Kashima Heights Sports Plaza - Kashima

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kashima Heights Sports Plaza

住所 :

659 Tanobe, Kashima, Ibaraki 314-0042, Japan

電話 : 📞 +899879
Postal code : 314-0042
Webサイト : http://kashima-hsp.com/

659 Tanobe, Kashima, Ibaraki 314-0042, Japan
琵琶湖太郎 on Google

I remembered the ninth year since the Great East Japan Earthquake, so I will review it. Immediately after the earthquake, Kashima City was out of water, and for a while, she came here with a feeling that she could not take a bath and shed on straw. The body was refreshing and relieved. At that time, there was a water supply outside, and many people came to get the water, and if my home wanted to get water, the staff here came out and approached the water supply desperately to get rid of it. I don't remember if I was concerned about running out of water here, but I didn't feel bad about it. I didn't ask for water for the bath, but I just wanted a bucket of water.
minmin hnd on Google

グラウンドゴルフで家族と利用しました。芝生の管理がとても素晴らしく、綺麗でフカフカです。しかし、フカフカの芝を長く歩くのは、高齢の両親にとってちょっと辛いようです。 ●プレーについては、全24コース、とても楽しめました。更に、潮来の道の駅にある大きなグラウンドゴルフ場も合わせてプレーすると、グラウンドゴルフ三昧となり、おススメです。
We used with family in ground golf. The management of the lawn is very nice, clean and fluffy. However, it seems a bit painful for older parents to walk long on the fluffy grass. ● I enjoyed playing 24 courses. Furthermore, if you play with the large ground golf course at Itako-no-Michi Station, it will be a great experience for playing ground golf.
Papa Mr-TR on Google

流石はサッカーの街、鹿嶋です。鹿島ハイツの入り口からこれまた凄い。サッカーコートだけでも5面はあり、フットサルコートもあります。施設内の庭園もきれいに整えられ、駐車場も広くてきれいです。サッカーコートは第五コートしか見ていませんが、人工芝の素晴らしいグラウンドでした。撮影日は2019 年11月に撮影したものですが、この日も県外ナンバーの車がたくさんあり人気のスポーツ施設という事が分かる。日帰り入浴もできるので、スポーツ後にもお勧めです。また、この施設の支配人はなんと元日本代表としても活躍され、アントラーズでは鉄壁のディフェンスであった大野俊三さんなのです。運が良ければ逢えるかも知れませんね。
Ruseki is Kashima, the city of soccer. This is also amazing from the entrance of Kashima Heights. There are five soccer courts alone and a futsal court. The garden in the facility is well maintained and the parking lot is large and clean. The soccer court is only the fifth court, but it was a wonderful ground with artificial grass. The shooting date was taken in November 2019, but there are many cars outside the prefecture on this day, and you can see that it is a popular sports facility. You can also take a day trip, so it is recommended after sports. In addition, the manager of this facility is also active as a former representative of Japan, Shunzo Ohno, who was the defense of the iron wall in Antlers. If you are lucky, you might be able to get it.
伊藤征子 on Google

お風呂からの眺め とても良い眺め 夕日が落ちる時間最後だと?
View from the bath Very nice view ? At the end of the sunset time ?
松浪庄九郎 on Google

レストランのランチメニューは全て美味しいです。 ドリンクバー付きです。 レストランの開店時間は11時半です。 日帰りの大浴場があります サウナあり。午後12時開店です。大人700円、タオルやカミソリは自前を用意して下さい。 浴場から北浦の眺めが良いです。温泉ではないのは少し残念ですが。
The restaurant's lunch menu is all delicious. Comes with a drink bar. The restaurant is open at 11:30. There is a large public bath for day trips There is a sauna. It opens at 12:00 pm. Adults 700 yen, please bring your own towels and razors. The view of Kitaura is good from the bathhouse. It's a little disappointing that it's not a hot spring.
なの on Google

ランチをやっている事を知り合いから聞き、ゴールデンウィークに行きカレーバイキングやってました。 普段はランチメニューもあり高台から北浦も見えるので、穴場です。オススメです。 今日はランチたべてきました。 誰もいないかったから、貸し切り状態でドリンクバーも飲み放題でした。
I heard from an acquaintance that I was having lunch and went to Golden Week to do curry buffet. There is usually a lunch menu and you can see Kitaura from the hill, so it's a little-known spot. I recommend it. I ate lunch today. I didn't want anyone, so I had all-you-can-drink at the drink bar in a chartered state.
君和田一之助 on Google

Looking at Kitaura from the bath will heal your heart. From the hill to the shore of Lake Kitaura, from Mt. Tsukuba to the setting sun is the best ? Please take a bath once. ~ I'm thrilled ?
小林進一 on Google

I went to Yahataya onsen last week, and it was a good hotel comparable to that, the food was delicious with bikin, and the hot spring was good with the observation bath where you can see Kitaura.

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