Kamojinjamasshashimogamo Shrine - Tamba

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Contact Kamojinjamasshashimogamo Shrine

住所 :

Ichijimacho Kajiwara, Tamba, Hyogo 669-4323, Japan

Postal code : 669-4323

Ichijimacho Kajiwara, Tamba, Hyogo 669-4323, Japan
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鴨神社の由緒 御祭神 賀茂別雷命(かもわけいかづちのみこと) 創建は賀茂縣主真蓑(かもあがたぬしまみの)にかかるとの口伝があるが不詳である。応永二十八年正月吉祥日(1421)「再造鴨大明神社殿」の棟札があり、禰宜賀茂縣主経良の名が記されている。 天正七年(1579)明智光秀の丹波攻めにより兵火にかかり、社殿ほか一切を焼失した。現在の本殿は延宝八年(1680)に、拝殿は文化八年(1811)に再建されたものと伝えている。 江戸時代は鴨郷(加茂乃庄)九か村の総社として地域住民の尊崇を集め、四社(鴨神社と貴船神社、八幡神社、春日神社)を合祀したことから当時は鴨四座大明神と称し、氏子六百四十戸を擁したという。時の領主旗本川勝氏も崇敬の念篤く、神社の繁栄維持に勤めた。 大正十三年五月に郷社に列せられる。境内の面積は約二千四百坪。本殿の両脇に二社と一社を配し、祝詞殿に続く東西十間南北二間の広さの拝殿、それを三方の塀で囲んだ社殿は壮観である。 戦後に宗教法人鴨神社となる。一の島居(大正三年三月再建、柏原中弁権次彫刻)の脇に御神木の天然記念物・大公孫樹(推定」樹齢数百年、高さ二十米、幹周六米)がある。 [参考】京都・上賀茂神社の御祭神も当神社と同じく賀茂別雷命(かもわけいかづちのみこと)で、神社の正式な呼称は賀茂別雷神社という。同下鴨神社は賀茂建角身命(かもたけつむみのみこと)と、娘の玉依媛(比売)命(たまよりひめのみこと)が御祭神である。玉依媛命の子が賀茂別電命であることから賀茂御祖神社が正式名称。賀茂建角身命は、丹波国の伊賀古夜比売(いかこやひめ)を妻に迎え、玉依日子命(たまよりひこのみこと)と玉依媛命の二人をもうけ、兄の玉依日子命は後に父のあとを継いで賀茂縣主となった。
History of Kamo Shrine Kamo Wake-ikazuchi no Mikoto It is unknown that it was founded by Kamogatanushi Mino. On the auspicious day of the New Year of the 28th year of Oei (1421), there is a sign on a building of "Reconstructed Kamo Daimei Shrine", and the name of Agatanushi Agatanushi is written on it. In the 7th year of the Tensho era (1579), Akechi Mitsuhide's attack on Tamba struck a fire and burned down the shrine and everything else. It is said that the current main shrine was rebuilt in the 8th year of Enpo (1680) and the worship hall was rebuilt in the 8th year of culture (1811). During the Edo period, it was called Kamo Shiza Daimyojin because it gathered the reverence of local residents as the Soja of Kamonosho Kukamura and enshrined four shrines (Kamo Shrine, Kibune Shrine, Hachiman Shrine, and Kasuga Shrine). It is said that it had 640 parishioners. Mr. Masaru Motokawa, the lord of the time, was also revered and worked to maintain the prosperity of the shrine. It was listed in the township in May 1918. The area of ​​the precincts is about 2,400 tsubo. Two shrines and one shrine are located on both sides of the main shrine, and the hall of worship, which is the size of the two east-west and north-south halls following the Norito hall, and the shrine surrounded by three walls are spectacular. After the war, it became a religious corporation, Kamo Shrine. Beside Ichinoshimai (reconstructed in March 1918, sculpture by Kashiwabara Nakabengonji), there is a natural monument of the sacred tree, Daiko Sonju (estimated) hundreds of years old, height 20 rice, trunk circumference 6 rice). .. [Reference] The deity of the Kamigamo Shrine in Kyoto is also Kamo Wake-ikazuchi no Mikoto, and the official name of the shrine is Kamo Wake-jinja. At the same Shimogamo Shrine, Kamo Taketsunomi Mikoto and his daughter Tamayoribime Mikoto are deities. The official name is Kamigamo Gamo Shrine because the child of Tamayoribime is Kamobetsu Denmei. Kamo Taketsunomi has two wives, Iga Koyahime from Tanba Province, and Tamayoribime and Tamayoribime, and his brother, Tamayoribime. Later succeeded his father and became the lord of Kamo.

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