Kashihara - Hiroshima

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kashihara

住所 :

9-4 Kanonmachi, Nishi Ward, Hiroshima, 733-0031, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 733-0031
Webサイト : https://www.mochigashi-kashihara.co.jp/

9-4 Kanonmachi, Nishi Ward, Hiroshima, 733-0031, Japan
BOSS BABY on Google

初めて食べました。 はっさく、甘夏、レモンと食べましたが、はっさくが食べ応えがあり、一番美味しかったです。
It's the first time I ate it. I ate Hassaku, Amanatsu, and lemon, but Hassaku was the most delicious.
暑いのは苦手な猫 on Google

Hassaku Daifuku is a favorite food that I always buy when I go to Hiroshima, and I can't be satisfied with the commercially available strawberry Daifuku anymore.
スケルマルヴォフ on Google

Highly recommended as a souvenir! However, please note that the expiration date is 3 days after purchase. It costs about 170 yen per piece, so I think it is suitable for spreading in the workplace. There are several types at the store, but this seems to vary depending on the season. I visited in February in winter, and there were lemons, hassaku oranges, sweet summers, oranges, and strawberries. The famous Hassaku Daifuku has a slight bitter taste, so you may like it or not. Amanatsu has a good balance of sourness and sweetness, so this is recommended as a souvenir. It was also placed at the supermarket attached to Hiroshima Station, so if you have a chance to buy it, please do.
もこ on Google

Hassaku Daifuku wanted to try it and asked an acquaintance to buy it. Shiroan and Hassaku in the mochi-it goes well with it ? I'd like to ask you to buy it again.
Mこ&てつお on Google

創業1941年♪ 元祖はっさく大福発祥のお店(^-^)/ はっさく大福以外にも色んな大福があって悩みました(*^^*) ★はっさく大福 160円 ★いちご大福 180円 はっさく大福は 白餡が入っていてさっぱりジューシー♪ どちらも美味しかったです♪♪ (2022/3)
アヒルまんじゅう on Google

たまたま群馬のスーパーで推されてて購入しましたが、想像してた味とまったく違いあまりに美味しくてびっくりしました! 餡が絶妙な甘さで中の八朔や甘夏との相性が抜群で、ベチャッともしてないのにしっかりジューシーで外の餅も美味しくて一瞬でファンに! 地元にはコーヒー大福の有名な生クリーム大福のお店がありますが、そこと甲乙つけがたい、むしろ超えてきた素晴らしい大福でした。 いつか現地にて出来たてを食したいと思います。
I happened to buy it at a supermarket in Gunma, but I was surprised at how delicious it was, which was completely different from what I had imagined! The sweetness of the bean paste is exquisite and it goes well with Hassaku oranges and Amanatsu. There is a famous fresh cream Daifuku shop in the local area, but it was hard to put it on, but rather it was a wonderful Daifuku that went beyond. I would like to eat freshly made food someday.
ma sata on Google

お土産用に購入しました。 購入した翌日に家族と食べました。 1日経ってますが外側のもちは柔らかいままです。 悪くないけど、フルーツ大福の中ではやっぱりイチゴ大福に勝るものはないかな〜と思ってしまいます。 どうしても購入したい場合はお店まで来るのが確実ですが、 広島駅のお土産物コーナーに少しでしたが置いてありました。
We purchased for souvenirs. I ate with my family the day after I bought it. It's been a day, but the outer mochi remains soft. It's not bad, but I wonder if there is anything better than Strawberry Daifuku in Fruit Daifuku. If you really want to buy it, you are sure to come to the store, It was a little placed in the souvenir corner of Hiroshima station.
Qathuwo bushi on Google

お勧めします 酸味と甘味のバランスが良いですよ 特に八朔大福は苦味がアクセントで旨い 檸檬大福も、甘夏が入ってて檸檬ピールが丁度良く合わせて有る 後は…無農薬なら良いけど 後口が、農薬で痺れます
It is recommended It has a good balance of sourness and sweetness. Hassaku Daifuku is especially delicious with a bitter taste as an accent. Lemon Daifuku also has a sweet summer and the lemon peel is just right. After that ... it's okay if it's pesticide-free The back mouth is numb with pesticides

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