Kanazawabunko Mental Clinic - Yokohama

2.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kanazawabunko Mental Clinic

住所 :

文庫太平ビル 2F 1 Chome-17-20 Deiki, Kanazawa Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 236-0021, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 236-0021
Webサイト : https://bunko-mental.com/

文庫太平ビル 2F 1 Chome-17-20 Deiki, Kanazawa Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 236-0021, Japan
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本当は、星1の評価すら付けたくありません。 通院している病院が家から遠かったので、もう少し近場の病院を探すべきかと思い、予約をして行きました。結果、最悪の一言です。 受付の方は2人いましたが、ずっとお喋り。 待合室には私1人しかいなかったので、尚更お喋りの声が待合室に響いていました。 時間を持て余していたとはいえ、他の患者さんのことを大っぴらに話すのは良くないですよね。 肝心の診察ですが、他の方も仰られている通り兎に角、医師が横柄な態度です。病院に行くのはしんどいが、これから生きていく為に治療しようと通院して来た人間に対して、する態度や言葉遣いではありません。資格を持っているのか不安になる程です。例を挙げると「辛いだけじゃ分からないんだよな」「俺のこの感じは仕方ないので諦めて」等、他含めても相当酷い言葉を沢山言われました。 自分のことを話す最中にパニックになり泣いてしまったのですが、余りにも発言が酷いのでだんだんと冷静になれました。 気を遣って欲しいとまでは言いませんが、メンタルクリニックの医師を名乗る以上、患者に寄り添うのは当たり前のことなのではないでしょうか?少なくとも私はこの病院に行ったことにより、数日程家から出れなくなりました。言い返せば良かったと後悔し、悔しくて悔しくて泣いて過ごしました。 自分語りが多くなりましたが、医師からも「別にこの病院に通わなくても良い」と言われたので、この病院へ通院することはやめました。 私は、お金を取られてまで不愉快な気持ちにはなりたくありません。 あくまで、これは個人的な意見なので通院を考えている方は参考程度に読んで頂けたら幸いです。 私は2度と行きません。
The truth is, I don't even want to give it a 1 star rating. The hospital I went to was far from my house, so I thought I should look for a hospital closer to me, so I made a reservation. As a result, it is the worst word. There were two receptionists, but they talked all the time. I was the only one in the waiting room, so the voice of the chatter echoed in the waiting room. It's not good to talk openly about other patients, even if you have time to spare. It's an important medical examination, but as other people have said, the doctor is arrogant. It's hard to go to the hospital, but it's not the attitude or wording of people who come to the hospital to treat them to survive. I'm worried if I have a qualification. For example, I was told a lot of terrible words, including "I don't know if it's just spicy" and "I can't help feeling this, so give up". I panicked and cried while talking about myself, but my remarks were so terrible that I gradually became calm. I'm not saying that I want you to be careful, but as long as you call yourself a doctor at a mental clinic, isn't it natural to be close to the patient? At least I've been stuck in this hospital for a few days. I regretted that I should have said it back, and spent my time crying with regret. I talked a lot about myself, but my doctor told me that I didn't have to go to this hospital, so I stopped going to this hospital. I don't want to feel uncomfortable until the money is taken. This is a personal opinion, so if you are thinking of going to the hospital, I would appreciate it if you could read it for reference. I will never go again.
タチコマ on Google

