Kamimura Clinic Urology and Internal Medicine - Goshogawara

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kamimura Clinic Urology and Internal Medicine

住所 :

5 Chome-119-1 Central, Goshogawara, Aomori 037-0036, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 037-0036
Webサイト : http://www.kamimura-uro.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–1PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–6PM
Tuesday 9AM–6PM
Wednesday 9AM–6PM
Thursday 9AM–1PM
Friday 9AM–6PM

5 Chome-119-1 Central, Goshogawara, Aomori 037-0036, Japan
Takayuki Oota on Google

ネット予約で待ち時間が少ないと言われて行ったけど、混雑してかなり待たされた。 支払が現金のみ。 やたらハイテク風なことをしてるみたいだけど、今どき現金払いオンリーとは・・・ 先生は、とても話しやすく丁寧で親身に話してくれます。 受付会計の対応は、横柄に感じました。
そみな on Google

Arlequin s on Google

よしちゃん on Google

Perhaps because it is a reservation system, there are only a few people waiting, so you can see without waiting too much.

The inside of the hospital was clean, and the teachers, nurses, and clerical workers were very helpful. The teacher gave an easy-to-understand explanation. I think it's good because you can make a reservation without waiting.
まんたろー on Google

先生も看護師さんもみんな優しくて、とてもいい病院でした☆ 初診からネット予約できるので便利です。
The teachers and nurses were all kind and it was a very nice hospital ☆ It is convenient because you can make an online reservation from the first visit.
つがるのあらいぶ on Google

院内も綺麗で、先生もスタッフも親切です。 ただ、残念ながら生活改善等の具体的なアドバイスもないので、延々通うことになり、最終的には紹介状を渡されて総合病院に回されました。 同じ診療内容では、他より少し高いです。
The hospital is clean and the teachers and staff are kind. However, unfortunately, I didn't have any specific advice on how to improve my life, so I had to go to the hospital endlessly, and eventually I was given a letter of introduction and sent to a general hospital. The same medical treatment is a little higher than the others.
中山一三 on Google

初診でもweb予約ができてとても便利です。問診票も事前にダウンロードできて家で記入できる。 建物もとても綺麗で衛生的です。残念なのはスリッパはちょつと? スタッフはとても親切です。 先生は優しく分かりやすく説明してくれます。画像診断も素早くやってもらい説明してくれます。スキルがとても高いです。 カルテは電子カルテでレントゲンやエコーも電子化しています。信頼できるクリニックです。
It is very convenient to make a web reservation even for the first visit. You can also download the questionnaire in advance and fill it out at home. The building is also very clean and hygienic. What's unfortunate is the slippers? The staff are very kind. The teacher will explain it in a gentle and easy-to-understand manner. He / she will explain the image diagnosis quickly. The skill is very high. The medical record is an electronic medical record, and X-rays and echoes are also digitized. It is a reliable clinic.

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