
4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 【輸入車リペア専門店】ユーロリペア

住所 :

Kamitsuruma, Minami Ward, Sagamihara, 〒252-0302 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://www.euror-import-car.com/
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Kamitsuruma, Minami Ward, Sagamihara, 〒252-0302 Kanagawa,Japan
村澤祐樹 on Google

難しい塗装も綺麗に仕上げて貰えました。 対応も丁寧で良かったです。
I got a beautiful finish even for difficult painting. It was good that the correspondence was polite.
千葉綾那 on Google

ディーラーよりもかなりお得に修理していただきました。対応もとても良くお願いしてよかったです。 また何かあればお願いしたいです!
The repair was much cheaper than the dealer. I am glad that you responded very well. I would like to ask if there is anything else!
こたろうパパ on Google

I asked for the repair of the door part of the Japanese car, but they responded very politely. The finish was also very good. Thank you very much.
曖昧なAm on Google

この度、事故の保険修理でお世話になりました。 私自身あまり知識がなく不安でしたが、スタッフの方々がとても親切で知識も豊富で安心して全てをお任せ出来ました。 あわせてドライブレコーダーの取り付けをお願いしたら心良く引き受けていただき、丁寧に取り付けをしていただきました。 また何かあればお願いしたいと思いました。
Thank you for taking care of the accident insurance repair. I was worried because I didn't have much knowledge, but the staff were very kind and knowledgeable, so I was able to leave everything to them with confidence. At the same time, when I asked for the installation of the drive recorder, I kindly accepted it and installed it carefully. I would like to ask if there is anything else.
嶺岸良太 on Google

オールペイント施工がとても丁寧で満足しています。 今回はオーディオ取り付けとボディガラスコーティングを依頼しました、素晴らしく綺麗な仕上がりで感謝しています。
All paint construction is very polite and satisfied. This time I asked for audio installation and body glass coating, and I am grateful for the wonderfully beautiful finish.
小林茂樹 on Google

I am very satisfied with the finish after repairing the scratches on the bonnet and bumper. It seems that the 940 has regained the brilliance of the new car.
リップクリーム on Google

I have the scratches repaired and I am very satisfied with the very beautiful finish. It is a pleasant shop with good reception. Also, the light yellowing that I was not satisfied with at other stores was cleared cleanly. If anything, I would like to ask you again next time.
seven higeo on Google

わりと派手にやってしまったvolvoの自損事故の修理をお願いしました。 保険会社の打ち合わせ含め、とても迅速に対応して頂き、仕上がりは完全に新車のようになり、また、車体内部の掃除などもして頂き、明らかに預ける前より車の調子がよくなってる気が! 事故当時はどうしたらよいのかまったくわからなくて困っていましたが、基本的に車を預けて次に取りにいったら直ってる状態だったので、こちらで何もすることがなく、とても助かりました。また何かあった時はここでお願いしようと思います。
I asked for the repair of volvo's self-damage accident, which was rather flashy. We had you respond very quickly, including meetings with the insurance company, and the finish was completely like a new car, and we also had you clean the inside of the car body, so I feel that the condition of the car is clearly better than before it was deposited! At the time of the accident, I was at a loss because I didn't know what to do, but basically I left my car and went to pick it up, so I didn't have to do anything here, which was very helpful. .. If something happens again, I'd like to ask here.

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