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Contact ヴィナシス金町内科クリニック

住所 :

Kanamachi, Katsushika City, 〒125-0042 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8879
Webサイト : https://www.clinic-kanamachi.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday Closed
Sunday 9AM–2:45PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 8:30AM–12:45PM
Wednesday 8:30AM–12:45PM
Thursday 8:30AM–12:45PM
Friday 8:30AM–12:45PM
街 : Tokyo

Kanamachi, Katsushika City, 〒125-0042 Tokyo,Japan
ちょんすけ on Google

禁煙外来で受診しました。 先生、受付の方、皆さん愛想がよく親切で丁寧でした。 禁煙のお薬についての資料を沢山くださり 副作用などについての説明も詳しく教えてくれました。 診察室を出る時に先生が笑顔で「頑張りましょう」と言ってくださり 最後会計の時も受付の方が笑顔で同じように「頑張りましょう!」と言ってくれました。 それだけの事ですが、なぜかとっても嬉しくて、頑張ろうという気持ちになれました。 これなら3ヶ月間頑張って通えそうです。
I went to a non-smoking outpatient department. The teachers, the receptionists, all the people were friendly and polite. Give me lots of resources about smoking cessation He also explained in detail the side effects and so on. When I leave the examination room, the teacher smiles and says "Let's do our best" At the last accounting, the receptionist smiles and says, "Let's do our best!" It is only that, but I was very happy for some reason and I felt that I would do my best. If this is going to work hard for three months, it is likely to go.
おたんこ“おたんこなす”なす on Google

健康診断で胃カメラが必要になり、こちらでお世話になりました。 最初胃カメラになると言われたときは怖くて仕方なかったのですが、先生から『不安なら睡眠導入剤を入れて気付いたら終わっているという方法を取ることも可能ですよ』というご提案を頂いて、お言葉に甘えてそうさせていただいました。 後日予約を取って、約束通り前日の夕食を早めに済ませて当日はお水を飲んで病院に向かいました。 当日も看護師さんがしっかり説明をしてくださりました。 『大丈夫ですよ、皆さん不安にされてますがすぐに終わっちゃいますよ。力を抜いてくださいね。』と優しい言葉をもらいました。 怖がりなので主人を近くに連れてきても良いと言っていただき、リラックスすることができました。 とても感謝しています。 胃の泡を取る薬(飲みやすい薄ーい薄ーい味)を飲み、鼻を広げるスプレーをして鼻の麻酔をし(針を刺すタイプではなくゼリーを塗るタイプで安心しました)睡眠導入剤を点滴をして………いつの間にか眠っていたようで気付いたら終わっていました!! 本当に驚きでした。 胃カメラ後も先生から写真を見せてもらいながらしっかり説明があり、とても安心して帰ることが出来ました!! 麻酔もすぐ取れ、違和感もなし。痛みもなにもありませんでした。 この病院を選んでよかったです。 また別の機会でお世話になったら宜しくお願いします。
I needed a stomach camera for my medical checkup and took care of it here. I was scared when I was told to be a stomach camera at first, but my teacher suggested that if you are worried you can take a sleep inducer and take care of it if you notice it. And I was so glad to say something. I made an appointment at a later date and completed the dinner the day before as promised, drinking water and heading to the hospital on the day. The nurse gave me a good explanation on the day as well. "It's okay, everyone is anxious, but it'll be over soon. Please relax. I got a gentle word. I was so scared that I was allowed to bring my husband nearby and relaxed. I appreciate it very much. Drink a medicine that removes gastric bubbles (easy to drink) I drank the medicine ......... I noticed that I was sleeping someday and it was over! ! I was really surprised. Even after the stomach camera, the teacher showed me the pictures and gave me a good explanation, so I was able to return home with great confidence! ! Immediate anesthesia, no discomfort. There was no pain. I'm glad I chose this hospital. If you take care of it on another occasion, thank you.
* usako on Google

健康診断で初めて伺いました。 健康診断自体は通常通り行われましたが、診察の際に、先生に甲状腺が大きいと指摘されました。 数日後、電話で看護師さんから、血液検査の結果が出たので早めに病院に来て欲しいと言われ、結果バセドウ病と診断されました。 その後甲状腺専門の病院に紹介状を書いて頂き、スムーズに治療を受ける事が出来ました。 あの時先生に指摘されていなかったら、気に掛けず、ずっと放置していたと思います。 先生、看護師さんには本当に感謝しています。ありがとうございました。
I visited for the first time in a health checkup. The medical examination itself was carried out as usual, but at the time of the examination, the teacher pointed out that the thyroid gland was large. A few days later, a nurse called me and asked me to come to the hospital as soon as I got a blood test result, and as a result I was diagnosed with Graves' disease. After that, I had a letter of introduction written by a hospital specializing in thyroid gland, and I was able to receive treatment smoothly. If the teacher hadn't pointed out at that time, I wouldn't care and would have left it for a long time. I am really grateful to the teachers and nurses. Thank you very much.
na na on Google

The clinic is open until 1845 on weekdays and is open on Sundays, so it's very helpful. The teachers are also friendly and the reception is polite. It seems that gastrocameras and colon cameras can also be reserved and received.
Taka Ozawa on Google

Thank you for your help in health checkups. This clinic also accepts AGA treatment. The teacher has many years of experience in medical care. The other staff members are also smart and reliable. If you have an internet environment, please see the homepage of this clinic.
yuri kie on Google

検診に行ったり不調の時に行ったりお世話になっております。看護師さん始め先生も優しいですよ。 治療も素早くて助かります。
I am indebted to go to the examination and when I am in trouble. The nurses and teachers are also kind. Treatment is quick and helpful.
幸子 on Google

葛飾区の健診でお世話になりました。 受付の方も丁寧です。 他の方もおっしゃっていましたが看護師さんの採血の手際、お見事です。 私は大の注射嫌いで血管もなかなか浮いてこないので採血はいつもやり直しとか痛い思いをするのですが処置室の小柄な看護師さんはまさにゴッドハンドです。 先生も穏やかで次回結果を聞きに来る時まで血圧測定するようにと血圧手帳なるモノをくれました。 結果は1ヶ月後になるという訳も受付の方から説明がありました。 今後かかりつけはこちらにしようと思います。
Thank you for your help during the medical examination in Katsushika City. The receptionist is also polite. As other people have said, the nurse's blood sampling technique is wonderful. I don't like big injections and blood vessels don't come up easily, so I always have a pain in collecting blood, but the small nurse in the treatment room is just a god hand. The teacher was also calm and gave me a blood pressure notebook to measure my blood pressure until the next time I came to hear the results. The receptionist explained that the result will be one month later. I'm going to go here for my family in the future.
Fin'z on Google

The teacher's response is wonderful. Having many experiences, please think about the weight of words, holiday medical care business, etc. that captures the patient first (´∀ `)

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