この心療内科は星1個の価値もない。初めて行きましたが2度と行きたくないですね。お金の無駄遣いになりましたし後悔してます。受け付けに何時間待たせるのか聞けば、受付が聞き間違えしている事に気が付かず誤解する謝罪しないで塩対応。私が丁寧に何度か説明すれば不機嫌な顔して対応する受け付けの女の配慮の無さ、初診は待たせるのなら最初から電話で詳しく説明すべきではありませんか。 そちらの病院の常識は、ご新規の相談者全員が理解しているとは限りませんし!家族を一緒に連れて行けば、貴方は大人でしょ?とか子供じゃあるまいしみたいな対応をするのを見て正直腹立ちました。家族に連れ添ってもらう理由があるから連れて来てる人もいることもあります!それなのに相手の話しも聴きもせず、話しの途中で割り込み、そちらで勝手に妄想する理解も配慮もない大人気ない対応に正直呆れました。待機時間が長いから何分かかるのか聞いたり話したら悪い事ですか!私は最初から貴女方の病院暗黙ルールなど知って居ればそんな事話しません。原因なしで結果はありませんし、一々面倒な注意など致しません。 そもそも医師は本当にカウンセラー免許ある方ですか?目をギョロギョログルングルン回しながら白目になったり話しかけるの本当に気持ち悪い。あなた自身の診察風景撮影してから診察してみましたか?それから、白い薬アレルギーでアナフィラキシーショックになり気絶経験した辛い体験者に対しての対応ですか!薬で気絶した経験が1度も無い人間に理解できませんよね!!薬は赤?黄色?とか色ではないです!薬に恐怖とトラウマを感じてる人に対する対応ですかね!!診察を受けてトラウマをほじくり返すのが好きそうでした。 そもそも家族問題の事を聞かないなら問診票で書かせないでください!!家族問題は即断りし、相談者の話しを聴く前に遮断で適当な扱いをされ……最後に突然医師から、私の職業の話をして来るから何かと思えば珍しがられ小馬鹿にされ、自分で話をふってきたのにハッキリ言って俺は興味無いね笑 みたいに言われましたが医師から話しかけきた訳で何がしたかったのでしょうか? 受付と医師の冷淡過ぎる塩対応は完璧にモラハラです。本当に心療内科なら傷つく様に話しかけたり、相談者が話しかけてもない余計な話しやお節介話わざわざお金かけて遠方からしに来ていません!余計なストレス増えましたし、医師からは他の病院に行くように言われましたがそうさせて頂きます。返金して頂きたいくらいです。二度と行きません‼︎
This psychosomatic medicine is not worth a star. I went there for the first time, but I don't want to go again. It's a waste of money and I regret it. When I asked how many hours I had to wait for reception, I did not notice that the reception was wrong and misunderstood. If I explain politely a few times, the woman who accepts me with a displeased face does not care, and if you make the first medical examination wait, shouldn't you explain it in detail from the beginning by telephone? Not all new counselors understand the common sense of that hospital! If you take your family with you, you're an adult, right? To be honest, I was angry at seeing how I would treat a child. Some people bring them because there is a reason for their family to accompany them! Even so, I was distracted in the middle of the conversation without listening to or listening to the other party, and I was honestly amazed at the unpopular response without the understanding or consideration of delusions. Is it bad to ask or talk about how long it will take because the waiting time is long! I wouldn't say that if I knew your hospital tacit rules from the beginning. There is no result without a cause, and we will not take any trouble. Is the doctor really a counselor license in the first place? It's really uncomfortable to talk to my eyes and talk while turning my eyes around. Have you taken a picture of yourself after taking a medical examination? Also, is it a response to the painful experience of fainting anaphylactic shock due to allergy to white medicine? It's hard to understand for a human who has never been fainted with a drug! Is the drug red? yellow? It's not a color! It's a response to people who are scared and traumatized by medicines!! He seemed to like to go and see the trauma. If you don't hear about family problems in the first place, don't let me write it down on the questionnaire! Family problems are rejected immediately, and they are treated appropriately by blocking before listening to the counselor... Finally, suddenly from a doctor, I I'm talking about the profession's profession, so it was unusual for me to be ridiculous, and I talked about it myself, but clearly I was not interested I was told like a laugh, but the doctor spoke to me What did you want to do? The receptionist and the doctor's treatment of too cold salt is completely moray. If you're a psychosomatic doctor, you're not talking to people hurt, extraneous talks that the counselor hasn't talked to, and extraneous talks. The extra stress has increased, and my doctor told me to go to another hospital, but I will do so. I would like you to refund it. I will never go again! ︎
m. sabame on Google

会社にも行けず家から出られない状態で、家族に勧められて受診。 半年以上お世話になっています。 待合室は静かで落ち着いた雰囲気で安心感があります。 同じビル内に薬局もあって便利です。 先生はお若いですが、私の状態を見ながら、優しく一緒に前進を喜んでくれたり、なぜこの薬が必要なのかを丁寧に説明してくれます。 私が投げやりな気持ちでいると叱ってもくれるし、くだらない話も 泣き言も ゆっくり聞いてくれます。 半年間で私の病状は、妻の買い物に付き合えるまで回復。 職場復帰も近いところまできています。 病院選びは難しいですが、探すのは自分自身ですし、 勿論、合う合わないも 言葉の受け止め方も人 それぞれだと思います。 私は,1回で自分に合う病院に出会えてよかったと思っています。
I couldn't go to the office and couldn't get out of the house. I have been indebted for more than half a year. The waiting room has a quiet and calm atmosphere, giving you a sense of security. There is also a pharmacy in the same building, which is convenient. Although the teacher is young, he kindly pleases me to move forward together while looking at my condition, and politely explains why I need this medicine. He scolds me for being thrown away, and slowly listens to silly stories and whining. In half a year my condition recovered until I could go shopping with my wife. I'm about to return to work. Choosing a hospital is difficult, but you are looking for it yourself. Of course, I think that each person has their own way of accepting words, even if they don't fit. I am glad that I could meet a hospital that suits me once.
町田雄太 on Google

