佐川急便(株) 足利営業所

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 佐川急便(株) 足利営業所

住所 :

Kamishibutarecho, Ashikaga, 〒326-0335 Tochigi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
街 : Tochigi

Kamishibutarecho, Ashikaga, 〒326-0335 Tochigi,Japan
yu kawa on Google

不在票に記載された電話番号に電話すると 「今帰ったばかりなんですよねー」 「明日でいいですか?」とか言われるし。 再配達の依頼をして指定した日に届けに来てくれない。 配達状況をウェブで確認したら「配達中」になっていたけど、届けに来ないまま「持ち帰り」 になっていた。 他の営業所に研修に行った方がいいのでは? 不愉快です。
When you call the phone number listed on the absentee card "I just came back, right?" People say, "Is it okay tomorrow?" I requested redelivery and did not come to deliver it on the specified date. When I checked the delivery status on the web, it was "delivering", but I did not come to deliver it and "take it home" It was. Should I go to another sales office for training? It's uncomfortable.
H. I on Google

Currently, I do not come to delivery for three days and I bring back with three times. Since I have not come home, I have no absentee votes. There is no even phone call. What is going on about the delivery staff at the office here? This place is kept at home and waiting for delivery, the worst that I can not deliver the things I bought. I guess this does not make sense for keeping track of goods during delivery. Ashikaga Sales Office.
on Google

営業所止め荷物の受け取りが、24時間可能だということを初めて知りました。入り口のカーテンが閉じられてる場合は入り口外に立て看板が設置されおり、そこに電話番号が記載されてるので掛けると中から従業員の方が応対するそうです。 電話受付で一時保留する時、大体が「お待ちくださいませ」などの言葉を掛けて電話を保留するが、今日の女性受付の方は「お待ち下さい、一時保留にいたします」と丁寧な電話対応でした。他の宅配便の電話対応で、この様な言葉を掛けられた経験は一度もなかったが、佐川急便さんの受付対応は良かったです
For the first time, I learned that it is possible to pick up luggage at the sales office 24 hours a day. If the entrance curtain is closed, there is a signboard outside the entrance, and the phone number is written on it, so when you call, employees will respond from inside. When you put a hold on the phone at the reception desk, most people say "Please wait" and put the call on hold, but today's female receptionist says "Please wait, we will put it on hold". did. I have never been able to say such words on the phone of other courier services, but Sagawa Express's reception was good.
岡部朋之 on Google

If you close your luggage at the office, you can receive it 24 hours a day. ❗ Recommended for busy people.
渡辺均 on Google

Thank you for your hard work until late. Since I could pick it up on my way home from work, I was able to load four tires and go home in no time. That helps a lot
REDS大好き。 on Google

荷物を営業所窓口受取で訪問しました。 中々、時間が作れず、夜中に受取に行く事になりましたが、24時間、受取可能という事で、とても助かりました。 24時間受取可能は便利ですし、高評価です。
I visited the luggage at the sales office counter. I couldn't make enough time, so I decided to pick it up in the middle of the night, but it was very helpful to be able to pick it up 24 hours a day. It is convenient to receive it 24 hours a day and it is highly evaluated.
水を司る女神アクア on Google

荷物の指定日にしても、持ち出し中一向に配達されず電話で問い合わせると本日中に配達させますと言いながら22時過ぎに持ち帰りになり配達日の3日後に届き、使いたい時に届かず無駄になりました。 また、クロネコヤマトさんの方が丁寧で時間通りに荷物が届くので優秀だと思いました。
Even on the designated date of the package, it will not be delivered at all during taking out, and if you inquire by phone, it will be delivered by the end of the day, but it will be taken out after 22:00 and it will arrive 3 days after the delivery date, it will not arrive when you want to use it and it will be useless I did. Also, Mr. Kuroneko Yamato was more polite and the luggage arrived on time, so I thought it was excellent.
スガキヤスーちゃん on Google

ちょっと住所の番地が違うだけで配達されず持ち戻り。 しかも出荷人に連絡してい事情を話されて配達されず。 他の営業所や業者では少し間違えてただけでは普通に配達してくれるのにね。 佐川って基本的に融通が利かないけど、足利はもっと融通が利かない。 おまけに配達してるBBAドライバーは敬語が使えない始末。 友達じゃないんだからタメ語で口を利くんじゃないよ!!! 今までの佐川で一番にダメな営業所。 二度と使いたくない。 今後は佐川を業者にしてるようなショップなどでは絶対に購入しないようにする。
It wasn't delivered and was brought back just because the address was slightly different. Moreover, he contacted the shipper and was told about the circumstances and was not delivered. At other sales offices and vendors, if you make a slight mistake, it will be delivered normally. Sagawa is basically inflexible, but Ashikaga is more inflexible. As a bonus, the BBA driver who delivers it can't use honorifics. I'm not a friend, so don't speak in Tame! !! !! The worst sales office in Sagawa so far. I don't want to use it again. In the future, I will never buy it at shops that sell Sagawa.

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