Kanei Shrine - Takamatsu

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kanei Shrine

住所 :

1409 Konancho Yusa, Takamatsu, Kagawa 761-1402, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887879
Postal code : 761-1402
Webサイト : https://kagawakenjinjacho.or.jp/shrine/%25E5%2586%25A0%25E7%25BA%2593%25E7%25A5%259E%25E7%25A4%25BE/

1409 Konancho Yusa, Takamatsu, Kagawa 761-1402, Japan
6200 MEDUSA on Google

2020年7月14日〜土砂降りの中、午前中に訪れました。こんな土砂降りですから社務所は、誰も居なく「冠纓神社御朱印」「安倍晴明神社御朱印」の書き置きを拝受致しました。 とっても素敵な神社さんですが、さすがに土砂降りでは、ゆっくり見ることも、ままならず仕舞い(汗)天気の良い日に来たかったですね♪
July 14, 2020-I visited in the morning in the pouring rain. Because it was a downpour like this, the shrine office received the memorandum of "Goshuin, Goshuin," and "Akiharumei, Abe, Shrine". It's a very nice shrine, but when it's pouring down, I wanted to come to a day when the weather was nice (sweat) and I couldn't wait to see it slowly.
Himajin Space on Google

I stayed for about an hour, but it's still not enough. It is a shrine with various history.
ごとく on Google

安倍晴明さんが好きなのでお伺いしました。 いろんな体験ができる楽しい神社 縁結びのおみくじが素敵です。 社務所は無人でしたので小銭の用意をしないと購入できませんので気を付けてくださいませ。 狛犬の足に糸を巻くのは何故?か、最後まで解りませんでした。
I asked you because I like Seimei Abe. A fun shrine where you can experience various things The matchmaking fortune is wonderful. Please be aware that the office is unmanned and you cannot purchase it without preparing small change. Why do you wind the thread around the guardian dog's paw? I didn't understand until the end.
chiho hiroki on Google

It was a shrine full of attractions. There were three types of red stamps. It contains various elements and I enjoyed it in many ways.
Kagwa of Kid on Google

I didn't understand how to read the kanji, but it seems to read it as "Kanei" shrine. I visited for a lunch break by passing by. It's like a shrine that benefits from marriage. The place of worship of the god of marriage has an atmosphere like Sanrio lol. There are quite a few stone monuments on the site, and I have visited many shrines so far, but this is the first shrine where worshipers act. You can enjoy turning the peach stones, going around the stones for good luck, and having good luck in the entire precincts, even though it is a shrine. It is a strange shrine that seems to be beneficial and can be enjoyed.
十津川 on Google

毎月御朱印が違うんだよって、お守りを置いてある所で対応して下さったご婦人がお話してくれました。神社はもっと皆さんの身近な存在でありたいと仰っていらしたお姿が本当に印象的でした。ちなみにお守りはとても可愛いくてたくさんの種類があるので目移りしますよ〜(*ˊᵕˋ*)੭ ੈ何度もお伺いしたい雰囲気の良い神社でした。
The lady who responded to me at the place where the amulet was placed told me that the red stamp is different every month. I was really impressed by the way the shrine wanted to be closer to you. By the way, the amulets are very cute and there are many types, so I'll take a look at them ~ (* ˊᵕˋ *) ੭ ੈ It was a shrine with a nice atmosphere that I would like to visit again and again.
mt mt starseed on Google

お守りも御朱印も勝手にもらってお賽銭箱に入れる。 女性の神主さんはいつもはいないので用事があれば電話するシステムのよう
Get the amulet and the red stamp without permission and put them in the offering box. There isn't always a female priest, so it's like a system that calls you if you have a business.
Masaki “magu0217” on Google

2022.02.27 かんえい神社と読む。 神社の鳥居横に、駐車場数台分あり。 安倍晴明ゆかりの神社と言うことで参拝。 どうも、近くに安倍晴明の墓があるらしい。 「御力(みりょく)巡り」は、神社のご本殿と旅所の間を くぐって通り抜けることで 「御力」光線をカラダにあびることができます。
2022.02.27 Read as Kanei Shrine. There are several parking lots next to the torii gate of the shrine. Worship by saying that it is a shrine related to Seimei Abe. Apparently there is a grave of Seimei Abe nearby. "Miryoku Tour" is between the main shrine and the travel destination. By going through You can cast "power" rays on your body.

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