Karaoke No.10 - Katsushika City

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Karaoke No.10

住所 :

3 Chome-16-2 Higashikanamachi, Katsushika City, Tokyo 125-0041, Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Postal code : 125-0041
Webサイト : http://karaoke10ban.jimdo.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–5AM
Sunday 11AM–5AM
Monday 11AM–5AM
Tuesday 11AM–5AM
Wednesday 11AM–5AM
Thursday 11AM–5AM
Friday 11AM–5AM

3 Chome-16-2 Higashikanamachi, Katsushika City, Tokyo 125-0041, Japan
Икисгий Яжуков on Google

After asking for a lot of food, I was so enthusiastic that I was overdue for two hours. I was worried about the price with my friends because I chose the one-hour course, but at the suggestion of the receptionist, I was able to change it to the course price for the staying time. Thanks to you, you can chat with your friends while drinking a convenience store coffee. It was a fun day.
Allen Paul on Google

部屋がヤニ臭いけど古い店だから仕方ないですね。 料金は安いし店員さんも普通に接客してくれるし感謝です。 近くにあるジョイサウンドはぼったくるわ態度悪いわで最悪なので10番さんを見習ってほしいです。
The room is smelly, but it's an old store, so it can't be helped. I am grateful that the price is low and the clerk will serve me as usual. The Joy Sound nearby is a mess and I have a bad attitude.
ちゃらあい on Google

よく利用させていただいてます。 なんと言っても他のカラオケ店に比べて低価格で利用できる所が魅力です。 しかもワンオーダー制ですが、持込料を払えば(アルコールの場合500円)なにも頼まなくても良いそうです。 途中で買い出しもOK!! お店でドリンクを頼むとどうしても割高になってしまうので、こういうのはとてもありがたいです。氷とグラスも用意してくれます。 そしてカラオケであるあるなのが、2時間と言ったけど途中でフリーに変更したい…など入室してから気分で予定を変更したくなる場合がありますが(個人的には)そちらも快く対応して頂けました。 他のお店ではだいたい断られてしまうと思います。 予約の電話を入れてから少し遅れてしまった時も、『お部屋はご用意しているので大丈夫ですよ』とキャンセルせずに取っておいてくれました。(ご迷惑おかけしました) いつもありがとうございます(^^)d これからもまた通わせて頂きたいと思います。
I often use it. Above all other things that are available at low prices compared to other karaoke stores are attractive. Moreover, it is an one-order system, but if you pay the bring-in fee (500 yen in the case of alcohol), it does not seem to have to ask anything. It is also OK to buy along the way !! This is very appreciated as it will be more expensive if you ask for a drink at the store. Ice and glasses are also available. And I said that there is a two-hour karaoke, but I want to change to free on the way ... etc. I may want to change the schedule in the mood after entering etc. (personally) that also correspond nicely It was possible. I think that it will be mostly refused in other shops. Even when I was a little late after I made my reservation phone call, I kept it without canceling it, saying, "I'm ready because I have a room." (We apologize for the inconvenience) Thank you always (^ ^) d I would like to see you again in the future.
chihiro yokota on Google

利用歴は10年以上 安いのは所定だけど、喫煙室を禁煙だというウソ明白だからはやめろ 以上
Over 10 years of usage history It's cheap, but don't do it because it's obvious that smoking rooms are non-smoking. that's all
Shichimiya on Google

リピート確定です。 持ち込み代500円をお支払いすれば、飲み物なども持ち込み放題なので、飲み食いする人は絶対に安くつくと思います。 老舗店と聞いてたので、カラオケ機種古めなのかな?と勝手にイメージしていたのですが、DAMとJOYSOUND選べましたし、ぜーんぜん新しめの機種でした!部屋でタバコも吸えるみたいなので、タバコ苦手な方とかはオススメできないかもです!
The repeat is confirmed. If you pay the carry-on fee of 500 yen, you can bring in drinks as much as you want, so I think that people who eat and drink will definitely get cheaper. I heard that it is a long-established store, so I wonder if the karaoke model is old. I had the image of it, but I was able to choose DAM and JOYSOUND, and it was a completely new model! It seems that you can smoke in the room, so I may not recommend people who are not good at smoking!
隼人 on Google

コロナでカラオケが休業をする中、こちらは営業を続けられています。 建物はだいぶ古いですが感染対策などしっかりされており安心して歌えますので、このまま感染対策を徹底して、営業を続けて欲しいです。 見た目によらずカラオケ設備は最新で、画面も大きく音も良いです。JOYSOUND MAXが多いのかな?っていう印象です。 トイレに手を洗う水道がないのが欠点です。 トイレのタンクの上の水道で洗うのってなんか不衛生な感じがするんですよねー。せめて石鹸を常備して欲しいです。
While karaoke is closed in Corona, it is still open. The building is quite old, but infection control measures are in place and you can sing with peace of mind, so I would like you to continue your business with thorough infection control measures. Regardless of the appearance, the karaoke equipment is up-to-date, the screen is big and the sound is good. Is there a lot of JOYSOUND MAX? That's the impression. The disadvantage is that there is no water in the toilet to wash your hands. It feels unsanitary to wash with the tap on the toilet tank. I want you to have soap at least.
FRANKY LEE on Google

Maybe was cheap
Alexis Apuli on Google

Best karaoke in town.

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