
3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact (株)北畠農機商会

住所 :

Kamishiro, Sakuragawa, 〒309-1454 Ibaraki,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Opening hours :
Saturday 8AM–5PM
Sunday 8AM–5PM
Monday 8AM–5PM
Tuesday 8AM–5PM
Wednesday 8AM–5PM
Thursday 8AM–5PM
Friday 8AM–5PM
街 : Ibaraki

Kamishiro, Sakuragawa, 〒309-1454 Ibaraki,Japan
K-truck 0345 on Google

Visit several special days a year. When I told the president and the person I wanted to do about the candidate budget I wanted to do, he recommended me exactly like this.
まこと on Google

I went to see farm equipment, but the clerk did not come out
ひろわらhirowara on Google

The tractor I'm using isn't working well, so I went to see it with a view to replacing it with a new one, but I couldn't help the person in charge. Despite this corona sickness, I stood right next to me without a mask, lit a cigarette, and spewed cigarette smoke at me in a loud voice. As expected
エビやん on Google

北畠で購入した中古トラクター故障の為、電話したら社長?はバッテリーが駄目なんだからバッテリー交換すれば直るよ!の事。 通話終了ガチャ!電話切るの早いわ。 急ぎ他の修理屋で対応、故障の原因はスターターモーターのコイル。 忙しいのか何のか対応的に北畠の店から遠い方はユーザーにならない方がよいね。
I used the tractor that I purchased in Kitahata because of a breakdown. The battery is useless, so if you replace the battery, it will be fixed! Call end gacha! It's early to hang up. Hurry up and repair at another repair shop, the cause of the failure is the coil of the starter motor. If you're busy or something and you're distant from the Kitahata store, you shouldn't become a user.
桜木花道 on Google

On a special sale day, the tractor sticks out to the sidewalk and sells, disturbing, selling second-hand goods at a high price, and significantly reducing the price if it is cash.
jp umesann on Google

国道沿いに多数並んでいたので入ってみました。 欲しい物の内容を半分も伝えていないのに、「うちは無い、無い」と手を左右に振って断られてしまいました。話もそこで終わりです。予算を聞くとか入荷したら連絡するとかの対応は全く感じられず、非常に残念でした。対応が良いのは地元の方だけになのでしょうか?それなら「一見さんには売らない」と言っていただいた方がスッキリします。外から見るとやる気を感じる店の雰囲気なのですが。
There were many lines along the national highway, so I went in. Even though I didn't tell half of what I wanted, I waved my hand to the left and right and refused. The story ends there. I was very disappointed that I couldn't feel any response such as asking about the budget or contacting me when it arrived. Is it only the locals who are good at responding? In that case, it would be refreshing to have someone say, "I won't sell it to Mr. Atsushi." The atmosphere of the store feels motivated from the outside.
有葉露目夫 on Google

地元の人は利用しない店。地元の人が利用しないというのはそういう店だということ。 1度中古トラクターを見に行ったが社長?何かのブローカーかと思った。
A store that is not used by locals. That's what the locals don't use. I went to see a used tractor once, but is it the president? I thought it was some kind of broker.
Binod Bidari on Google

Nice place

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