1年半程通いました。 薬を増やす方向にされる、口調が荒い、診断が適当です。 そもそも、薬飲むのに抵抗あると言っているのに、過剰出されるし。 〜なんだけど、とか口調が友達感覚だし。 他の病院行くと違う病名で診断される。 酷い日は診療終わって部屋から出る時ため息されますし。 イメージ悪いのでお医者さん変えました。
I went there for about a year and a half. The diagnosis is appropriate because the tone is rough and the drug is to be increased. In the first place, even though he says he is reluctant to take medicine, he is overloaded. ~ But the tone is like a friend. If you go to another hospital, you will be diagnosed with a different disease name. On a terrible day, I sigh when I leave the room after the medical examination. I changed the doctor because the image is bad.
y sky on Google

人それぞれ捉え方が違うとは思いますが、私にはこちらのクリニックは合っていると感じました。 他の方の口コミを拝見し、辛辣な意見もあったので迷ったのですが家が近かったのもあり一度受診をしてみようと思い予約しました。 診察室に入るまで緊張していましたが、先生が気さくに話してくれて、私の話を良く聞いてくれたので次第に緊張もほぐれ自分の悩みをじっくり話すことが出来ました。寄り添うように話しかけてくれるので自然と話しやすい雰囲気を作ってくださってるようにも感じました。 時にははっきりとおっしゃってくれるので自分にはない考えで少し考え方が変わり相談しにきて良かったと思いました。 今まで通院したクリニックは診察時間が短く、あまりじっくりと話を聞いてくれるところは少ないように感じていたのでこんなに自分の思いを話せたのは初めてだと思います。 受付の方の対応も良く、てきぱきしているので会計も待ちませんでした。 これから通院してみようと思います。 色々な意見があると思いますが個人的に思うのは、人それぞれ感じ方は違うと思うのであまり口コミは鵜呑みにしない方が良いと思いました。 まず、気になるようなら一度受診してみても良いかと思います。
I think each person has a different way of thinking, but I felt that this clinic was suitable for me. After seeing the reviews of other people, I was at a loss because I had a bitter opinion, but I made a reservation because I was close to my house so I decided to go to the clinic once. I was nervous until I entered the examination room, but the teacher talked to me kindly and listened to me well, so I gradually became less nervous and was able to talk about my problems. He talks to me as if he is close to me, so I felt that he naturally created an atmosphere that was easy to talk to. Sometimes he said clearly, so I was glad that I changed my mind a little and came to consult with him. I think it's the first time I've been able to talk about my thoughts because the clinics I've visited so far have had short consultation times and I felt that there weren't many people who listened to me very carefully. The receptionist was very responsive and quick, so I didn't wait for the checkout. I will go to the hospital from now on. I think there are various opinions, but I personally think that each person feels differently, so I think it is better not to take the word of mouth too much. First of all, if you are interested, I think you may try to see the doctor once.
Nao on Google

半年前よりお世話になっております お若い先生だけに厳しいご意見も聞かれていますが 私は仕事柄、認知症や精神疾患をお持ちの高齢者の受診付き添いをしてきて 数名の精神科ドクターを見てきましたが パソコンと話をされている先生が多い中 ここの先生はきちんと患者と向き合って話をされ聞いてくれます はっきりと意見を言われる場合もありますが、私は気付かされる事もあったので感謝してますし 逆に親身になり話を聞いてくれるので信頼出来る先生です お陰様で病状も良くなりお薬も減りました 受け付けの方々も迅速に対応してますし 良いクリニックだと思います
I have been indebted to you for half a year. Although only young teachers have harsh opinions, I have been attending to see elderly people with dementia and mental illness due to their work, and I have seen several psychiatric doctors, but with a personal computer. While there are many teachers who are talking, the teachers here will talk and listen to the patients properly. There are times when I get a clear opinion, but I am grateful that I was noticed, and on the contrary, I am a reliable teacher because I am kind and listen to the story. Thanks to you, my condition has improved and my medicine has decreased. The receptionists are also responding promptly I think it's a good clinic
Suzだ on Google

As your stars 1 and 5 tell you, the doctor is too mood. Just a prescription shop. If you want to get doctor's counseling, you should go elsewhere. I went to the hospital for a while, but I can't trust this clinic, so I'm going to another place.
hiraly ueda on Google

For the first time, I met a teacher who listened to me and thought about how to improve my treatment. I have no intention of changing the hospital in the future. The doctor and staff are kind to me, and it's easy to spend time in the hospital with a bright atmosphere.

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