アクリエひめじ(姫路市文化コンベンションセンター) - Himeji

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact アクリエひめじ(姫路市文化コンベンションセンター)

住所 :

Kamiyacho, Himeji, 〒670-0836 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87988
Postal code : 670-0836
Webサイト : https://www.himeji-ccc.jp/
街 : Hyogo

Kamiyacho, Himeji, 〒670-0836 Hyogo,Japan
岩井和代 on Google

It is very convenient because you can walk from Himeji station. It was just completed and I was overwhelmed by the wonderful building. Since it was December, I was fascinated by the wonderful Christmas tree and I was looking forward to the concert in the future.
中島游子 on Google

2021年秋オープン予定ながらワクチン集団接種会場として先に運営が開始されるという市民的には非常にありがたい場所となりました。延べ床面積は東京ドーム2/3くらいですが数字以上に大きな場所に感じます。 ①徒歩:駅からはスロープ(空中回廊?)に沿って途中まで雨に当たらずいけますがちょっと濡れる。(リコルス姫路越えた先で一旦降りて別の回廊に変わる。)尚、バスもあり。 ②車:西側入口に300台程度の駐車場入口がありますが新幹線高架下沿いに走った場合は入るのにぐるっと左回りし最南西に入口あり。(隣に大病院建設中。救急車が走る道路でもあり渋滞防止の為の遠回りらしい。) ③自転車:駐輪場が西側入口-京口行き電車の高架下にあり。尚、西側入口の道路渡った先に姫チャリステーションあり(公園の入口)。 ◉集団接種は入ってホール入り口まで行くとあとはずっと何も考える必要なく先導されるので、建物に着いたらもう問題なしです。
Although it is scheduled to open in the fall of 2021, it has become a very grateful place for citizens as it will start operation as a vaccine mass inoculation venue first. The total floor area is about 2/3 of Tokyo Dome, but I feel it is bigger than the numbers. ① Walk: From the station, you can avoid the rain halfway along the slope (air corridor?), But it gets a little wet. (After crossing Rikorusu Himeji, get off and change to another corridor.) There is also a bus. ② Car: There is a parking lot entrance for about 300 cars at the west entrance, but if you run along the underpass of the Shinkansen, turn counterclockwise to enter and there is an entrance in the southwest. (A large hospital is under construction next door. It is also a road on which ambulances run, and it seems to be a detour to prevent traffic congestion.) ③ Bicycle: There is a bicycle parking lot under the elevated train for the west entrance-Kyoguchi. In addition, there is Hime Chari Station (the entrance of the park) across the road at the west entrance. ◉ When you enter the group inoculation and go to the entrance of the hall, you will be guided without having to think about anything, so once you arrive at the building, there is no problem.
hiroko i on Google

姫路駅から遊歩道(歩行者デッキ )が作られていて10分ほどでホールまで行けるようになっています。 外は寛げるように緑や花壇がありベンチも備え付けられています。 大ホール、中ホール共に姫路が世界に誇る高田賢三さんの緞帳が素晴らしかったです。 4階は新幹線が目線の高さで見ることが出来ますし、視線を落とすと在来線の往来も見る事が出来るので電車好きのお子さんには良いスポットかもしれませんね。
A promenade (pedestrian deck) is built from Himeji Station, and you can reach the hall in about 10 minutes. There are greenery and flower beds on the outside and benches are provided so that you can relax. The stage curtain of Kenzo Takada, who Himeji is proud of in the world, was wonderful in both the large hall and the middle hall. On the 4th floor, you can see the Shinkansen at the height of your eyes, and if you look down, you can see the traffic of conventional lines, so it may be a good spot for children who like trains.
Moto S. (mtk) on Google

