Karasugamori Shrine - Nasushiobara

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Karasugamori Shrine

住所 :

635 Sankucho, Nasushiobara, Tochigi 329-2745, Japan

Postal code : 329-2745
Webサイト : http://www.jinja-net.jp/jinjacho-tochigi/jsearch3tochigi.php%3Fjinjya%3D900040

635 Sankucho, Nasushiobara, Tochigi 329-2745, Japan
中原悟 on Google

烏森神社に到着です。 高台にあるので、遊歩道をあがって神社までたどり着きました。 平安時代の延喜2年(西暦902年)に建立され、明治21年(1888)那須野ヶ原開拓の祖印南丈作・矢板武が開拓の氏神様として社殿を再建、同時に神社を中心に松と桜を奉納植樹し、公園化を図りました。 もともと稲荷神社だったらしく狛犬ではなくてお稲荷さんです
Arrived at Karasumori Shrine. Since it is on a hill, I went up the promenade and arrived at the shrine. It was erected in Engi 2 (902 AD) during the Heian period, and in 1888, Josaku Innami, the founder of Nasunogahara pioneer, rebuilt the shrine as the pioneer god, and at the same time, with pine trees around the shrine. We dedicated and planted cherry blossoms to create a park. It seems that it was originally Inari Shrine, not a guardian dog, but Inari-san.
T Sasaki on Google

神社⛩に向かう参道はなかなか良い運動になります。 地域の人達に親しまれている憩いの場になってます。
The approach to the shrine ⛩ is a good exercise. It is a place of relaxation that is familiar to the local people.
AYRTON on Google

I went for a walk from the parking lot of Karasumori Park. I think the view is quite good after a walk of about 2 km.
ニッポンくま太郎 on Google

烏ケ森公園と繋がる低い山の頂上にあります 国道4号から入った公園入口の階段を登るか 公園内から階段を上って行けます
Located on the top of a low mountain that connects to Karasu ga Mori Park Do you climb the stairs at the entrance of the park that you entered from Route 4? You can go up the stairs from inside the park
G Octavianus on Google

The entire park, including the shrine, is in very good condition and you can take a pleasant walk. Karasumori Inari Shrine is enshrined behind Karasumori Shrine. It seems that the upper part of the lantern on the left side of the approach was damaged by the 2022/03/16 earthquake. We hope that it will be restored as soon as possible.
たこルカ店長 on Google

Fallen leaves ? are worn and well maintained ?. We are steadily getting ready for New Year ?.
名も無き旅人 on Google

I lived near 45 years ago and occasionally came to Karasu ga Mori Park, but I didn't know there was a shrine. I visited the shrine for the first time this time.
那須塩原ライダー シャルディーSyarudhi on Google

息子と烏ヶ森公園で遊ぶときに立ち寄りました。 2022/04/09に伺いました。桜がキレイでした。
I stopped by when I was playing with my son at Karasugamori Park. I visited on 2022/04/09. The cherry blossoms were beautiful.

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