デイリーヤマザキ 高崎上大類店

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact デイリーヤマザキ 高崎上大類店

住所 :

Kamioruimachi, Takasaki, 〒370-0031 Gunma,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Webサイト : http://www.daily-yamazaki.jp/index.html
街 : Gunma

Kamioruimachi, Takasaki, 〒370-0031 Gunma,Japan
TOMOYO .A on Google

Recently, paypay has also become available.
Donald Kentucky on Google

We also sell freshly baked bread, which is a bit different from Seven, FamilyMart, and Lawson.
NAME NO on Google

The customer service of the female clerk was good
萩原喜弘 on Google

I haven't been there recently, so I don't remember much, but I've heard every Friday that fried foods are for sale. To be honest, it's hard to say whether it's just a hook or just a jumble, but I guess you're desperate to increase your sales by one yen. As only one store was closed in Takasaki City, I want to eat somehow and do my best.
なぽ on Google

何年か前にリニューアルしてキレイになりましたね。 個人的意見ですが、家族経営なのでしょうか? アットホームな感じのデイリー
It was renewed a few years ago and became beautiful. In my opinion, is it a family business? A homely feeling daily
Sato on Google

高崎、前橋地区では貴重になってしまったデイリーヤマザキ。 個人的に揚げまんじゅうが美味しいと思う。 春のパンまつり参戦者だが 弁当やおにぎりや和菓子にも祭りポイントがつくので、スーパーの山パンに飽きた時によく利用する。
Daily Yamazaki has become valuable in the Takasaki and Maebashi areas. I personally think that fried buns are delicious. Although it is a participant in the Spring Bread Festival Lunch boxes, rice balls, and Japanese sweets also have festival points, so I often use them when I'm tired of supermarket bread.
ムラサメ on Google

ほぼ毎日立寄らせてもらってます。ディリーと言えば焼きたてのパン。大手コンビニにはない特長があって良い! 駐車場もそこそこ広く車が停め易く便利だが、駐車場が広めの角地のせいか、勢いよく突っ込んで来てショートカットで通り抜けしてくる輩が多く危険な思いをすることもあるのが残念。 実際に私も危ない思いをしたことが何度かあります。 特に毎朝のように現れる黒のシビックタイプRは通り抜けの常習犯なので注意。この様な非常識な行為は同じホンダ好きでありスポーツカー好きの私にとって許せない行為。(一応ナンバーにモザイクはかけましたが、今後も通り抜けをやめない場合、店のオーナーに通報します)
I stopped by almost every day. Speaking of Dilly, fresh bread. There may be features not found in major convenience stores! The parking lot is reasonably wide and easy to park, but it is unfortunate that there are many people who come in with a short cut and go through with a shortcut because of the wide parking lot. There are a few times when I actually felt dangerous. In particular, the black Civic Type R that appears every morning is a habitual offender. Such an insane act is an unforgivable act for me who likes the same Honda and likes sports cars. (Mosaic was applied to the number once, but if you do not stop passing through in the future, we will notify the store owner)
今泉裕子 on Google

このコンビニエンスストアは、店舗内でパンを作っているので美味しいパンを買って食べられます。 後、他のコンビニエンスストアでは取り扱って無いショートピースを取り扱っているので、タバコ屋が近所に無い私にとってはなくなって欲しくないお店です。
This convenience store makes bread in the store, so you can buy and eat delicious bread. Later, I sell short pieces that are not available at other convenience stores, so I don't want them to disappear because I don't have a tobacco shop in my neighborhood.

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