ザ・ビッグ 鹿島台店

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ザ・ビッグ 鹿島台店

住所 :

Kashimadaikimazuka, Ōsaki, 〒989-4102 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8977
Webサイト : http://www.mv-minamitohoku.co.jp/stores/kashimadai
Opening hours :
Saturday 8AM–10PM
Sunday 8AM–10PM
Monday 8AM–10PM
Tuesday 8AM–10PM
Wednesday 8AM–10PM
Thursday 8AM–10PM
Friday 8AM–10PM
街 : Miyagi

Kashimadaikimazuka, Ōsaki, 〒989-4102 Miyagi,Japan
いとうのぶ on Google

The number of stores has decreased considerably, but the remaining stores are working hard!
gs odyssey on Google

It's helpful because it's the only decent supermarket in the neighborhood.
masaru mori on Google

宮城に来てからよく利用しています。 店内で下手っぴな歌がヘビロテで流れてて、帰る頃には耳につく感じ(^^; 野菜と果物以外は当たり外れがなくて安いと思います。 関東にはほぼないと思うけど、あればきっと流行るはず。
I often use it after coming to Miyagi. A bad song is played in the shop at the restaurant, and you will hear it when you return (^^; Except for vegetables and fruits, I think it's cheap because there is no hit. I don't think there is much in the Kanto region, but if it does, it will surely become popular.
C E on Google

野菜が安いのでよく行きます。 あとは、100円均一とか 安い服屋とホーマックがあるので ホーマックで何か買うついでに おかずを見に行く程度です 駐車場が狭いかも… お年寄りの運転が怖いくらい 狭い
I often go there because vegetables are cheap. After that, 100 yen uniform Because there are cheap clothes stores and Homac While buying something at Homac I just go to see the side dishes The parking lot may be small ... I'm scared of driving the elderly narrow
やんちゃママ on Google

毎日の、食事に必要な食材等々。大変安く提供してもらっているのでたすかってます。 特に肉類。たまに、買いだめをしてストックしてます。 自宅から遠いのが難点ですが 混雑を避けて来店した方がよいでしょう。 土日、特売品は、朝から混んでます。
Ingredients necessary for daily meals, etc. I am grateful that they are offered at a very low price. Especially meat. Occasionally, I stock up on stock. The drawback is that it's far from home You should avoid the crowds when you come to the store. On Saturdays and Sundays, the bargain items are crowded from the morning.
齋藤健吾 on Google

宮城の涌谷方面に行く時に、いつもそばのバイパスを通っています。暑い日でもあり、冷たいドリンクを買うために寄りました。 敷地内にホームセンターのホーマックやガソリンスタンドもあり。テナントも小型店舗にズラッと入ってます。 他のイオンビッグと同じ商品配置、どこに何があるか大体分かる。安いのでお気に入り野菜ジュース缶とデザートもついで買い。セルフレジで会計楽々。 近くに七十七銀行もあり、薬王堂などのドラッグストアも2件あり。 大変便利な、場所も抜群の施設です。
When I go to Wakuya in Miyagi, I always go through the bypass by the side. It was a hot day, so I stopped by to buy a cold drink. There is also a home improvement store Homac and a gas station on the premises. Tenants are also slipping into small stores. The same product layout as other AEON Big, you can roughly understand where and what is. It's cheap so I bought my favorite vegetable juice can and dessert. Easy accounting with self-checkout. There is also the 77 Bank nearby, and there are two drug stores such as Yakuodo. It is a very convenient facility with an excellent location.
ko chiyo on Google

The inside of the store is dark and gloomy, probably because of power saving, so why not keep the toilet door broken and not fix it?
3153 on Google

Kikusuian is in the big, so when you pass Kashimadai, you will usually stop by. In addition to Kikusuian, there are several stores, so let's take a look next time.

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