猫背矯正・骨盤矯正専門整体 上石神井かえで整体院

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 猫背矯正・骨盤矯正専門整体 上石神井かえで整体院

住所 :

Kamishakujii, Nerima City, 〒177-0044 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8879
Webサイト : https://www.kamishakujii-kaede-seitai.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10:30AM–9PM
Sunday 10:30AM–6:30PM
Monday 10:30AM–9PM
Tuesday 10:30AM–9PM
Wednesday 3–9PM
Thursday 10:30AM–9PM
Friday 10:30AM–9PM
街 : Tokyo

Kamishakujii, Nerima City, 〒177-0044 Tokyo,Japan
石田道子 on Google

Beginning with the pain in my fifty shoulders that I couldn't sleep deeply, Dr. Aoyagi consulted me from the treatment of low back pain to pelvic and pelvic surgery. One-on-one and reservation-oriented preferences are becoming mysterious while receiving proper advice and stretching tasks.
naoki akimoto on Google

月に2回程通っています。 自分では、わかりませんでしたが、歩く姿が 前のめりで、首が下を向いていると言われ、施術に行く事になりました。 回を重ねるごとに姿勢が良くなるのがわかり、腰痛も良くなり、また体の事について色々説明してくださるので心強いです。
I go there twice a month. I didn't understand it myself At the front, I was told that my neck was facing down, so I decided to go to surgery. It is encouraging to see that the posture improves with each repetition, the back pain also improves, and he / she explains various things about the body.
M Inoue on Google

I had been suffering from low back pain and stiff shoulders from my stoop for many years, and I was walking around various osteopaths. Aoyagi-san's treatment was not only for manipulative treatment, but also he was repeatedly taught about the exercises and care that he can do on his own.
花井一世 on Google

He / she listens to pain situation and state of life so far and cares for body. He will explain the current physical situation while performing the treatment, and finally will teach you how to use the body in life and how to exercise and maintain easily. The appointment system allows you to be treated without worrying about others, so you can be very relaxed. I think a careful treatment is good.
ネコチャン on Google

2週間に1回猫背矯正をしに通っています。 適切なアドバイスと、どれだけ良くなったか写真を撮ってくださり、日々の励みになります。 あまり意識しなくても普段から良い姿勢を保つことができるようになり、とても感謝しております! これからもよろしくお願いいたします!!
I go to straighten my stoop once every two weeks. Appropriate advice and taking pictures of how much better it is will be a daily encouragement. I am very grateful that I have been able to maintain a good posture on a regular basis without being too conscious of it! We are looking forward to hearing from you! !!
土井ちゃんねる on Google

腰痛が1回の施術で痛みLv100からLv20位に! 腰痛が酷くネットで色々とゴッドハンド的な情報集めていたのですが、遠いと自分の性格上結局通院が億劫になると思い近所に切り替えて検索。 元々肩こりなども酷く、普段から色々なマッサージ、針灸、カイロ、整体に行きましたがその場だけ解消するのが当然で、今回はどれくらい持つかなぁ?っていうものだと思っていました。 過去にはかなり酷いので空いてる日は毎回来た方が良いですよ!とか言われる整体院もありましたし。 こちらは初めのカウンセリングからしっかり見て頂けて、こちらの腰痛以外にも思ってる事を見事に言い当ててくれて普段の立ち方の癖まで言い当てられました。 施術は張った筋肉を軽く解して関節の位置を軽く触って整えるだけ。 ベットから降りたら直ぐに前屈できるほどに痛みは軽減してました。 痛みがゼロになるとは言いませんが日常生活するのに困るレベルから通常の生活では違和感感じる動きあるから気を付けようって位までには1回で回復。 次回○○日に来てくださいって強制もなく、痛み出る前に違和感あれば来るようにして下さいね。って感じなので合う合わないもあるかと思いますがお悩みの方は1度相談に行くと良いかと思います。
Low back pain from one operation Lv100 to Lv20 place! I had a lot of back pain, and I was collecting various kinds of god-handed information online, but I thought that if I was far, I would end up having to go to the hospital because of my personality. Originally I had stiff shoulders and so I went to various massages, moxibustion, Cairo, and manipulative treatment from the usual times, but it is natural to eliminate it only on the spot, how long will I have this time? I thought that was something. It's so bad in the past that you should come every time you have a free day! There was also a manipulative treatment clinic. This was seen from the beginning of the counseling, and I was able to tell me what I was thinking other than this back pain, and even the usual habit of standing. All you have to do is lightly loosen the stretched muscles and lightly touch the joints to prepare them. The pain was reduced so that I could bend forward as soon as I got out of bed. Although I do not say that the pain will be zero, there is a movement that makes me feel uncomfortable in everyday life from the level where it is difficult to live in everyday life, so be careful and recover at least once. Please come on the next XX day without compulsion, and if you feel uncomfortable before you feel pain, please come. I think that there is something that does not fit, but I think if you are in trouble you should go to consult once.
カなまて on Google

猫背を治したいと思いここに通い始めました。 カウンセリングや施術がとても充実しており、またとても優しいコミュニケーションをとってくださり安心して通うことができます。 施術の効果に関してもかなりあり、周りの友人などから姿勢良くなったなと言われるようになりました! 院内もとてもきれいでリラックスできます!
I wanted to cure my stoop and started going here. The counseling and treatments are very fulfilling, and the friendly communication gives me a peace of mind. The effect of the treatment was quite good, and friends around me began to say that my posture had improved! The hospital is very beautiful and you can relax!
mii on Google

ずっと腰痛や猫背に悩まされていましたが、こちらに通い始めてから身体の調子がとても良いです! カウンセリングも施術もとても丁寧で的確なので毎回安心して施術を受けられますし、施術前後の写真を見て違いを比較できるので自分の目でも効果をわかりやすく実感できるのが良いです。 明るい店内と心地よい音楽でとてもリラックスできます。 これからもぜひお世話になりたい素敵な整体院さんです!
I've been suffering from backaches and stoops for a long time, but my physical condition has been very good since I started going here! The counseling and treatment are very careful and accurate, so you can be treated with peace of mind every time, and you can compare the differences before and after the treatment so that you can see the effect easily with your own eyes. The bright interior and the soothing music make you very relaxing. It is a wonderful manipulative clinic that I would like to continue to take care of!

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