Kannon-yama Miharashi-dai Park - Takasaki

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kannon-yama Miharashi-dai Park

住所 :

Ishiharamachi, Takasaki, Gunma 370-0864, Japan

Postal code : 370-0864

Ishiharamachi, Takasaki, Gunma 370-0864, Japan

It was night, so I didn't know the entrance, but the night view was the best.
もとお on Google

Children can only play with swings. There are tall trees and the view is not so good.
江積良雄 on Google

山岳コースの散歩道 、あまり人がいないので この時世にはいいと思います。 清水寺に近く大変景色はいいです。
There aren't many people on the mountain course, so I think it's good for this time. It is close to Kiyomizu Temple and the scenery is very nice.
j m on Google

ネットで調べて夜景を見ようと明るいうちに下見に行ったのですが、近くの駐車場は寺と霊園、そば屋のものです。道路も狭く路駐も厳しい。 景色はたしかにいいが、モラルの問題でスルーしました。 市営駐車場がもう少し遅くまでやっていればいいのにと思う。
I went online and looked at the night view to see the night view, but the nearby parking lots belong to temples, cemeteries and soba shops. The roads are narrow and parking is difficult. The scenery was good, but I went through it because of moral issues. I hope the city parking lot is going to be a little later.
仏滅大将軍 on Google

It is a place where you can see the city area of ​​Takasaki. In particular, most people do not come, you can see the edge of the Kanto Plain, there are recommended places where you can have a night view, but the road to go is hard to understand (overlook the entrance), so a little care is taken Is required. Please be more careful especially at night. Although it is romantic to see the night scenery, there is a huge white robe with a blank white standing behind it, and there may be a cemetery nearby, so some people may feel it creepy.
栗田和則 on Google

ここに行くまでの道が、狭くてつづら折りの道で、しかも駐車場が無いので、自動車で行くのはオススメできません。どこかで自動車を置いて、徒歩で登る事をオススメします。 それでも眺望は、高崎の街並みを一望できますし、夜景もステキです。 物思いにふける・散策する・夜景撮影にはうってつけの場所ですので、一度は行ってみても良いかと。
The road to get here is narrow and winding, and there is no parking lot, so it is not recommended to go by car. We recommend that you leave your car somewhere and climb on foot. Still, the view overlooks the cityscape of Takasaki, and the night view is also wonderful. It's a perfect place for pensive, strolling, and night view photography, so it's okay to go there once.
toshi kaki on Google

春は桜が咲き、新緑が美しい。 道は狭くややアクセスしづらいが、落ち着いた環境。 高崎の市街地を展望し、天気が良ければ赤城山、子持山、榛名山、などを望むことができる。
In spring, cherry blossoms bloom and fresh green is beautiful. The road is narrow and hard to access, but it is a calm environment. If you look at the city area of ​​Takasaki, and the weather is fine, you can see Mt. Akagi, Mt.
Shigeki Kawakita (川北茂貴 夜景写真家) on Google

東向きに開けた小高い丘、樹木の間から高崎市街が見渡せます。一番高い建物は高崎市役所。その左のはるか遠くに群馬県庁の高層ビルが見えます。 The tallest building is Takasaki City Hall. 最高的建築物是高崎市政府。
You can see the city of Takasaki from the small hills that open to the east and between the trees. The tallest building is Takasaki City Hall. You can see the skyscrapers of Gunma Prefectural Office far to the left. The tallest building is Takasaki City Hall. The best building, Takasaki City Government.

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