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Contact 松澤外科医院

住所 :

Kamisuwacho, Isesaki, 〒372-0021 Gunma,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://www.matsuzawagekaiin.com/
街 : Gunma

Kamisuwacho, Isesaki, 〒372-0021 Gunma,Japan
Elaine Silva Nakata on Google

For the first time, I received a quiet and painless consultation. Doctors and chief nurses are very helpful. This is the best gynecologist clinic. I am always grateful for your help
みずみんせみ on Google

婦人科に受診しました。 電話で予約なくても大丈夫かの確認したら、快く大丈夫ですと言ってくださいました。 待ち時間も長くなく、先生も看護師さんもとっても優しくて、安心しました。 診察も丁寧で、不安なことを聞いても優しくて、丁寧に答えてくださいました。 何かあった際にはまたお願いしたいと思います。
I went to the gynecology department. When I confirmed that it was okay not to make a reservation over the phone, he said that it was okay. The waiting time was not long, and the teachers and nurses were very kind, so I was relieved. The medical examination was also polite, and even if I heard something uneasy, he was kind and answered politely. I would like to ask again if something happens.
haruka on Google

PMSかPMDDのような精神的な不安定の為に来院しました。 年季の入った感じかな?と思ったら婦人科待合室は明るくて綺麗な印象でした。 待合室で病状を伝える時「指差しで伝えて下さいね」とプライバシーが守られていたり、別室で詳しい病状を話した看護師さんの前で涙が出てしまいましたが終始優しく、ティッシュを頂いたりしました。 コロナ対策もとられていました。 先生は複数の案を提案して分かるように説明して下さる形だったので、相談しつつ自分で選択出来て有難かったです。 この時も別の看護師さんがティッシュを差し出して下さったりと、皆さん優しくて安心しました。 特に精神的に不安定な症状での病院選びだったので、不安や不快の無い病院で本当に助かりました?
I came to the hospital because of mental instability like PMS or PMDD. Is it a seasoned feeling? When I thought about it, the gynecological waiting room had a bright and beautiful impression. When I told my medical condition in the waiting room, my privacy was protected, saying "Please tell me with your finger", and tears came out in front of the nurse who talked about the detailed medical condition in another room, but I was kind from beginning to end and got a tissue. I did. Corona measures were also taken. The teacher suggested multiple proposals and explained them so that they could be understood, so I was grateful that I could make my own choice while consulting. At this time as well, another nurse offered me a tissue, and everyone was kind and relieved. I chose a hospital especially for mentally unstable symptoms, so it really helped me in a hospital without anxiety and discomfort ?
ばずばず on Google

After seeing the evaluation, I went to the gynecology department. The nurses and teachers are really polite and polite, and tears polo polo ? It is a hospital that really stays close to patients. It is a hospital where you can take the time to listen carefully and take the time to explain from the examination to the explanation, which gives you peace of mind. At the time of the pelvic examination, the nurse and the teacher will politely talk to you so as not to make you really anxious. It was the first time for such a hospital. I'm just grateful.
maaah on Google

Visit a gynecologist. The waiting room was crowded, so it was a flow of reception and coming by car to wait. The receptionist, the nurse, and the teacher were all smiling, kind, and very pleasant. Personally, when choosing a hospital, the personality of the staff is important, so I would like to continue to take care of it even if it is crowded.
Akiyama Mizuki on Google

子宮頚がん検診のため行きました。 やむを得ず乳児を連れて行ったのですが、検査の間、看護師さんが預かってくれました。尿検査や内診の間も笑顔で子供と接していただき、とてもありがたかったです。
I went for cervical cancer screening. I had no choice but to take the baby, but the nurse took care of it during the examination. I was very grateful that I was able to interact with my child with a smile during the urinalysis and pelvic examination.
ぴみるきこりん on Google

婦人科は女性特有の疾患なので、医師が女性だとそれだけでも安心感があります。スタッフの方たちもとても親切です。 先生は穏やかで丁寧に診察してくださり、検査結果は必要があれば電話で対応してくださって本当に助かりました。
Gynecology is a disease peculiar to women, so if the doctor is a woman, that alone will give you a sense of security. The staff are also very kind. The teacher gave me a gentle and polite examination, and the test results were answered by phone if necessary, which was really helpful.
suzu on Google

初めての婦人科で不安があったので、女医さんで口コミが良い病院を探していた所、こちらの病院を見つけました。受付の方も看護師さんも婦人科の先生も皆さん印象が良く、優しく声をかけてくださり、安心できました。 今まで婦人科に行くのが抵抗があり、さらに病院の口コミがあまり良くないと怖くて結局行けずにいた婦人科でしたが、こちらの病院はこれからも安心して通えそうです。
I was worried about my first gynecology, so when I was looking for a hospital with good reviews from a female doctor, I found this hospital. The receptionist, the nurse, and the gynecologist all had a good impression, and I was relieved to hear from them kindly. Until now, I was reluctant to go to the gynecology department, and I was scared that the word of mouth of the hospital was not so good, so I could not go to the gynecology department after all, but it seems that I can go to this hospital with confidence in the future.

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