市民内覧会で見学し、今回音楽ライブではじめて大ホールの音響体感しましたが今まで数々の会場で聴いてきた中でもトップクラスの素晴らしい音でした! 包まれるような音という表現が合いそう あとは駐車場の事前精算機が増えるとスムーズに帰宅出来るかなぁと思ったのとカフェなど過ごせる場所が周りにたくさんできるとさらに快適になりそう とにかく最高のホールが姫路にできたことが嬉しいです どんどん一流のアーティスト来てほしいなぁ
I visited the public exhibition and experienced the sound of the big hall for the first time at the live music, but it was one of the best sounds I've heard at many venues! The expression of a wrapping sound seems to fit After that, I thought that if the number of pre-payment machines in the parking lot increased, I would be able to return home smoothly, and if there are many places to spend, such as cafes, it would be even more comfortable. Anyway, I'm glad that the best hall was created in Himeji. I want more and more top-notch artists to come
しばちゃん on Google

I used it twice at the event. The parking lot is quite large, but it is convenient to go to a nearby shop as it costs up to 1000 yen a day. There is a maximum of 800 yen near the station, but it's only on weekdays, so it's better to use this on weekends. It's just made, so it's beautiful and clean. The vending machine inside is a little expensive. There is a small cafe. The inside of the hall has a small capacity and is close to live performances and musicals, so I am satisfied. However, since each seat is large, I didn't feel oppressive and enjoyed the corona.
たなゆ on Google

播磨地域初となる、2,010席の大規模ホールで、播磨の文化芸術の拠点として、国内外のコンサートなどの音楽公演や舞台芸術をはじめ、講演会やパネルディスカッションなど多彩な催事に対応しています。 ディズニーオンクラシックのコンサートで来場しました。ホールは3層客席形式で、ステージまでの距離を感じさせない臨場感溢れる空間になっていて、可動式の音響反射板を備えています。照明等もお洒落で会場と一体感係かなりレベルの高いホールだと思います。 また、車椅子席や多目的鑑賞室を配置しており、ユニバーサルデザインにも配慮しています。 イベント時、駐車場の渋滞がえぐいのでそこだけ改善してほしいです。
This is the first large-scale hall with 2,010 seats in the Harima area, and as a base for cultural arts in Harima, it supports various events such as music performances such as concerts in Japan and overseas, performing arts, lectures and panel discussions. .. I visited at a Disney on Classic concert. The hall is a three-story audience seating style, with a realistic space that does not make you feel the distance to the stage, and is equipped with a movable acoustic reflector. The lighting is also fashionable, and I think it is a hall with a fairly high level of unity with the venue. In addition, wheelchair seats and a multipurpose viewing room are located, giving consideration to universal design. At the time of the event, the traffic jam in the parking lot is terrible, so I want you to improve it.
on Google

姫路の新しいホール。 地域で最大級。どこからでもよく舞台が見える。 姫路駅からは徒歩10分程かな。駐車場はあるが出口が1ヶ所で事前精算機は2台。これじゃあ帰り混むわな。 あと周囲にはコンビニどころか自動販売機も見つけられなかった。 イベント前後の動きを考えると車より駅から徒歩がお勧めかな。現状ここでは時間潰せない。 また良いイベントを期待しています。 今回は市川海老蔵さんの公演に参戦。歌舞伎なんてはじめてでしたがたのしめました。かっこよかった。客の9割マダムでしたが。 幅広いジャンルを見ていきたいと思います。
A new hall in Himeji. One of the largest in the area. You can see the stage from anywhere. It's about a 10-minute walk from Himeji Station. There is a parking lot, but there is one exit and two pre-payment machines. This will be crowded on the way home. I couldn't find any vending machines around me, let alone a convenience store. Considering the movement before and after the event, it is better to walk from the station than by car. At present, we cannot kill time here. I'm looking forward to another good event. This time, I participated in the performance of Ebizo Ichikawa. It was my first time to play Kabuki, but I enjoyed it. It was cool. It was 90% of the customers, Madam. I would like to look at a wide range of genres.
Mister Bean on Google

Big parking. Big place. Abo is too crowded it would have been better if it was located a bit above Himeji.

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