
4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 理月

住所 :

Kanezawa, Susono, 〒410-1106 Shizuoka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://m.facebook.com/%25E5%25BE%25A1%25E9%25A5%2597%25E7%2582%25AD%25E4%25B8%25B2-%25E7%2590%2586%25E6%259C%2588-100620078434505/%3Fref%3Dpage_internal%26mt_nav%3D0
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2PM
Sunday 11:30AM–2PM
Monday 11:30AM–2PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–2PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–2PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2PM
Friday 11:30AM–2PM
街 : Shizuoka

Kanezawa, Susono, 〒410-1106 Shizuoka,Japan
H T on Google

入口 on Google

The best ?
Yoshifumi Koike on Google

I spent a relaxing time.
齊藤友里恵 on Google

You can spend a relaxing time. I went by car so I didn't drink, but I enjoyed cooking. Fluffy Tsukune is delicious.
BIG W on Google

ホントは公開したくない(笑) 知る人ぞ知る、隠れ家的なお店です。 溢れる気遣いと洗練された料理、落ち着いた清潔な空間はまるで高級料亭のようです。 大将一人のお店なので、5名以上はコースがおすすめ。 また、席数も限られるので来店前に電話確認するのが良いでしょう。 こう書くと敷居が高く感じますが、大将は気さくで丁寧な方です。 是非一度、最高の時間を過ごしに訪問してみてください。
I really don't want to reveal it (laughs) It's a hideaway shop that everyone knows. Overwhelming care, sophisticated cuisine, and a calm and clean space are like a high-class restaurant. It's a general store, so we recommend a course for 5 or more people. Also, since the number of seats is limited, it is good to check by phone before visiting the store. Writing this way feels high, but the general is kind and polite. Please come and visit us to have the best time.
Masahito Tsuboi on Google

ランチで焼き鳥丼1200円(税別) 不定休。Google mapのお店情報で平日もランチの時間がのってますが、週末しかやっていない可能性が高いのでご注意ください。
Yakitori bowl 1200 yen (excluding tax) for lunch Irregular holidays. According to the store information on Google map, lunch time is available on weekdays, but please be aware that it is highly likely that you only do it on weekends.
Yu Shinohara on Google

お料理すべて、とても美味しかったです。 次回はコースでお邪魔したい。
All the food was very good. Next time I want to bother you on the course.
M Miya on Google

無理を快く聞いて頂いて お昼を頂きました。とても嬉しかったです。親切にして貰ったから言うお世辞ではなく、ぷりぷりで 炭の香ばしい香り、美味しかった、なかなか食べらないレベルの焼き鳥でした。ロードバイクのイベントの道中で寄らせて頂き、お陰様で大満足の1日になりました。
I was happy to hear that it was impossible and had lunch. I was very happy. It wasn't a compliment because I received it kindly, but it was a yakitori with a savory aroma of charcoal and a delicious taste that I couldn't eat easily. It was a very satisfying day thanks to the fact that I stopped by on the way to the road bike event.

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