
4.8/5 に基づく 5 レビュー

Contact 光峰カイロ治療院

住所 :

Kaminarabumachi, Kanuma, 〒322-0522 Tochigi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89887
Webサイト : https://www.tochinavi.net/spot/home/%3Fid%3D14508
街 : Tochigi

Kaminarabumachi, Kanuma, 〒322-0522 Tochigi,Japan
あんじょうさちこ on Google

鈴木正人 on Google

I often go there. I realize that it is effective not only when my body hurts, but also when I feel sick.
Masaharu Yoshiki on Google

From the shoulder blade to the left arm, I was hit by unknown pain. I could not get pain even with massage of muscles and muscles. I came by introducing my acquaintance. Initially it was half-trusting, but it was refreshing as it was merely 30 to 40 minutes of treatment. The pain has gone. The story of the teacher is also interesting and the pain so far seems to be a lie. There are also some reviews that access is bad, but if there are teachers who cure it, this is nothing. It is a hiding place like a rush hour temple like emergency.
マルディーニアレサンドロ on Google

整骨院や病院などに行っても改善されない身体の痛みや不調を治してもらう事ができました。 カイロプラクティックですが、バキボキされる事もなく、治療後には痛みが消えました。 身体全体を整えてもらえますので、痛みだけでなく、体調もよくなり活力のある生活ができるようになりました。 先生もとても気さくで話しやすいです。 不思議な体験ができました。とてもオススメです。
I was able to heal the pain and disorder of the body which is not improved even if I go to the osteopathic clinic or hospital. Although it is chiropractic, it has not been thrusted, and the pain disappeared after treatment. Since you can arrange the whole body, you can improve your physical condition as well as pain, and you will be able to live a vigorous life. The teacher is also very friendly and easy to talk. I was able to experience mysterious experiences. It is very recommended.
a “peace” t on Google

酷い頭痛や肩こり、骨盤のズレが酷く 通っている常連です。 薬に頼りたく無い時、リフレッシュしたい時、 元気が出ない時、先生に見てもらい 1時間もしない施術で、身体も心も軽くなります。 先生に 氣(気) エネルギーを入れてもらう事があるのですが、本当に不思議と元気になり やる気もでます。 定期的に通う事に意味があると思っているので これからも通います。 先生は自分で出来る簡単なストレッチや身体の動きなども教えてくれます。 身体の不調に悩んでいる方は試してみる価値あると思います。
Severe headaches, stiff shoulders, and pelvic displacement I am a regular customer. When you don't want to rely on medicine, when you want to refresh Ask your teacher to see you when you're not feeling well The treatment takes less than an hour and makes your body and mind lighter. To the teacher Ki (Qi) I sometimes get energy, but it really makes me feel better. I am motivated. I think it makes sense to go regularly I will continue to attend. The teacher will also teach you simple stretches and body movements that you can do yourself. If you are suffering from physical problems, it is worth trying.

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