文明堂東京 朝霞直売店

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 文明堂東京 朝霞直売店

住所 :

Kamiuchimagi, Asaka, 〒351-0001 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト : https://www.bunmeido.co.jp/shop/list.php%3Fcategory%3D9
街 : Saitama

Kamiuchimagi, Asaka, 〒351-0001 Saitama,Japan
桃太郎 on Google

カステラ切り落としが有り難い。日によって販売本数は変わるそうですが、お昼には無くなります。ここには工場は隣接されておらず、さいたま市(旧浦和市)の工場から毎日配達されているのだそう。早めに行かないとすぐ無くなります。 なお、平成30年4月18日から、秋ヶ瀬橋橋寄りの新店舗で営業するようです。
Thank you for cutting the castella. It seems that the number of sales will change depending on the day, but it will be gone at lunch. The factory is not adjacent here, but it seems that it is delivered daily from the factory in Saitama City (former Urawa City). If you don't go early, it will disappear soon. In addition, from April 18, 2018, it seems that it will be operating at a new store near Akasebashi Bridge.
2 moo on Google

カステラの切れ端を求めて行きましたがお昼にすでに売り切れていました(;o;)切れ端目当てなら午前中早めに行く必要があるみたいです。 色々な種類の和菓子や洋菓子が売られています。定価よりお買い得のお菓子の詰め合わせ(5種類入って税込594円)を購入しました。和洋のお菓子、美味しかったです。 追記:平日9時台に行くと切れ端買えました!簡易包装だけど家で食べる分には問題なし。味は箱入りの物と変わらずふんわり美味しかったです。
I went looking for a piece of castella, but it was already sold out at noon (; o;) It seems that I need to go early in the morning if I'm looking for a piece. Various kinds of Japanese sweets and Western sweets are on sale. I bought an assortment of bargain sweets from the list price (594 yen including tax including 5 types). The Japanese and Western sweets were delicious. Postscript: I was able to buy a piece when I went to 9 o'clock on weekdays! It's simple packaging, but there is no problem with eating at home. The taste was as fluffy as the boxed one.
渡辺由美子 on Google

I visited for the first time, but the response of the clerk of the elderly women was the worst. Even though I was old, I had to wait for the accounting, but I was able to respond silently from beginning to end without calling out a word. The customer service attitude is too bad.
T K on Google

Basically, it is a product of Saitama Aozora Kobo, Urawa Factory, so if you really want to cut it off, go to Aozora Kobo 8 km away.
あるくまーる on Google

Since there is no factory nearby, it will be a directly managed store instead of direct sales, but it is a popular store. Depending on the situation, some items may be out of stock, so if you visit in the morning, you can buy popular items. Since the store is not large, it tends to be crowded when it is crowded.
はひとぽのちゃん on Google

I am grateful that it is open early in the morning. Castella edges and regular products were on sale.
hiroshi E. on Google

X日に朝10:00から江戸老舗の佃屋「貝新」の品を販売するというチラシを見ていきました。 銀座8丁目資生堂パーラーと博品館の間にある貝新さんにはよく伺いました。 直ぐ先にある 新橋玉木屋と並び、日本人の味です。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ この店(文明堂)に特長はありません。 が、 カステラのきれはしは、素敵❗ 木箱に入ったカステラを自分が包丁で切って食べたのは、次郎だったのでしょうか。 文明堂のカステラは昔から大好きでした。 店には、オリジナリティが感じられません。 店員の応対もハキハキせず、田舎っぽかった。 併設されたレストランは一体なにものか? 売店にチラシの一つもありません。 やる気なし、まる見え。
On the Xth day, I saw a leaflet saying that the products of the long-established Edo Tsukuya "Kaishin" will be sold from 10:00 in the morning. I often visited Mr. Kaishin, who is located between the Shiseido Parlor in Ginza 8-chome and the Hakuhinkan. Immediately ahead Along with Shinbashi Tamakiya, it has a Japanese taste. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ This store (Bunmeido) has no features. but, Castella is nice ❗ Was it Jiro who cut the castella in the wooden box with a knife and ate it? I've always loved Bunmeido's castella. There is no sense of originality in the store. The clerk's reception wasn't fluttering, and it looked like a countryside. What is the attached restaurant? There is no leaflet in the shop. No motivation, full view.
R. K. on Google

堂さんの朝霞直売店に行きました。 目的はカステラの切り落とし。前日行った時には午後だったので売り切れ。今日は開店時間の朝の9時少し過ぎにお店に到着。真っ直ぐに切り落としコーナーへ。 あるあるたくさんあります。切り落としと言う割には切れ端だけでなくて、商品にならなかったものなども含まれるようです。 今日の種類は標準的なハニーカステラのみ。日によっては特撰の切れ端もあるとのうわさ。ちなみに特撰はサトウキビ原料の徳島産和三盆糖が使われているそう、さらりとしてて、とらやでも使われている原料ですね。 切り落としハニーカステラは感覚的に正規のものの半分以下の値段で見た目を気にしなければ味は変わらないのでお得です。
I went to Do-san's Asaka direct sales shop. The purpose is to cut off the castella. It was afternoon when I went the day before, so it was sold out. I arrived at the store today a little after 9 o'clock in the morning of the opening time. Go straight to the cut-off corner. There are many. It seems that the cut-off includes not only pieces but also items that did not become products. Today's type is only standard honey castella. It is rumored that there are some special pieces depending on the day. By the way, the special selection is made from Tokushima's Wasanbon sugar, which is a raw material for sugar cane, so it's a raw material that is also used in Toraya. Cut-off honey castella is sensuously less than half the price of the regular one, and if you don't mind the appearance, the taste will not change, so it is a good deal.

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