい焼き肉だった。店長さんと思われる方も気さくで好印象。メニューも更新しているみたいで企業努力が感じられる。 2021.01.31 最高の食べ放題だった。gotoポイントが余ってたので思わず3500円くらいのコースにしてみたが、大正解。希少部位を注文でき、それが恐ろしく旨い。この値段で出して良いのかってぐらい旨い。 火は成形炭の炭火。火対策に氷をくれる。あと言えばわさびもくれる。超合う。 タン塩は塩コショウがいいかも、ねぎ塩はにんにくが強すぎて肉の味潰し気味。 すき焼き風焼き肉は最初に頼むのが吉。玉子を他の肉で試すとメチャウマ。あまりつけダレ濃いめにしてないので、最初にタレをかけて絡ませてから焼き、それを玉子につけて食べるとジャスト塩分、バリうま。 ステーキやわらくて素敵。 豚たんのバターをチョイスすると別ザラでバターついてくるので他の具材にも試せるので良い。どれも肉自体がうますぎてほぼいらないかもだけど。 本日の希少部位感動するぐらいうまい。 これだけ何もかも旨いのに、悪魔的旨さとうたっている悪魔の玉子とじ丼が全然うまくないのにはビビった。悪魔的に甘い。 テーブルに置いてあったパンフに鶏肉がうまそうな文言があったので次回は是非頼みたい。 ここきちゃうと同じ価格帯の別の焼き肉食べ放題馬鹿らしくていけなくなるのが問題かもしれない。
2021.06.24 Visit the store again. This time I came to celebrate my birthday. Since it's my birthday, I ordered a meat ball box limited to 5 groups a day (reservation required). Thankfully, I asked for it for free and brought it first. I thought it was a platter of meat, but it was a square heavy box. White smoke came out from there with dry ice, and I was afraid that it was more elaborate than I imagined. I didn't think that it would put on dry ice for free. The inside is served on a small plate like Japanese food and looks good. The meat inside didn't contain any special meat, but if you think it's free, it's a great service. Today's rare part is rib finger, melting goodness. This time I tried to use green onion rice, but this was strangely addictive. The rice with green onions is sprinkled with Korean-style sauce, but it is strangely delicious to eat meat. The refreshing green onions go well with the solid oil of this rare part. I also ordered Gyeran-jjim, which I couldn't find last time. It's just chawanmushi, but it's an interesting experience without knowing that it has a Korean style. It's an egg, and of course there is a garlic chives. Also this time, the new experience of grilled meat with salted kelp was also interesting. It was attached to the tongue, but it is also interesting to match with other meat. Other than that, it fits well. It's fun to combine Sawabi and salted kelp and customize various things by yourself. Finally, dessert, the whimsical sweets of the day are banana ice cream. It tasted exactly like the drop I ate when I was a kid and was the best. Kyoujin is a foolish thing, but it feels just right after grilled meat. It was good yakiniku this time as well. The person who seems to be the store manager is also friendly and has a good impression. It seems that the menu is also updated, so you can feel the company's efforts. 2021.01.31 It was the best all-you-can-eat. I had a lot of goto points, so I decided to go for a course of about 3500 yen, but it was a great answer. You can order rare parts, which is horribly delicious. It's so delicious that it's okay to put it out at this price. The fire is a charcoal fire of molded charcoal. Gives ice to prevent fire. It also gives me wasabi. Super fit. Salt and pepper may be good for tongue salt, and garlic is too strong for green onion salt, which makes the meat taste crushed. It is good to order sukiyaki-style yakiniku first. If you try the egg with other meat, it will be messy. It's not so thick, so first sprinkle it on it, entangle it, bake it, and then add it to the egg and eat it. The steak is soft and nice. If you choose pork butter, the butter will come with another grain, so you can try other ingredients as well. The meat itself may be almost unnecessary. It's so good that I'm impressed with today's rare parts. Even though everything was delicious, I was surprised that the devil's egg and rice bowl, which was said to be devilish, was not good at all. Devilishly sweet. There was a word on the pamphlet on the table that the chicken looked good, so I'd definitely like to ask next time. It may be a problem that you can't be ridiculous of another all-you-can-eat grilled meat in the same price range if you come here.
Matthew Stephens on Google

The staff, drinks, and food were great. Everyone in our group enjoyed.
Hattori Hanzō on Google

All you can eat Korean BBQ for 2 hours! This absolutely wonderful restaurant is is quite cozy but has areas for large parties, serves beer & liquor, & is a great place to have a large meal.

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