Kasamatsu Hospital - Gifu

2.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kasamatsu Hospital

住所 :

3 Chome-11 Nakauzura, Gifu, 500-8288, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88788
Postal code : 500-8288
Webサイト : http://www.seiyuukai.or.jp/kasamatu/kasamatu.html

3 Chome-11 Nakauzura, Gifu, 500-8288, Japan
平洋 on Google

It was told that the reception was poor and that it was over despite the overtime treatment. I was told that he would give me medicine, even though it wasn't as effective as a doctor. While listening to the next day to visit the hospital, the number of days of the prescribed drug was not enough, and the teacher told him that he would like the explanation, but the teacher returned. It is the worst Yabu doctor. I will never come again.
リラあぃちん on Google

クチコミ投稿の効果なのか?!? 投稿後、診察に行きましたが、会計が早くなり待たされる事がなくなりました♪ ありがとうございます 夜間対応して頂きありがとうございました。 そのまま入院し、後日手術となりました。先生も看護師の方々も親切で、明るく対応は良かったです。 今は通院しておりますが、診察終わって会計までの時間が長すぎる。30分待てても、1時間待ちは辛い…会計までに1時間はかかり過ぎかと。。 改善して頂きたいと思います。
Is it the effect of posting reviews? !! ?? After posting, I went to see a doctor, but the accounting was quicker and I didn't have to wait ♪ Thank you Thank you for your support at night. I was hospitalized as it was and had surgery at a later date. The teachers and nurses were kind, cheerful and helpful. I am going to the hospital now, but it takes too long to complete the examination and check out. Even if you wait 30 minutes, waiting for 1 hour is hard ... I wonder if it takes too much time to check out. .. I would like you to improve it.
岩崎久美子 on Google

正月休みに 咳が酷くなり高熱が出てインフルの検査もしてもらいました。 陰性だったのですが 夜になって 40℃超えの熱が! 喉を見るわけでもなく、聴診器あてるわけでもなく、解熱剤も出してもらえず、夜にまた来院 電話受付の対応が 非常に悪く投げ捨てるような言い方、 他の口コミにも 受付の対応の悪さ指摘してる方が何人かいて納得出来ました 改善する気は無さそうですね
During the New Year holidays, my cough became severe and I got a high fever, and I was asked to check for flu. It was negative, but at night it was over 40 ℃! I did not look at my throat, did not put a stethoscope on, did not get antipyretic, and came again at night The response of the telephone receptionist is very badly thrown away, I was convinced that there were some people who pointed out the poor response of the receptionist to other reviews I do n’t think we ’ll improve
てんもも(ぶんぶん丸) on Google

When my parents went to see me for the first time after being discharged from the hospital with pneumonia, I ended up saying that my chest roentgen was clean. I don't hear or explain the sound of my chest. Do you bother to go to the doctor and wait for an hour? I can't believe it. !!
川合正樹 on Google

皆さん態度も悪くないですし、明るい方多くて雰囲気いいですね。 口コミにあった待合の時間対策も病院内に患者様を待たせないように、と掲示物まであり、意識されてるみたいですね。
Everyone's attitude is not bad, and there are many bright people and the atmosphere is good. It seems that people are conscious of the waiting time measures that were in the word of mouth, as there is even a notice in the hospital so that patients do not have to wait.
725 N on Google

昔からずっと、この病院は嫌いです。 死ぬほど待たされるのと、処方される薬も合わないことが多いです。 そのため緊急の時以外は利用しません。
I have always hated this hospital. I often have to wait to death and the prescribed medicines don't match. Therefore, it is not used except in an emergency.
S Y on Google

家族が入院して着替えを渡しに行きました。こんなご時世なので面会禁止だろうと思い、荷物をスタッフさんに渡そうとして目を合わせて声かけようとしても、サッと目をそらされるので、声をかけずらく、病棟にまであがってみましたが看護師さんも同じように逃げるような態度。そのためこちらから大きな声で看護師さんに声をかけて、「荷物を渡しに来ました」というと、「面会禁止ですよ?」と。だろうね!!でも誰も荷物を受け取ろうとしないんだ!って感じでした。こんな時期でも不審者でさえ病室まで行けてしまうのでは? 手術無しで痛み止めの投与と水分の点滴、一泊で3万5千円でした。世間的に1泊入院の平均は1万だそうなのでびっくりですね。
My family was hospitalized and went to hand over my clothes. I thought that it would be prohibited to visit because it was such a time, so even if I tried to give my luggage to the staff and talked to them, I was quickly distracted, so it was difficult to talk to me, but I went up to the ward for nursing. The teacher has the same attitude of running away. Therefore, I called out to the nurse in a loud voice and said, "I came to hand over my luggage," and said, "Isn't it prohibited to visit?" Probably! !! But no one wants to pick up the luggage! It was like that. Even a suspicious person can go to the hospital room even at such a time. Administration of painkillers and infusion of water without surgery cost 35,000 yen per night. I'm surprised that the average one-night hospitalization is 10,000 in the world.
マンキリル on Google

病院からワクチン摂取3回目の予約入れませんかという電話が。予約いれて行ったら半年まで後1日経ってないと理由で断られる。お前が電話して来たんやろーが!! みんながやぶ医者言うのも当然だ。
I received a phone call from the hospital asking me to make a reservation for the third vaccination. If I make a reservation, I will be refused because it is less than half a year later. You called me! !! It's no wonder everyone says a quack doctor.

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