
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 味楽留

住所 :

Kanonjicho, Kanonji, 〒768-0060 Kagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8879
街 : Kagawa

Kanonjicho, Kanonji, 〒768-0060 Kagawa,Japan
冨田啓子 on Google

大西祥二 on Google

川口真 on Google

Y Saitoh on Google

ヒーロ on Google

A delicious authentic sushi restaurant. There is a nice Itamae-san.
ni zaemon on Google

We purchase local fish, salmon roe, sea urchin, and seaweed from Tsukiji at a reliable shop from the training era in Tokyo. It is a shop where you can enjoy delicious seasons while valuing the sense of the seasons. The soy sauce is not tamari soy sauce, but the raw soy sauce that Kanto people are happy with, and the taste of seafood is firmly conveyed. You can also enjoy wine and sake.
kaki19730204 on Google

超が付く一流のお寿司屋さんです。 東京銀座他で修行して来た板前から見て心底感じました。 全国の食通が知る人ぞ知るお寿司屋さんです。
It is a first-class sushi restaurant with a supermarket. I really felt it from the itamae that I had trained in Tokyo Ginza and other places. It is a sushi restaurant known to people who know food lovers all over the country.
斎藤. on Google

夜に伺わせていただきました。 他にお客さんは0。 頼んだものは5500円の握り10貫のコース、お通しは990円でした。 990円のお通しは鮮度が落ちたイカと硬くなったイイダコ。 5500円のコースで、お通しの硬くなっていたイイダコをシャリにのせて出してきたときは、あぁ、ネタを仕入れて無いのだなと感じました。 食べたいもののリクエストに対しても今は無いという返答が多かったです。 単純計算で一貫550円ですが特に高価なネタはなく卵やイイダコ、マグロなど。美味しいものもありましたが、全体的に鮮度が悪く値段にも見合っていないように感じました。 ビールは生は無く、瓶で海外のもの。(確かハートランドでした。) 楽しみにしていた食事なので非常に残念です。
I visited you at night. There are no other customers. I ordered a course of 10 pieces of sushi for 5500 yen, and the price was 990 yen. The 990 yen squid is squid that has lost its freshness and octopus that has become hard. On the 5500 yen course, when I put the hardened octopus on the rice and put it out, I felt that I hadn't purchased the material. Many respondents said that they didn't have a request for what they wanted to eat. It is consistently 550 yen by simple calculation, but there is no particularly expensive material, such as eggs, octopus, and tuna. Some of them were delicious, but overall they weren't fresh and I felt they weren't worth the price. Beer is not raw and is bottled from overseas. (It was Heartland.) It's a shame because it's the meal I was looking forward to.

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