Kamo Police Station - Minokamo

1.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kamo Police Station

住所 :

Shimokobi-2610 Kobicho, Minokamo, Gifu 505-0034, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 505-0034
Webサイト : https://www.pref.gifu.lg.jp/site/kamo-sho/

Shimokobi-2610 Kobicho, Minokamo, Gifu 505-0034, Japan
ななこ on Google

When I came to change the garage certificate address, the receptionist's lady was too bad for me and I was really frustrated. I didn't understand Japanese, so this was the receptionist who gave me the explanation I had at the telephone counter in advance. please take care of yourselves everyone.
スガワラのテル on Google

刑事課の方々のは頑張って下さってますが、会計課と生活安全課は可児署より低レベルですね。 僕は可児市に住んでるので関係ないですが美濃加茂市周辺が廃れるのも納得ですね。 同じ警察でも隣同士でこうも違うと唖然としますね。がっかりです。
The people in the Criminal Division are doing their best, but the Accounting Division and the Life Safety Division are at a lower level than the Kani Department. I live in Kani City, so it doesn't matter, but I'm convinced that the area around Minokamo City will disappear. Even the same police are stunned when they are next to each other. I'm disappointed.
アダムスミス on Google

Although it is only the procedure of the garage proof, the attitude of the receptionist's woman was too bad and I was amazed. It's been a long time since we have responded to make people uncomfortable so far. Even though a high school student at a part-time job has also responded firmly at this time, I can only imagine that I have not conducted training on fundamental staff development.
Jaxa Master on Google

☆0。こんなにレベルの低い所轄は初めて。県警本部しっかり指導せよ。 転入して免許証の住所変更を要請したら、暇そうな女が出てきて住民票の写しを渡したにもかかわらず、自署で作成したような申請用紙に、住民票に記載されている住所他を全て写して書くように言われた。何の意味があるのか。 その上、「この住民票いただいてもいいですか?」だって。300円かかっていて他に使用用途があったのでもちろん断ったが非常識極まりない。 マスコミ勤務で転勤は10回以上しているが、警視庁、愛知、埼玉県警所轄では住民票を渡したら自署でコピーを取り、すぐに裏側に新しい住所の印鑑を押して完了。所要時間1分程度。 暇なので自分で申請用紙を作って仕事を増やしているとしか思えない。 県警記者クラブを通して、監察課に連絡する予定。
☆ 0. This is the first time the department has such a low level. Give guidance to the Prefectural Police Headquarters. If you move in and request a change in the address of your license, the address appears on the resident card on an application form that you have prepared at your own office, despite the fact that a woman who has spare time came out and passed a copy of the resident card. I was told to copy and write everything else. What does that mean? Besides, "Can I get this resident card?" Of course it was 300 yen, and I refused, of course because it had other uses, but I was not able to understand it. I have been working in the media for more than 10 transfers, but when I pass the resident card at the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, Aichi, Saitama Prefecture, I take a copy at my own office and immediately push the seal of the new address on the reverse side. It takes about one minute. I can only think that I'm making my own application form and increasing my work because I'm free. We will contact the inspection department through the prefectural police officer club.
yuki 007 on Google

I overlooked the right turn prohibition sign and turned right. There was a police car in the oncoming lane and a blue ticket was issued. When I asked him why he didn't pay attention, I couldn't talk about it because there was a car behind him. I'm bad, but the police who didn't try to prevent it are also bad.
J M on Google

被害の相談に行ったら遠まわしに被害を受ける側にも問題があるような発言を半笑いでされました。泣き寝入りってことですか?と聞くと自分で出来る限りの対処をしてください。と・・・ まともな人もいるのかもしれないが、こんな人たちに税金が使われてると思うとバカバカしい。
When I went to consult about the damage, I was half laughed at the remark that there was a problem on the side suffering from the damage. Do you mean crying and falling asleep? Please do as much as you can. When··· There may be some decent people, but it's ridiculous to think that taxes are being spent on these people.
ミックス犬マナビィ on Google

We will protect the peace of our citizens, crack down on crime, and protect us so that we can live with peace of mind. It is an indispensable and important existence.
E F on Google

児童が帰宅する通学路でパトカーからタバコのポイ捨て。児童が通り過ぎてからポイ捨てしても見ている人はいますよ? 市民を守る立場としての自覚が無く警察の恥です。
Littering cigarettes from a police car on the way to school when the child returns home. Is there anyone watching even if the child passes by and litters? It is a shame of the police without being aware of the position to protect the citizens.

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