Kanekamikangari Orchards - Hamamatsu

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kanekamikangari Orchards

住所 :

2241-1 Mikkabicho Shimoona, Kita Ward, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 431-1424, Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Postal code : 431-1424
Webサイト : http://hamanako-toyama.com/

2241-1 Mikkabicho Shimoona, Kita Ward, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 431-1424, Japan
Mrs. chocolate on Google

はじめてのみかん狩り とっても美味しかったです。 9個くらい食べました。 大人1200円でお土産みかん付 木によって味がけっこう違うので美味しい木を探すのも楽しいです 。
First mandarin orange hunting It was very delicious. I ate about 9 pieces. 1200 yen for adults with souvenir oranges It's fun to find a delicious tree because the taste is quite different depending on the tree. ..
sato natu on Google

You can relax and see the sea and mountains while eating oranges.
チビミルモ on Google

The wind was calm, but the surface and scenery of Lake Hamana in front of me was very beautiful. The mandarin oranges are very sweet and the mandarin orange trees are not expensive, so it was easy to pick. However, the slope is a little steep, so it's good to have feet that don't slip. The shop staff were also kind.
Saka ma on Google

日当たりの良い斜面から、浜名湖を眺めながらのみかん狩りは、気持ち良かった。 みかんはしっかり色づき、おいしかったが、三ヶ日みかんはもっと甘い印象だった。11月上旬、まだ早かったかもしれない。
It was pleasant to pick oranges while looking at Lake Hamana from the sunny slope. The oranges were well colored and delicious, but the Mikkabi oranges had a sweeter impression. It may have been early in early November.
国内旅行調査員 on Google

This is recommended for mandarin orange hunting. Parking space is limited, including the rock wall side, but the slope shows the lake. All the staff are also kind.
KEN TV / GoPro on Google

2020年11月に訪れました。 朝早くに向かい、みかん狩りしました! 人もほとんどいなく、密ではなく助かりました。みかん自体もたくさん実ってて、甘く美味しかったです! そこから見える景色もよくて良かったです。 割と急斜面だったので、そこだけ気をつけた方がいいかもしれません! 値段も安かったです!!!
I visited in November 2020. I went early in the morning and picked oranges! There were few people, and it was saved rather than dense. The mandarin oranges themselves were also fruitful and sweet and delicious! It was good that the scenery seen from there was also good. It was a relatively steep slope, so you should be careful only there! The price was also cheap! !! !!
ステイサムくん on Google

11月下旬にいきました。陽当たり良好、寒くもなく良い気候はお土地柄。個人的な主観でしかありませんが、みかん狩りが出来る農園のみかんは、あまり甘味がのってないものが多いイメージでした。その中でも甘い木を探す楽しみは◎ お土産付きでの料金としては良心的でした。ちなみにお土産ミカンは激うまでした。
I went to the end of November. The climate is good, with good sunlight and no cold. Although it is only a personal subjectivity, I had the image that many of the oranges on the farm where you can hunt oranges are not very sweet. Among them, the fun of finding a sweet tree is ◎ The price with souvenirs was reasonable. By the way, the souvenir oranges were fierce.
Shinji Kato on Google

2021/11/14 10:00ごろ伺いました。 実は毎年いっている蒲郡オレンジ?パークが完全予約制になっていて今日朝あわててじゃら~んで予約させて頂いた経緯です。(^。^)y-~ 入園料は大人1人1200円です。 お土産が気持ち(笑)「十個くらい」つきます。 ロケーションとしては浜名湖が見えていいですね~ レジャーシート持って来てる人もいました。お弁当など持って来てもいいのかな~などと思いました。(こちらは農園のほうにお尋ねください。) 品種は極早生が終わって早生という品種のようでした。 う~ん、これは好みにもよりますが甘味は蒲郡に比べるといまいちかな~(^_^;) でもお天気もよく農園も清潔でとても楽しかったです。 帰り道、浜松でうなぎ食べて豊川のさんぼ道いって蒲郡オレンジ?パークでみかん買ったのですが蒲郡も早生の品種でしたが甘味は今一つでした。(*^^*) 今シーズンの長雨の影響なのかな?と思うところです。参考に大府の?巨峰は種が入らなくて全滅に近いといってました。 色々書いてすいません。 本日はありがとうございました。(*^^*)????? うなぎ屋さん多いですね(*^^*) 三ヶ日インターからくるまでに5軒以上ほどありました。 #みかん #狩り #うなぎ #浜名湖 #三ヶ日 #オレンジパーク #蒲郡 #さんぱ道 #浜松
2021/11/14 I visited around 10:00. Actually, the Gamagori Orange ? Park, which is held every year, has a complete reservation system, so I made a reservation in a hurry this morning. (^. ^) y- ~ The entrance fee is 1200 yen per adult. I get "about 10" souvenirs (laughs). Lake Hamana can be seen as a location ~ Some people brought their leisure sheets. I wondered if it would be okay to bring a lunch box. (Please ask the farm for this.) The varieties seemed to be early-maturing after the very early-maturing. Hmmm, this depends on your taste, but the sweetness is not as good as Gamagori (^ _ ^;) But the weather was nice and the farm was clean and I enjoyed it very much. On the way back, I ate eels in Hamamatsu and went to Toyokawa's Sanbo-michi to buy oranges at Gamagori Orange ? Park, but Gamagori was also an early variety, but the sweetness was not good enough. (* ^^ *) Is it due to the long rain this season? I think that. For reference, Obu's ? Kyoho was said to be almost annihilated without seeds. I'm sorry to write various things. Thank you for today. (* ^^ *) ????? There are many eel shops (* ^^ *) There were more than 5 houses before coming from Mikkabi Interchange. #Mandarin orange #hunting #eel #Lake Hamana #Mikkabi #Orange Park #Gamagori #Sanpa road #Hamamatsu

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